[LMF] - Lazy Mo-Fo's


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2007


LMF started out as a small FPS community but we are now looking to expand into different online games to add to our community.

We are looking for:
A team leader/founder that can recruit and manage officers to build a GW community for LMF. This person would be a part of senior management and would be responsible for player management. Preferably, anyone who has leadership/officer experience would be ideal and someone who is mature is needed.

If you like a challenge and want to lead the show, let us know and help LMF become a great community where friends can come and game together.

What we can offer you:
We can give you a good level of support to help build the community. We have:
A great and powerful website http://www.lmfclan.com/lmf
A great online/IRC chat feature
50 slot Teamspeak server for voice communication

There are some other perks so if you are interested let us know at: [email protected]

Feel free to contact us anytime for a prompt response if you have any questions.