I'm a PC gamer, I frankly loathe console-style rpg's, but I will say this:
GW/GW2 would run just fine on any present-generation console, it'd increase the installed base, and one would not need to mess up the game mechanics to put console and PC gamers on even footing (unlike in FPS's).
Personally I see expanding to consoles as an obvious and natural step for MMORPG developers.
GW coming to the PS3?
Numa Pompilius
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
The PC I just got a day ago is more powerful than a PS3.
My computer runs Crysis maxed without skipping a beat and is still using only a small fraction of it's resources. Crytek specifically tested the 360 and the PS3 and determined that neither could handle Crysis as far as processing power and graphics power go. (And they lack the mouse and keyboard.) Therefore if the 360 and PS3 cannot run Crysis, and my PC can, then my PC is more powerful than either of them, which means PCs are better. Yes, it is a bleeding edge PC, but still it is a good example of the current available hardware. (Even if we ignore this, I compared the stats of a PS3's components to my computer's components and mine does outstrip the PS3. I also gain the benefits of a large TV by hooking up a 1080p samsung hdtv to my computer. My Logitech G7 wireless laser gaming mouse and Logitech G15 gaming keyboard far outstrip any controller in performance. My sound card is linked to a professional music speaker setup. Consoles have no edge at all on my rig.) And I'll say this on hardware difficulties: Handling a PC is not hard if you have a brain and basic education. For people who don't, or who were brought up without computers and never bothered to learn, I can see the problems. But getting a Red Ring Of Death on a 360 is going to screw you over no matter what you know. My point? Keep the games on PC, it's where they belong. |
PCs are graphically, superior to the PS3. They can perform a broader range of tasks as well. However, if you plan to downplay the Cell processor, that is foolish.
The Cell processor outclasses most small "Supercomputers" by itself. And it is a highly scalable processor. It can handle anything you can throw at, given proper programming technology.
And PS3 has a keyboard and mouse.. my G7 and G15 are hooked into my PS3 at different times. They are fully functional. If you want to compare PS3 to PC, here is a good PC equivalent to the PS3.
Processor: No such thing
GPU: 7900GTX Overclocked
512MB DDR2 1200MHz (still wouldn't cut it)
Soundcard: Um...you can't beat the Cell again, so, none.
A lot of console hater's here eh?
GW won't be ported to the PS3, however i'd be completely surprised if they didn't bring GW2 to the PS3.
New movement and control system, no montly fees, agreement with sony, optional KBM support for the ps3, open network, console players, etc.
There's a lot of reasons they'd bring it to the PS3, I for one can't wait.
GW won't be ported to the PS3, however i'd be completely surprised if they didn't bring GW2 to the PS3.
New movement and control system, no montly fees, agreement with sony, optional KBM support for the ps3, open network, console players, etc.
There's a lot of reasons they'd bring it to the PS3, I for one can't wait.
Originally Posted by WinterSnowblind
As for the blu-ray argument, I still don't buy it. Huge games like Oblivion, Crysis, Mass Effect, etc, all easily fit onto one single DVD. I don't see the point where we need a bigger disc format, especially with compression methods becoming more effective all the time.
Originally Posted by WinterSnowblind
Talk about beating a dead horse. A lot of people have had problems with their 360, but Microsoft have since completely replaced the parts used to make the machines, and every unit that does malfunction is replaced for free. Why don't we through in some jabs here about the Xbox console being too large, or the controller being too big while you're at it?
These problems are hardly uncommon for consoles either, if you remember back to the days of the Dreamcast and PS2 you may notice they had equally bad malfunction rates, if not worse. Nintendo are the only company I would ever trust to make 100% reliable products, and I believe the only reason the PS3 was able to avoid similar issues was due to the massive delay, to avoid directly competing with the launch of the 360 and Wii, where as Microsoft rushed their console out for Christmas, and while that may have resulted in these problems, it undoubedly gave them a massive advantage. |
Don't get me wrong though, i'm no PC hater and will continue to game on the PC albeit not as much as consoles.
The Ps3 project from NCsoft is gonna be a sci-fi MMO.
Only concept art is available atm and they are still hiring.
Only concept art is available atm and they are still hiring.
The Fox
Originally Posted by KanoBlade
So funny you should talk about failure rates, last time I checked the UT forums it seemed more people were trying to get the game running and trying to achieve acceptable framerates then actually discussing the game, on top of that PC games seem to ship with more and more bugs each year, it's almost as if the game actually is released a year later when they iron out some of the bugs.
I'm loving UT3 with a mouse and keyboard on my PS3. GW3 with a mouse and keyboard on my PS3 would give me a 52'' screen on a 1080P HDTV that's hooked up to a 5.1 Klipsch home theatre surround sound
Here's a good write up about the cell processor from Larry L on the UT forums.
Don't be fooled by what seems like a little bit of RAM on the PS3. The Cell processor is designed to not need as much RAM. It does applications RIGHT NOW, as apposed to cacheing things away in RAM to be done "later" so to speak. And not only does it (ps3) have RAM for backup anyway for developers that havn't figured out how to not need it. Each core of the processor actually has some of it's own Ram as well for running it's own seperate applications. Noone ever seems to talk about that extra RAM for each core of the Cell. The editor could certainly be run on the PS3. It would just have to be designed specifically for it. Guess what. That's never gonna happen. It's not worth it. That would cost alot to develop for. It would basically be creating a whole new Unreal Engine to run on the PS3. While that is a thought that makes me salivate due to the possibilities, it would not be economic at all. Cell processors are basically brand new technology that is making it's first appearance on PS3. With a couple years, if the plan works out, the Cell processor will be the industry standard, like intel or AMD is now. If you don't believe the Cell is an incredible piece of technology, you are mis, or disinformed. And need only to look at the work being done at [email protected] This has been running for years on PCs all over the world. And the amount of work done by all those PCs in all those years was done twice over in less than 8 months by just the PS3's that had owners that decided to chip in their PS3's processing power when they weren't using it. If it becomes standard in PCs though, programmers are going to have to start thinking a little bit differently. Because of exactly what I was talking about before. When properly being developed for, the Cell processor has no need for RAM. It's THAT fast. And this is only with the current 3.2 Ghz main processor with back-up 333mhz processors. You know those specs are going to go up in time just like regular processors. The potential in the Cell processor is pretty amazing. But people want proof first. And that is what the PS3 is. Watch the games that come out a year, 2 years from now. The performance will be to great to be ignored by the industry. But. Will it be used to it's potential? That will be what tells the tale. Are developers going to be willing to learn it within a year or two from now? Some devs aren't trying, and sometimes avoiding learning the Cell.....like Valve and EA. Other devs are already singing it's praises. Time will tell.
Basically, Anet will make more $ if they sell to more people which will give them more $ to support future expansions/mini-chapters. You guys should all be excited about the prospect of having your beloved game loved by more people.

im telling ya if gw comes to the ps3 anet will probably become more popular and pretty much freaking stinking filthy dirty rich!!!
as long as ncsoft pays for the packaging and shipping.
anet will make more money because alot of people just like buying any random game they are impressed by at the store chances are someone will notice gw.
as long as they just dont copy the pc version and put it into the ps3 they need to make an entire new story that is single player based.
as long as ncsoft pays for the packaging and shipping.
anet will make more money because alot of people just like buying any random game they are impressed by at the store chances are someone will notice gw.
as long as they just dont copy the pc version and put it into the ps3 they need to make an entire new story that is single player based.
Originally Posted by Odinius
The Ps3 project from NCsoft is gonna be a sci-fi MMO.
Only concept art is available atm and they are still hiring. [url]http://www.ripten.com/2008/01/09/ncsoft-making-sci-fi-mmo-for-the-ps3/[/ url] |
Making games for the ps3
I am not amused
you make a good game on the wii you get respect and money
You make a good game on the ps3 you make money
and probably not as much
I am not amused
you make a good game on the wii you get respect and money
You make a good game on the ps3 you make money
and probably not as much
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by ensoriki
Making games for the ps3
I am not amused you make a good game on the wii you get respect and money You make a good game on the ps3 you make money and probably not as much |
The PS3 is selling very very well right now, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are full of it. The PS3 will end up on top just as the PS2 did. Sony is also winning/has already won the format war (Blu Ray vs HDDVD), so another +1 for PS3. 6 months ago, I didn't really care much for my PS3. Now? Hell, I love it. An MMO from NCSoft will only strengthen the PS3 online community, which is getting better each day. @Home is going to do wonders for the PS3, just watch.
If you want to hate on the PS3, fine... at least it won't red ring on you...