why take the cc shard trader out right away?
Usually a trader like that stays after the event a little bit as a grace period. It was ripped out of the game in the middle of the day today (yet they left the decorations, lol) leaving a lot of people with either inventory wasted for a year or just having to throw them out.
Can we have it back for a day or two please?
Can we have it back for a day or two please?
I believe it was a mistake, a waiting update which rolled out with the hats one. I expect that they will all be back in a bit, for a few more days, and for the collectors to stay a bit after the main activities will end.
yeah i mean alot of people were spending time tryign to grind a polar bear that it existance was only confirmed AFTER the finale on the last day. dont' understand the harm of leaving the gift collector in for one or week, liek with the victory token npc for cantha new years.
Sir Pandra Pierva
They should be bringing him back, though why was the winter dwarf not removed.........not kidding go look in kamadan
Originally Posted by Sir Pandra Pierva
They should be bringing him back, though why was the winter dwarf not removed.........not kidding go look in kamadan
Don't forget that you can salvage the cc shards - they generally turn into piles of glittering dust...
Originally Posted by slydr68
Don't forget that you can salvage the cc shards - they generally turn into piles of glittering dust...

I do hope they bring the NPCs back. I got stuck with a leftover stack of victory tokens because I thought I'd have more time to sell them after the Dragon Festival Redux and didn't realize they weren't keeping the guy around until it was too late. This time I don't have as many Candy Cane Shards, but it's getting kind of bothersome when they kill the expectations we had from the previous versions of the event.
Originally Posted by okashii
and those piles of so called "glittering dust" you can sniff and really feel the spirit of Wintersday...who knows you may even have a vision of having a Mini Polar Bear
![]() |
~ Dan ~
This also brings me to the question: why are CC shards still dropping?
Originally Posted by dan-the-noob
This also brings me to the question: why are CC shards still dropping?
I was wondering the same when my friend kept giving me their shards and i asked them about it, then was told they are still dropping o.O
the candy canes are still droping because its a way of Anet saying:
"We are sorry...here - have a lolly, are we cool now ?
shove it up your A...Net XD
"We are sorry...here - have a lolly, are we cool now ?

shove it up your A...Net XD
Originally Posted by okashii
the candy canes are still droping because its a way of Anet saying:
"We are sorry...here - have a lolly, are we cool now ? ![]() shove it up your A...Net XD |
My guess is, Anet tried to react swiftly to the Polar Bear farm drama and removed all NPCs... but Gift Collector should be brought back as I'm sure many people occupied themselves with other things than the shards, I myself have many forgoten ones I just collected from all my secondary chars and I'm not fond of the idea to keep them stored for one year 'till next event...
This is why i gathered all my stuff and got it turned in as soon as i got the second hat on the last day.
Originally Posted by foo
I believe it was a mistake, a waiting update which rolled out with the hats one. I expect that they will all be back in a bit, for a few more days, and for the collectors to stay a bit after the main activities will end.
I wasn't out farming polar bear mini-pets. I was trying to do each of the quests at least once and all of the Kamadon specific quests with all of my characters. From the quests, I received plenty of shards and I was looking forward to trading them in.
It kind of bugs me that there was no warning as to when the gift giver would disappear. I agree with the OP that usually with these types of events it has been common for there to be a guy sticking around for an opportunity to trade in the festival specific tokens. It is very strange that after such an extra long event that the gift giver disappeared so early, especially when we need some of those gifts, such as eggnog and fruitcake to put towards our titles.
Wrath of m0o
Well head on down to the online store and buy 3 more mule characters so you can store all that stuff untill next year.
Wintersday Dwarf has no cage. Why doesn't he just run away? :>
Al the Wintersday NPC's where taken out course Anet needs to suppress the drop of the new mini. I agree they just ripped out all wintersday NPC's.
Bad move IMO.
Bad move IMO.
Originally Posted by dan-the-noob
This also brings me to the question: why are CC shards still dropping?

Smile Like Umean It
Originally Posted by Tr33zon
Wintersday Dwarf has no cage. Why doesn't he just run away? :>
Poor little dude.
I expected this to happen, so I made sure to trade in all my shards before the event ended. But I forgot that gifts can give shards, so I didn't bother opening the gifts right away (I was supposed to be asleep at the time). I opened the gifts earlier today, so now I have 30 more shards

yep time to fill up my storage mule again with items that I didnt manage to get over to the collectors (and more of the dumb shards that were dropping wellllllll past the end of the whole thing, its horrible to get a cc shard drop in DOA!)...now I just hope that all the crude I have been hoarding from the canthan new year will be of use this time around (really want a celestial RAT!!!
Was it really all that sudden? I mean, they did call those events the finale and you knew when those events would end.
fi·na·le /fɪˈnæli, -ˈnɑli/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fi-nal-ee, -nah-lee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the last piece, division, or movement of a concert, opera, or composition.
2. the concluding part of any performance, course of proceedings, etc.; end.
Originally Posted by Shadowmoon
yeah i mean alot of people were spending time tryign to grind a polar bear that it existance was only confirmed AFTER the finale on the last day. dont' understand the harm of leaving the gift collector in for one or week, liek with the victory token npc for cantha new years.
Originally Posted by Syntonic
Was it really all that sudden? I mean, they did call those events the finale and you knew when those events would end.
Originally Posted by IlikeGW
It was sudden because all the stuff was STILL THERE for 12 hours so no one knew what was going on. They let people keep getting more shards, doing quests, and so on... Then it just blinked out of existence while people were in missions/doing other stuff. You couldn't even hold back the update, it was a timed thing, giving people really the least possible warning.
Yeah, it's screwed up. Oh well, grinding them down to dust for a small savings on dust... woot?
Gaile Gray
Sorry to hear about your concerns. Here's what I can tell you: The collectors were in place for 36 hours after the event finale. They were coded to go away at Noon Pacific on Wednesday. This was felt by the design team to be a sufficient amount of time for players to do last minute transactions. However... I do hear your two concerns:
Secondly, I will ask if we can time it so that all holiday elements go away at the same time. I think that may not be possible, but I can sure ask. For instance, I know that the decorations are on a different timer than the collectors. One takes a build to remove; one does not. But perhaps we can code things to be more uniform, or maybe with more "warning" about how things happen, that won't even be necessary.
Again, very sorry for the frustrations that you felt, and I hope that overall you had a great Wintersday Festival.
- There was no warning about the collectors leaving town
- The shards continued to drop after you had a means to turn them in
Secondly, I will ask if we can time it so that all holiday elements go away at the same time. I think that may not be possible, but I can sure ask. For instance, I know that the decorations are on a different timer than the collectors. One takes a build to remove; one does not. But perhaps we can code things to be more uniform, or maybe with more "warning" about how things happen, that won't even be necessary.
Again, very sorry for the frustrations that you felt, and I hope that overall you had a great Wintersday Festival.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Sorry to hear about your concerns. Here's what I can tell you: The collectors were in place for 36 hours after the event finale. They were coded to go away at Noon Pacific on Wednesday. This was felt by the design team to be a sufficient amount of time for players to do last minute transactions. However... I do hear your two concerns:
Secondly, I will ask if we can time it so that all holiday elements go away at the same time. I think that may not be possible, but I can sure ask. For instance, I know that the decorations are on a different timer than the collectors. One takes a build to remove; one does not. But perhaps we can code things to be more uniform, or maybe with more "warning" about how things happen, that won't even be necessary. Again, very sorry for the frustrations that you felt, and I hope that overall you had a great Wintersday Festival. |
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I will pass along your thoughts on both of these situations. I think that we should include a "collector departure date" on the events page. Heck, we might even include it on the log-in screen, as one of the messages in the upper right. Something like: "NPCs and collectors will be heading off into the sunset as of (time, date, time zone). Remember to redeem your collectibles, or you may hold onto them until next year." (Sound ok?)
that's great Gaile, but you amazingly missed the most obvious point to this thread: put the collector back in
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
that's great Gaile, but you amazingly missed the most obvious point to this thread: put the collector back in
Thanks for the info, Gaile. Those warning systems sound like a great idea.

Excellent idea on a warning of event end at login. Communication is key.
Now if we could only get notification of ultra rare mini pets being in game with more than 24 hours notice! Yes still pissed about that
Now if we could only get notification of ultra rare mini pets being in game with more than 24 hours notice! Yes still pissed about that

Ultimately the reason I always take from this is to prevent CC Shard farmers from exploiting the community to sell what was once easy to attain items at HUGE profit levels and thus exploiting the fact that the shards are not dropping anymore and yet there is a collector that takes them...
Thus making the idoits standing beside the collector saying WTS 5 CC shards for 1k! Give me a break. use em or loose em. Or bank em for next year. But don't expect Anet to just open the door to exploitation of the community.
Thus making the idoits standing beside the collector saying WTS 5 CC shards for 1k! Give me a break. use em or loose em. Or bank em for next year. But don't expect Anet to just open the door to exploitation of the community.
Originally Posted by Tullzinski
Thanks for the info, I will just hold onto my 2400 shards till next year. Fortunately I have the room for em. That is a great idea for the notification on the collectors, or you could condiser a constant rule like; one week after the end of any event special item collectors remain to redeem items, then put the info on the wikis as notification.
By now I've come to terms with the fact that the collector isn't coming back any time soon (unless the entire community suddenly explodes with even more complaints about a problem that is now too many days old, which is highly unlikely at this point). I just hope the next time such an event is held it goes more smoothly. At least they're working on that.
Originally Posted by Ephidel
Good grief! I'm glad what I have isn't even a stack. If I'd farmed shards like that my inventory would be dead.
By now I've come to terms with the fact that the collector isn't coming back any time soon (unless the entire community suddenly explodes with even more complaints about a problem that is now too many days old, which is highly unlikely at this point). I just hope the next time such an event is held it goes more smoothly. At least they're working on that. |
Originally Posted by Tullzinski
It is funny as much as I did the two new quests not one mini polar bear, and as you can tell I did it alot.