I seem to have a GW crashing problem in that the game frequently crashes due to a memory could not be read error, and more seriously, random reboots of the system.
When I reboot, I usually get one or more systata.xml errors reported (see attached for details). I don't have a screenshot of the GW error unfortunately. These errors only occur in GW.
I did some reading in tech forums, and this seems to be a bad memory problem. However I ran the latest version of memtest 86+ for hours (9 passes) and got no errors.
So is this a bad memory problem and should I get new ram? Any other ideas (other than junking the old PC and getting a new one)?
My specs are: 2.4 Gig Athlon, 1 gig Corsair DDR ram, Geforce 6800.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
random reboots in GW
Run this overnight. http://www.memtest86.com
Numa Pompilius
It could be an overheating problem, not necessarily directly tied to your RAM. Overheated gfx card, overheated northbridge, and overheated CPU can also produce memory errors through corruption.
I would personally suspect CPU overheating; you could try significantly underclocking your CPU and see if the problem disappears.
I would personally suspect CPU overheating; you could try significantly underclocking your CPU and see if the problem disappears.
It could be bad RAM on the video card itself. I think Memtest86 just tests main RAM.