I don't know if there is another topic on this, but I was thinking about all the misconceptions I had of Guild Wars before I started playing it.
I was wondering if anyone else had some too!
Here's some of mine. I'm glad I bought it though! I was so wrong.
1. When I heard that the game was instanced and players would meet up in an outpost, I pictured 1 outpost in the game and a bunch of explorable areas attached to it.
2. When I found out the cap was level 20 and that PvP started at lvl 20, I thought that the game was incredibly small and that once you hit level 20, only then could you PvP and it would get dull fast.
3. When I heard the game had henchmen in PvP to help, I thought "no way is a game dev going to do that! I wonder how much they will cost an hour to use?". I honestly thought you had to pay them and keep paying them to stay.
4. When I read that you could only have 8 skills on your bar I thought the PvP fights would be really shallow and the PvE zones would be really small because how on earth could 8 skills be enough to keep someone interested for long.
5. When I heard people talking about 15k armor and dyes on some forums, I thought that was the whole endgame once they hit level 20. Remember I still thought the game had 1 outpost and a bunch of areas attached to it. I thought you'd be level 20 after you finished all those areas, so there would be no more areas to explore for the endgame.
Pretty ignorant of me, but I wonder if I wasn't alone. If there are people out there who've never played Guild Wars and think the game is like that too.