Aggressive Refrain?
A few days ago I was using Aggressive Refrain, and I noticed that if i used a condition remover cracked armor didnt come back, did it secretly get buffed or was it always like this? because normally lots of times it came back, so im not too sure, please correct me please.
It comes back whenever AR gets renewed (whenever a shout/chant ends on you).
Mary Maiden
if ur secondary is a necro bring plauge signet, and transfer the cracked armor to your enemy. also u want some major runes to reduce hp if ur running it to make it more affective or is that another skill i'm thinking of???
street peddler
Originally Posted by Mary Maiden
if ur secondary is a necro bring plauge signet, and transfer the cracked armor to your enemy. also u want some major runes to reduce hp if ur running it to make it more affective or is that another skill i'm thinking of???
paragons can live with cracked armor. dont waste your secondary just for that, keep your warrior secondary and keep being imba.
It would appear that way if you were using [skill]Purifying Finale[/skill] as your condition remover.