Main Character choice for Hall of Monuments.
Chik N Nuggets
Lady Raenef
My warrior. Screw my other two characters, she's the only one that matters on my account.
I was building various titles across various characters like treasure hunter/wisdom on my war, drunkard on my necro etc but when HoM came around (actually the news alone) I switched all to my first, main char: my hot (literally) ele from prophecies.
Hmmm Well, several of them actually, to a point (no destroyer weapons for anyone yet). I farm hero armor upgrades so all 5 characters have heroes. Each has one set of elite armor and a mini pet or two. And whatever titles they've earned.
But primarily my necro. Why? She's my oldest character and most versatile. She had more titles (protector of tyria, etc etc). And she's just plain cool!
But primarily my necro. Why? She's my oldest character and most versatile. She had more titles (protector of tyria, etc etc). And she's just plain cool!
My mesmer was my only RP character before Factions, so when I realized there were titles in the game she already had made decent progress on Protector, Cartographer, Skill Hunter, and Drunkard. I've since tried to max her titles, but if I do nothing but title grind the game gets boring. 
My new favorite character is my paragon. I realized the other day he was getting close to Legendary Survivor so I decided that if he can make it I will reward him by getting full FoW. My monk has the most XP after all the farming I've done, but she has little aside from multiple sets of armor.
I don't know what rewards HoM will give me in GW2, but I am curious to play the new game whenever it will be ready and I don't care too much if all (or even one) of my Halls are filled.

My new favorite character is my paragon. I realized the other day he was getting close to Legendary Survivor so I decided that if he can make it I will reward him by getting full FoW. My monk has the most XP after all the farming I've done, but she has little aside from multiple sets of armor.
I don't know what rewards HoM will give me in GW2, but I am curious to play the new game whenever it will be ready and I don't care too much if all (or even one) of my Halls are filled.
W/ My main profession since beta..
My NF necro. I made her my primary char & title hunter and got her Vabbian armor before GW:EN, so she was the natural choice for my main HoM character as well. She's the only one I plan to get close to a complete HoM, but she's still got a good ways to go.
Most if not all of my other characters either have or will probably get incomplete HoM's at some point, since many already have some maxed titles, "elite" armor, etc., or I'm working on them now. TBH, I haven't decided which character will take priority after my necro, especially since I don't expect to "finish" her titles & such for several months.
Most if not all of my other characters either have or will probably get incomplete HoM's at some point, since many already have some maxed titles, "elite" armor, etc., or I'm working on them now. TBH, I haven't decided which character will take priority after my necro, especially since I don't expect to "finish" her titles & such for several months.
NEcro ofc my oldest and best char And most beautiful :F
Warrior cuz stonefist gauntlets ownzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ritualist. The only character I've been playing since I drastically cut back my playing time.
mortis corpus
my necro first character ever made and the one i have the most fun with
my monk because it was my main
Originally Posted by Sanji
Let's just say...I don't exactly want to get 35 sets of prestige armor, 140 miniatures, etc etc.
So I thought I'd ask everyone here, what Profession did you decide to trick out your Hall of Monuments with and why? |
- Don't turn play into work
I chose mesmer because he is my first character and has several titles. If you plan on acquiring titles that involve grouping with other people, you'll have easier time with unholy trinity professions.
My elementalist Has alway been my favourite, not to mention the oldest, most elite armours and potential maxed titles. So it was a pretty clear choice, I still have a far way to go on my HoM though.
Aera Lure
I chose my monk. She had started to become my primary character around the time of Factions, having returned to the character after a long hiatus. When titles came about, she was the logical choice I thought for anything called "Protector", so she was the first to go get those titles. She simply remained my primary character after that. Once the HoM came about and she had the highest number of titles, it then just made the most sense to also have her be the one going for the most number of titles. I really couldnt do that on multiple characters.
All that said, I simply love my monk the most.
All that said, I simply love my monk the most.
I chose my Elementalist because it is the only character I play a lot. It also could have been a ranger but I decided to focus on one character a long time ago.
I pwnd U
My warrior because he was my first character and he has the most stuff armor wise and everything.

My Ritualist.
Been playing him since faction came out. But I have to recreate him on October 2007 simply to get LS3 and start going for titles.
Been playing him since faction came out. But I have to recreate him on October 2007 simply to get LS3 and start going for titles.
I read this thing a while back where some dev said they were going to close off putting stuff in the HoM eventually. I really don't see the point of doing that since it still requires work to get stuff in there and it's not like the rewards will be cheapened if people achieve the stuff needed for them a year after GW2 comes out. Some of us work slowly.
If I had to say I was "focusing" on anyone, it would be my Necromancer, I guess. My first character and unlike my other Prophecies characters he's actually done stuff. Of course, his greatest achievement title-wise is Protector of Tyria, but I don't mind. Someday if I stop being lazy I'll get stuff done on my other characters too. My Assassin is the only other guy with some worthwhile stuff in there (campaign completions and an elite armor, bringing my total number of elite armor sets across all characters to a whopping two). I want to work towards some more achievements eventually, and my Necromancer's the one I'm slowly making progress with in that regard. However, there's a point where it's repetitive, tedious, and overall not fun, which is why I've been taking my time so that I can enjoy it. Getting Protector of Tyria a couple months ago was some of the best fun I've had in Guild Wars in a while (conversely, the decision to try Survivor on my Paragon was one of my worst, as I barely play him despite him having the coolest name ever and Nightfall being my favorite campaign). Basically, I'm not playing solely for Hall of Monuments, but it provides a slight incentive from time to time. And I really do want to play more than one class if I can.
Wow, I should probably stop writing my life story in every post or I'll never make the next forum level.
If I had to say I was "focusing" on anyone, it would be my Necromancer, I guess. My first character and unlike my other Prophecies characters he's actually done stuff. Of course, his greatest achievement title-wise is Protector of Tyria, but I don't mind. Someday if I stop being lazy I'll get stuff done on my other characters too. My Assassin is the only other guy with some worthwhile stuff in there (campaign completions and an elite armor, bringing my total number of elite armor sets across all characters to a whopping two). I want to work towards some more achievements eventually, and my Necromancer's the one I'm slowly making progress with in that regard. However, there's a point where it's repetitive, tedious, and overall not fun, which is why I've been taking my time so that I can enjoy it. Getting Protector of Tyria a couple months ago was some of the best fun I've had in Guild Wars in a while (conversely, the decision to try Survivor on my Paragon was one of my worst, as I barely play him despite him having the coolest name ever and Nightfall being my favorite campaign). Basically, I'm not playing solely for Hall of Monuments, but it provides a slight incentive from time to time. And I really do want to play more than one class if I can.
Wow, I should probably stop writing my life story in every post or I'll never make the next forum level.
Originally Posted by Sanji
.... what Profession did you decide to trick out your Hall of Monuments with and why?
With 2 years playing, I am still not sure about; anyway I am "trying" to make titles with a Warrior.
My sin ..
45M XP, all my titles are on it, nearly all my 'high-end' weapons & armors are on it. Actually it's the only character I still play nowadays
45M XP, all my titles are on it, nearly all my 'high-end' weapons & armors are on it. Actually it's the only character I still play nowadays
the Puppeteer
ele - enjoying most when playing
I have the most fun with my Paragon so I finished it with her.
Olim Chill
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
My necro. Most played, most titles earned.
Calen The Civl
Ritualist; she has the most titles on her, and I enjoy her flexibility. Its often a pain to get hm titles, however, since I have to h\h everything. Ritualists do have problems getting into human hm groups when they do appear.
Ranger. Main character since around August of 2005, PKM, and most of my rare/expensive weapons and armors.
Definitely my Dervish
. Although he was the last profession that I've gotten into lately, I love playing him a ton, and he's the only profession that I actually like playing in PvE in ton. I just PvP with the rest.
What's strange though is that I'm probably one of the few people who are satisfied with Sunspear armor... I just like something that looks organized, rather than spikes jutting out everywhere *looks toward sins
*. Plus, it saves money for me
. And of course, when it comes to weapons, the BMP weapons are AWESOME to me. I just equip them with the mods that I want (Zealous Mursaat Scythe of Enchanting with 14/50, although I'm working towards 15% while enchanted just to achieve perfection).
Also to Yawgmoth, some people such as myself like suiting out only one of their characters in preparation for the event. For me, it makes decisions easier on who to play on when I'm online. Plus, it finally gives me a goal to work for in PvE. Not that I'm going to grind or anything, but whenever I PvE'd, it was out of boredom or that I was wanting to reach a certain area to try something.
EDIT: Dang. I just tried putting Sunspear Armor in it and found that it only accepts Elite Armor =P. It also only accepts Destroyer weapons >_<. Oh well, I still like the design of Asura Armor a ton and the Destroyer Scythe is also pretty good looking (although still not as good as my Mursaat Scythe =D.
What's strange though is that I'm probably one of the few people who are satisfied with Sunspear armor... I just like something that looks organized, rather than spikes jutting out everywhere *looks toward sins

Also to Yawgmoth, some people such as myself like suiting out only one of their characters in preparation for the event. For me, it makes decisions easier on who to play on when I'm online. Plus, it finally gives me a goal to work for in PvE. Not that I'm going to grind or anything, but whenever I PvE'd, it was out of boredom or that I was wanting to reach a certain area to try something.
EDIT: Dang. I just tried putting Sunspear Armor in it and found that it only accepts Elite Armor =P. It also only accepts Destroyer weapons >_<. Oh well, I still like the design of Asura Armor a ton and the Destroyer Scythe is also pretty good looking (although still not as good as my Mursaat Scythe =D.
Originally Posted by Sawamura
My sin ..
45M XP, all my titles are on it, nearly all my 'high-end' weapons & armors are on it. Actually it's the only character I still play nowadays |
Anyway, on topic: I'm still in the progress of finding a character fun enough to devote my time on, even after nearly 2 years of playing. Tried almost everything, and got bored of everything. The only thing I haven't seriously tried yet is an ele, but their armors are so ugly

Yang Whirlwind
My Ele! - FoW armor looks ok (even though he's male)
Have 14 maxed titles on him, lots of rare mini's, FoW and UW trophies, loads of pimped Heroes,- and I'll keep adding until GWII arrives!
Have 14 maxed titles on him, lots of rare mini's, FoW and UW trophies, loads of pimped Heroes,- and I'll keep adding until GWII arrives!
my rit! back up is my dervish.
and if the sylvari are as great as i think they will be then my rit will move that goodness to that in gw2 =]
and if the sylvari are as great as i think they will be then my rit will move that goodness to that in gw2 =]
My HoM is kitted out for my Elementalist. Same reasons as a lot of people: First character, most loved character, and the only character I can be bothered to play Hard Mode with. Also, out of all the characters I have, my Ele's name will be the first one to live on in GW:2, assuming I decide to play it.
My Necro Vala. Though my Ranger and Mesmer will have decent halls too. Vala has the most titles already and so it will be easier to get maxed titles on her. Honestly, she's the only toon I have that's capable of easily grinding out achievements. *lol* In a week of steady playing I can have SS and LB maxed and protector of all 3 continents. But I get interrupted alot so it will likely take twice as long. I should have those titles already but I spend more time chatting than actually playing GW these days.
Chrono Re delle Ere
Warrior \../.
My first char was a female ele, played it for 1 month and then erased it and made the warrior. I have all titles on him and all high end armor/weps. Furthermor, it's the only class I really enjoy playing with.
My first char was a female ele, played it for 1 month and then erased it and made the warrior. I have all titles on him and all high end armor/weps. Furthermor, it's the only class I really enjoy playing with.
Miss Puddles
ranger just because i already had a bunch of titles on her. my mesmer is still my favorite character though and i'm starting to rack up some titles and armor on her, so who knows.
Tender Wolf
I put my ranger in there, because she's my main character, has the most titles (Kind of a Big Deal among them), the most sets of elite armor, and she's also my favorite. And the only one that's beaten all 3 campaigns. 
But all my characters that have either elite armor, have beaten a campaign, or have a hero with upgraded armor, I also put them in there.
But all my characters that have either elite armor, have beaten a campaign, or have a hero with upgraded armor, I also put them in there.
rangers all the way!!! ftw!!
I've kinda been doing everyone but have been leaning more on my warrior.
It might not be the smartest choice, but it works for me.
It might not be the smartest choice, but it works for me.
My main.. Elementalist.. Miss Temptress. She has I think every wall set up.. regardless if it has anything on it. XD But yeah.. any other chars just get the armor wall.. :P
My Paragon.
Ever since the idea of the Paragon was announced to the public before Nightfall was introduced I liked the idea of the character. Made my paragon on the day Nightfall was released and has been my favorite character since!
Ever since the idea of the Paragon was announced to the public before Nightfall was introduced I liked the idea of the character. Made my paragon on the day Nightfall was released and has been my favorite character since!
My elementalist, favorite character to play.