Graphic error: Male FoW helm
Jade Barbosa
Just an annoying error I get with the helm, If anyone gets the same or has any advice I'd love to hear it.
Intel Core2 6600 @ 3GHz
2GB Ram
Nvidia 8800 GTX 768MB
Windows Vista
Looks like Mold3r's right, on the left is a warrior normally on the right is when I mouse over him. (I should have said this isn't my toon, just every warrior with fow helm looks like shredder) Looks like I've got to muck about with lighting settings.
Agent Mold3r
lol your computer is about twice as good as mine, my fow helm looks fine
i would suggest lowering the lighting settings
good luck
i would suggest lowering the lighting settings
good luck
sickle of carnage
Haha. Looks kind of like chaos guants but on your face :X
Numa Pompilius
Texture error, presumably due to a corrupted file.
Jade Barbosa
Thanks for the help, fixed it by downloading gw.dat again