Your thoughts on hard mode
Tender Wolf
I did use the search feature and didn't see anything like this (just people talking about missions they couldn't get through and such), so if I missed it, I'm sorry, go ahead and close this.
Pretty self-explanatory, I was just wondering what everyone thought of hard mode. I don't mind it when I'm farming for Sunspear and Lightbringer points, because I can be a wurm. But other than that, I hate it. Too many mobs grouped close together, so much aggro, insta-kills, etc. And if the whole party dies at -60dp you have to start all over. Locked chests are okay but to me they suck - always break the pick on a purple. Tomes are good and gold drops but they're rare, hardly worth the effort for me. What does everyone else think?
Pretty self-explanatory, I was just wondering what everyone thought of hard mode. I don't mind it when I'm farming for Sunspear and Lightbringer points, because I can be a wurm. But other than that, I hate it. Too many mobs grouped close together, so much aggro, insta-kills, etc. And if the whole party dies at -60dp you have to start all over. Locked chests are okay but to me they suck - always break the pick on a purple. Tomes are good and gold drops but they're rare, hardly worth the effort for me. What does everyone else think?
If it wasn't for hard mode i wouldn' bother with PvE at all anymore, tbh i find it hard to understand how people can enjoy NM.
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
Locked chests are okay but to me they suck - always break the pick on a purple.
You've just described the sum total of my experiences with lockpicks, LOL! I have the worst luck in everything.
Throwing platinums down the toilet to buy a purple and a 1-use, insta-break, lockpick hasn't proven very cost-effective for me.

+1 on that, i m back on gw for HM play as well
you can get a bunch of tips about missions in explorer sections
you can get a bunch of tips about missions in explorer sections

HM is a waste of time. The story doesn't change so there's little point playing through again, the rewards are dull and a good team can still breeze through it. More damage and more hp? Yeah. So much harder.
Chicken Ftw
Personally, I wish they'd given the AI a boost and more competent skillbars, making them work more like a team, etc, instead of dumb buffs, but meh. Easily defeated, idiotic opponents having more health/armor and hitting a little harder seems to be the way to go to make things "hard" (HG:L Elite mode, GW Hard Mode, pretty much any recent game with difficulty levels).
Read my recent posts on Golds and Vanquishing areas. The current drops stink!!!
HM was for the players that got bored playing NM while reading a magazine. You should play HM for the enjoyment of it, not for the rewards.
If HM isn't more fun because of its increased difficulty then NM is your game.
If HM isn't more fun because of its increased difficulty then NM is your game.
HM is easy with a decent guild team. Me and my team (with the help of consumables) did gate of madness HM in 25 minutes. Would have been maybe 40 without, but still easy. I do it for the titles, for the GW2 rewards and for the easy nonrepetitive dough.
just gotta say, after Legendary Vanquisher, Legendary Guardian, and Legendary Master of the North, I'm through with HM, unless it's for farming or helping a guildie/alliance friend out.
Ursan and EOTN consumables made the most difficult areas breezes. I'd just suggest, always bring a few EOTN consumables and candy buffs, because if you get 2 fast party wipes near the end of a vanq, it can get awfully dicey.
Ursan and EOTN consumables made the most difficult areas breezes. I'd just suggest, always bring a few EOTN consumables and candy buffs, because if you get 2 fast party wipes near the end of a vanq, it can get awfully dicey.
Hard Mode could've been great, instead they gave enemies an Essence of Celerity and 20 in their attributes. Afterall bigger numbers in a skill based game is always the best way to make the game better.
Very True, It took me way too long to do Jako's Domain. Powerstones of Courage FTW!!!
Chicken Ftw
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Hard Mode could've been great, instead they gave enemies an Essence of Celerity and 20 in their attributes. Afterall bigger numbers in a skill based game is always the best way to make the game better.
Zeek Aran
I think I'd be a PvPer by now if it weren't for HM.
Agreed with above posts about how it's disappointingly easy. I made a thread about how it could be improved/should have been a while ago.
Agreed with above posts about how it's disappointingly easy. I made a thread about how it could be improved/should have been a while ago.
HM had deccent rewards until the loot was scaled back a bunch. Basically, the problem is the following things
1) Rather then increase the difficultly of the mobs by creating challenging skills bars on the enemies, just increased the monsters level and gave everybody perminant speed boasts. That was exactly what people on the forums DIDN'T want to do when they announced HM would be coming.
2) It is generally not popular so its hard to find a good HM guild and impossible to find a competient pug (an oxymoron I know).
3) If you CAN find a group, its probablly some Ursanway/Consumable dependent build.
4) Everybody who has an interest in doing HM... has done it already. HM has stoped being the "in" thing to do. People who want to vanquish have done it. People who want Guardian have it.
1) Rather then increase the difficultly of the mobs by creating challenging skills bars on the enemies, just increased the monsters level and gave everybody perminant speed boasts. That was exactly what people on the forums DIDN'T want to do when they announced HM would be coming.
2) It is generally not popular so its hard to find a good HM guild and impossible to find a competient pug (an oxymoron I know).
3) If you CAN find a group, its probablly some Ursanway/Consumable dependent build.
4) Everybody who has an interest in doing HM... has done it already. HM has stoped being the "in" thing to do. People who want to vanquish have done it. People who want Guardian have it.
Marty Silverblade
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Hard Mode could've been great, instead they gave enemies an Essence of Celerity and 20 in their attributes. Afterall bigger numbers in a skill based game is always the best way to make the game better.
Hard Mode has its place. For me, it's second life for my Necromancer, and something all my lesser-experienced characters can enjoy in due time. Yes, my Lockpick break rate is exponential (was doing GW:EN NM earlier today, broke with purps twice), but the random cash I get from Vanquishing, Guardianing, etc. is more than enough to keep me coming. Blame it on my total dislike of farming in nearly any form.
Chicken Ftw
Originally Posted by Zeek Aran
I think I'd be a PvPer by now if it weren't for HM.
I kid, I kid. You made that too easy.
Zeek Aran
Originally Posted by Chicken Ftw
Thank God for HM.
I kid, I kid. You made that too easy. |
Fixed for honesty =O
I pwnd U
HM is the only reason I even bother with PvE anymore. Seems to be the general consesus though. It is easy to roll through with a good team but still makes it more fun. Vanquishing is nice also, getting a few extra plat for clearing a zone.
Hmm...i play PvP mostly but in PvE hard mode makes me smile
Hard mode is terrible. They said it would have smarter AI and better builds for enemies. Unfortunately, they made no changes to the AI (just later dumbed down the AOE response of enemy AI in nm) and the only different skills are adding elite skills to enemies that didn't have them. Plus, the enemies just attack faster, hit harder, and have more HP. Just another typical lazy way of making a game harder.
As far as the spirit of this game goes (its co-op aspect), it fails even more. Just looking at towns, you can't find anybody to do things in hm. Seriously, whatever happened to "encouraging co-op" when you have next to nobody doing hm? Even within my alliance I don't see too many people interested in doing hm, leaving me to once again go on a borefest playing all by myself.....
While I can accept that hard mode shouldn't be for everybody, this game's main attraction is its co-op aspect. If I have to play by myself, then what's the point of hard mode? Across all 4 campaigns, I think I completed like 3 or 4 missions in hm with actual players... rest were alone.
As far as the spirit of this game goes (its co-op aspect), it fails even more. Just looking at towns, you can't find anybody to do things in hm. Seriously, whatever happened to "encouraging co-op" when you have next to nobody doing hm? Even within my alliance I don't see too many people interested in doing hm, leaving me to once again go on a borefest playing all by myself.....
While I can accept that hard mode shouldn't be for everybody, this game's main attraction is its co-op aspect. If I have to play by myself, then what's the point of hard mode? Across all 4 campaigns, I think I completed like 3 or 4 missions in hm with actual players... rest were alone.
Yeah like a lot of others I would have much prefered better AI, better enemy bars, better enemy groups etc
Rather than just making the numbers bigger.
If you had to face a proper group of enemies it would require you to counter them for example, not just punch them in the face and move on.
Rather than just making the numbers bigger.
If you had to face a proper group of enemies it would require you to counter them for example, not just punch them in the face and move on.
HM was implemented in a very retarded manner; however, if I'm going to play GW, I'm going to play HM (unless doing random phat lewtz runs in DoA). There's no reason to go back to NM anymore, when the "harder" version "rewards" me with generally better drops for the same amount of effort put in.
I only go into HM to farm. Once I beat Proph and Factions with my Ranger I will get Guardian and start Vanquishing. HM is pretty much the same as NM except with better drops. I like doing stuff in EoTN more than any of the campaigns. I have to actually think when I'm fighting! Of course one day it will be as dull as the other games but its great right now.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Hard Mode could've been great, instead they gave enemies an Essence of Celerity and 20 in their attributes. Afterall bigger numbers in a skill based game is always the best way to make the game better.
Shadowspawn X
Hard Mode was harder so I can't complain. Hard mode dungeons were a bear as well as Elonia for guardian and Tyria for vanquishing It was a decent add on to the game. Considering it was originally part of NF update and they expanded it throughout the whole game it was a nice freebee. Theres tons of players who can't handle HM so I don't think making the AI too smart would be good. More players than not can't handle the game as it is.
mazey vorstagg
HM is hard, but it's nicely hard. I really like it, it put challenge and replayability in PVE
For me HM was one of the single best updates in GW. But like some others stated, the implementation is a bit dumb at times.
I love hard mode, My arrow always deal less than 10 damage >..<
and 0 damage when I hit Kournan dervish >.>
and 0 damage when I hit Kournan dervish >.>
Harrier's haste
Originally Posted by pakhavit
I love hard mode, My arrow always deal less than 10 damage >..<
and 0 damage when I hit Kournan dervish >.> |

But yeah i agree with ya, HM is only good for Torment Farming, where you get like double gemstones(but they're old, no one cares about them anymore

I quite like HM.
Silly foe distribution of low areas - and they all of a sudden gain 20 more levels while still having the same stupid skill-bars - paradise!
My monk loves them outside of Bergen!
Ohh you mean for normal play?
You're joking right?
HM is live every other moronic concept of GW - it's there to be abused where abuse is possible. If the abuse is not possible - there is no reason to have anything to do with it.
Silly foe distribution of low areas - and they all of a sudden gain 20 more levels while still having the same stupid skill-bars - paradise!
My monk loves them outside of Bergen!
Ohh you mean for normal play?
You're joking right?
HM is live every other moronic concept of GW - it's there to be abused where abuse is possible. If the abuse is not possible - there is no reason to have anything to do with it.
I'm having fun doing things in hard mode. I'm a bit disappointed in the way they hit every enemy with the same brush - Boost primary attributes to X, Boost movement & attack speeds, etc. - because it created an imbalance in the difficulty level.
There are many areas where you can take a balanced group of H/H and have a good battle with one type of enemy mob in one spot, steamroll over a different mob type in another spot, and get waxed by a different type of mob in yet another (with no boss in sight).
Then again, that does make it a bit more challenging working out a party build that will work best in all situations an area will throw at you.
There are many areas where you can take a balanced group of H/H and have a good battle with one type of enemy mob in one spot, steamroll over a different mob type in another spot, and get waxed by a different type of mob in yet another (with no boss in sight).
Then again, that does make it a bit more challenging working out a party build that will work best in all situations an area will throw at you.
I find HM okay, but I'm vanquishing with H/H so consumables are a must-have. Watching them take a 453 damage spike from one hit of spirit rift because they're too stupid to move out of the way is just ....hilarious. But the blowback from Pain Inverter on that is even funnier.
Tender Wolf, if you're henching you're going to need consumables, which aren't really that expensive if your the sort of player who salvages mats a lot. I don't tend to bother with Essence of Celerity as I find it just burns too much energy with the reduced casting and recharge time, but Grail of Might and Armour of Salvation are your friends.

Tender Wolf, if you're henching you're going to need consumables, which aren't really that expensive if your the sort of player who salvages mats a lot. I don't tend to bother with Essence of Celerity as I find it just burns too much energy with the reduced casting and recharge time, but Grail of Might and Armour of Salvation are your friends.
Hard Mode's something new to do (regardless of how long it's been out now - if you haven't seen it, it's new to you). When I was starting to get sort of bored with Guild Wars not more than a few months ago when I finished my Protector of Tyria title, I randomly decided to see if I could take Hard Mode in Ettin's Back (not sure of my reasoning for the choice). Shortly after I got my first real vanquish here, I got addicted for a while. Of course, I had a fair amount of failures, the most annoying of which being my three hour excursion through The Scar only to get whooped by the last few centaurs (damn hydra!). I have to say, that experience was one of the best morale killers I have ever witnessed. For a guy who doesn't come up with super team h/h builds (or use UB, though I didn't pay much attention to that and in fact wasn't even aware of it while I was vanquishing), Hard Mode can turn out to be traumatizing when it leaves you with the feeling of an enormous amount of wasted time.
Even with a variation in areas and some good money/bounty farming/etc., stuff like that and the overall length of time it takes to make any progress in the titles can make it incredibly tedious. I advise taking a break every so often and playing Touhou.
Even with a variation in areas and some good money/bounty farming/etc., stuff like that and the overall length of time it takes to make any progress in the titles can make it incredibly tedious. I advise taking a break every so often and playing Touhou.
HM's a joke, with or without Ursan. I non UB'd Canthan Guardian in a day, yesterday with 2 friends easily mastered Dzagonur Bastion and Grand Court (4.5 minutes) both on first try.
All it takes is 2 decent players, and it's dmn easy then.
All it takes is 2 decent players, and it's dmn easy then.
I enjoy hard mode, it's good fun to do with a friend+heros and it adds some new life into gw. True, it could of been so much more as emphasised in Racthoh's post, but it's still enjoyable and gives nice titles+drops

Yah Pve in nm so booring without hm i wouldnt probly do any Pve Unless helping mates/guildies.
Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade
This is basically what alot of people find to be wrong with Hard Mode. Afterall, it's only harder because they buff things so that they're warped out of proportion with other things. Better AI would have been much better.
If they gave the enemies good bars then really, it would be the same as fighting HM EotN Stone Summit and Charr over and over again. And imagine the whining then
'omg the char firestorm uses aegis which makes my derv and war useless. the rangers also kill my casters so easily. nerf plz'
Parts of hard mode were really fun and the difficulty increase was very welcome. Other parts were just annoying (where loldamage becomes a factor). Overall it was a good addition to the game, though.