Fiery place in Kourna
Tender Wolf
Okay I saw someone's mesmer posed (for one of the contests, wishing them good luck) in front of a Kournan place that was on fire. And I know it was Kournan because I recognize those long tee-pee like houses. But I can't find the picture, plus I have no idea where that is (maybe it's not Kourna but it's somewhere in Elona). If someone could please send me some pics of places like that and tell me where they are I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Sure you don't mean Sacnoth Valley in EotN?
It might be the fort in the Dejarin Estate after it's been breached in the mission or in the explorable area where it's already on fire. I'll see if I can log in and grab a shot in a bit, I vanquished it earlier so it's fresh in my mind, lol.
Could be Chahbek as well though.
Could be Chahbek as well though.
Tender Wolf
Yes! Found the pic I was referring to! And another one similar. hehe They were actually from Tyria's Next Top Supertar.
That's the image that was in my head.
That's the image that was in my head.
Ok, well yeh that's Chahbek Village then.
Pff I just killed my ele grabbing that fort screenie.
Pff I just killed my ele grabbing that fort screenie.
Tender Wolf
Originally Posted by Saraphim
Ok, well yeh that's Chahbek Village then.
Pff I just killed my ele grabbing that fort screenie. Oh God I'm sorry! *looks up the fort anyway* I always love screenies. lol
Pff I just killed my ele grabbing that fort screenie. Oh God I'm sorry! *looks up the fort anyway* I always love screenies. lol
Lol, don't worry. She busted her Survivor title before it was even dreamt up, about 22 months ago.