The majority of female necromances are currently casting as though they were holding an object, even though they are not.
This is occurring:
1) Only on my desktop, my laptop is having no issue,
2) Only to female necromancers - I've had no issue with any other class or gender, and
3) Only with player characters, npcs don't seem to be affected.
This means when I play my necro she casts funny. When a guildie is playing a female necro, they cast funny. Livia and other hench are exempt from this issue.
I don't understand what is happening. I've re-imaged and re-installed and neither fixed the issue. It's almost like GW is taking the casting animation of a necro holding the scepter of Orr and applying it to all female necros rather than the proper casting animation.
It's not affecting the functionality of the game, but it more than just a little annoying.
Odd (Female) Necromancer Casting Issue
Lady Lozza