AB is going down hill.
English Warrior
Hi as you may have noticed AB is no longer for getting faction if Luxons/Kurzicks wants faction they FFF because theres too many nubs at this i think we should start to step up and make AB more popular and get better matches who with me?

Well in what way would you say AB is going downhill? Cuz personally i don't think there's anything wrong with it, you say there are too many 'nubs' playing it, but that's gonna be the same no matter what changes you make... and if inexperienced people want to play then that's fair enough, they have to learn somewhere. As you said if people want faction they FFF, leaving AB for more of a chilled out PvP.
Define 'nub'/'noob'
I very much doubt a noob would even be in PvP let alone AB, took me awhile to learn that when I started.
Everyone perception of a noob is different, and I don't get why the word is so widely used.
I've been AB'ing for awhile and I haven't noticed anything different since I started.
The odd mob and few cappers is usual but people get sidetracked no matter how experience you are.
I very much doubt a noob would even be in PvP let alone AB, took me awhile to learn that when I started.
Everyone perception of a noob is different, and I don't get why the word is so widely used.
I've been AB'ing for awhile and I haven't noticed anything different since I started.
The odd mob and few cappers is usual but people get sidetracked no matter how experience you are.
Would a "noob" be someone who just uses very un-conventional builds?
and it doesn't really matter in the end. If you've read the AB guide on here,
you can only rely on yourself, not your teammates to get anything done.
and it doesn't really matter in the end. If you've read the AB guide on here,
you can only rely on yourself, not your teammates to get anything done.
it would make it better if u could get more faction from them as the only reason ppl do FFF is because it is faster and alot of guilds have daily req's they have to achieve
Welcome to AB its been like this since it was first released...
So whats your problem again?
So whats your problem again?
Nothing wrong with AB, its as whacky and non-serious as ever. Go there for a laugh and some fun with friends.. cant see any problem there

Alex Morningstar
AB has always been the place to go when PvErs want to PvP. That isn't necessarily the problem though. The problem is people want to do whatever they want and/or there is a shortage of effective leaders. It's always grab 4 and go, no communication, no "hey, stay together and cap" or whatever the strategy of the moment is.
No strategy.
No strategy.
Agent Mold3r
AB for me is just for fun nowadays, when a group of guildies feel like pwning, we just hop into an AB match. Can't complain.
Haven't really noticed a trend for the worse though there was a short period of time where most bars I saw were fairly decent for a change. Despite the popularity of the lower tiers of PvP and the complaints that the other PvP formats are sparsely populated, it doesn't seem like there's much of a push to get those people into the other formats of PvP. Granted, the fault perhaps lies halfway with the player base anyway. One side of the camp screams "elitism" and the other side screams "nub" so it hasn't and probably never will get anywhere.
Edge Martinez
Originally Posted by Alex Morningstar
The problem is people want to do whatever they want and/or there is a shortage of effective leaders. It's always grab 4 and go, no communication, no "hey, stay together and cap" or whatever the strategy of the moment is.
No strategy. |
If anything is nub, I think it might be the Dervishes that are playing. I can't think of a better class to play AB with, but the ones I see are playing them so... bad.
Originally Posted by Abomination
Would a "noob" be someone who just uses very un-conventional builds?
But the problem with the builds used by most random AB'ers is that they're--at best--bad and less effective than what is possible, and at worst a seemingly random arrangement of skills and attribute levels. Whether its conventional or not isn't the issue.
Originally Posted by Abomination
and it doesn't really matter in the end. If you've read the AB guide on here,
you can only rely on yourself, not your teammates to get anything done. |
AB isn't going downhill, it's always like this. About noobs, they appear on both sides not just one. Usually when I encounter a noob on my team, I just leave the group.
Or if it's a whole team of noobs, I get my team of guildies to just meet back at the gh. I came here to win not waste my time with noobs. Btw, have u tried going with guildies? They're usually not noobs.

I have a question: When was AB ever going uphill?
You won't get a capping group if you just think that everyone sucks there. Get a cold shower and try to find a group that is willing to cap. Thats not rare at all.
And yes there is strategy. If you don't play with strategy in AB, you just suck, and you're no better than the noobs you're describing.
AB is not going downhill. You just had a bad experience with pugs or whatever. Get in a good AB guild if you really want to, you'll find it way easier.
And yes there is strategy. If you don't play with strategy in AB, you just suck, and you're no better than the noobs you're describing.
AB is not going downhill. You just had a bad experience with pugs or whatever. Get in a good AB guild if you really want to, you'll find it way easier.
Originally Posted by ThisIsMadness
Define 'nub'/'noob'
so? its fun...always a laugh to mess around with builds...its very laid-back with no-one taking it seriously(why I like it) granted it is full of noobs / newbs..so? running stupid builds is fun occasionally and its the one place in PvP you will not be flamed for doing something unconventional...AB has always been going downhill...but people still enjoy it because its fun and a laugh running as a EoE bomber ^^ always a laugh...enjoy AB for its randomness and don't hate it for being full of nubs = easy balth faction ftw
ahem...that makes me a scrub that knows nothing about PvE? hm...top 150 GvG exp and high-rank HA begs to differ thanks....sweeping comments = bad
Originally Posted by KazeMitsui
since its mainly pve scrubs who only know how to pve and nothing else
Cold Hearted Zero
i went in with as a wammo just for the hell of it
healing breeze, mending, infuse health, woh, Sever Artery, gash, rush and 1 more i cant remember. both me and my team which consisted of friends had a good laugh, what surprised me tho is how many ppl i actually managed to kill

Kissable Krissy
I don't think AB is going downhill, except that the wait is atrocious ARGH!
AB is a play to mess around and have some fun. When I go, I go with my boyfriend and 2 other friends and we sit on vent and laugh at everyone while we try to upset the other team as much as possible. It is our goal to get the other team so mad at us that they start whining about us in all chat.
Yes we have a strategy that wins matches, but for us it is about blowing off some steam in something non-serious.
AB is a play to mess around and have some fun. When I go, I go with my boyfriend and 2 other friends and we sit on vent and laugh at everyone while we try to upset the other team as much as possible. It is our goal to get the other team so mad at us that they start whining about us in all chat.
Yes we have a strategy that wins matches, but for us it is about blowing off some steam in something non-serious.
lolz AB is a great place to practice running, and just general random killing for fun, it is the cross between pve/pvp ^ ^
English Warrior
Originally Posted by red orc
Did you even stop to think before posting this post ?
Yes i did stop to think thats why i made this post, AB used to be full of the big guilds from cavalon, HzH, Altrumm and Aurios now its mainly people who think warrior monks are invulnerable, i rather earning my faction in AB as it is more fun but i'm proberly going to start doing a HA thing by asking for certain rank of luxon for me so i can actually get 10k faction in inder 5 hours.
Also i agree with more reward idea, maybe make it more per kill but the winning reward is fine.
Also i agree with more reward idea, maybe make it more per kill but the winning reward is fine.
ax mastery
Originally Posted by Abomination
Would a "noob" be someone who just uses very un-conventional builds?
No, but you have to UNDERSTAND the game you are playing, or the build is almost guaranteed to be terrible. Few people who ab know how to play Guild Wars. Its even worse than ra.
With that said, its been like that for as long as i can remember.
With that said, its been like that for as long as i can remember.
Mesmer in Need
I agree, the amount of noobs in ab has always been high. Alot of them just do ab to get faction for pve skills, jade/amber for pve armor, scrolls for the pve elite missions, or faction so they can control a pve town. People can get away with noob builds because between the other stupid players and the simple npc's, they can survive and kill things. If anything, i think ab should be harder so people have to improve to accommodate. I try to help people improve their builds, but alot of the time i get yelled at. Every time i see mending or flare or w/e i cringe.
Legendary Shiz
AB serves its purpose to me.
It's a relieving type of PvP with little to no stress. It's also better than RA when you're bored tbh.
It's a relieving type of PvP with little to no stress. It's also better than RA when you're bored tbh.
meh, having just found AB, considering playing over two years and just recently having Factions, I find it fun and much easier to get into a decent (aka stays together and caps) PuG than I expected. I don't PvP in order to increase my self-worth, I do it because I find it fun. Hell, I find RA fun. Whinging about new players is self-defeating. If you like this game, then you'll have to deal with the fact that everyone is new at some point, it's new people that keep it up and running. Find a newbie and hug them.
I enjoy AB very much. Things like /taunt actually work. That's just golden.

personally i hate ab and factions gets me quite bothered then when i have to get a char past cavalon
they mob and when they're near dead they start running
it enrages me
and then they get you in the back with a few of their team -.-
bah i hate it
they mob and when they're near dead they start running
it enrages me
and then they get you in the back with a few of their team -.-
bah i hate it
You shouldn't take it too seriously. But then again that goes for any format since GW is a game
As long as the people who keep whining about how baed it is stay the ---- away, I have nothing to complain
You shouldn't take it too seriously. But then again that goes for any format since GW is a game

As long as the people who keep whining about how baed it is stay the ---- away, I have nothing to complain

Originally Posted by Riotgear
I have a question: When was AB ever going uphill?
For the very few seconds immediately before it was first shown to the community, back in the FPE. After that, it's been in a constant state of degeneration.
What bugs me about AB is thae fact that we seem to constantly be in Kurzick territory with the occasional hour or two break into salt spray beach or the keys.
Wiki Sin nubs FTL.
Wiki Sin nubs FTL.
I usually play AB as a monk or ritu healer. Easier to get a warrior an ele and perhaps a sin in team than a decent healer. (I'm not saying im a decent one.) There is one thing that they dont realize: I can't heal them as long as i have two sins slicing my ass into pieces. Yesterday i played with a W/Rt who always paid attention where i am and who is stabbing my back. (Thought he had enraged charge so i could barely keep up the pace) AB is mainly played my PvE players, too bad if they don't realize its not pve. Neither do they realize that pvx wiki is for getting a good idea or basics to create a decent build. They just copy paste and cry when it doesnt work out.
I had some nice AB match where no one shouted noob kurzicks/luxons, they just wished good luck to each other. But you are right guys, too many wammos are out there with mending. A nice dervish casted mending on me. I wondered why i have +1 health regen until i saw the tiny icon in the upper left corner...
I had some nice AB match where no one shouted noob kurzicks/luxons, they just wished good luck to each other. But you are right guys, too many wammos are out there with mending. A nice dervish casted mending on me. I wondered why i have +1 health regen until i saw the tiny icon in the upper left corner...

Put Spoil Victor on your skillbar, cast, hilarity ensues.
Kaelyn the Dove
Originally Posted by bam23
Put Spoil Victor on your skillbar, cast, hilarity ensues.
SV, and for that matter SS, are both pretty fail skills to use in ab. The only necro elite that I think works decently (that means against players with half a brain) is Corrupt Enchantments. Overall, however, I think necros in general are pretty fail for ab.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds.
Originally Posted by Kaelyn the Dove
SV, and for that matter SS, are both pretty fail skills to use in ab. The only necro elite that I think works decently (that means against players with half a brain) is Corrupt Enchantments. Overall, however, I think necros in general are pretty fail for ab.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds. I believe he's refering to the fact most people in AB will still perform actions dispite having the hex on them, resulting in a foolish death.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds. I believe he's refering to the fact most people in AB will still perform actions dispite having the hex on them, resulting in a foolish death.
Facing ANY melee in AB on my Mesmer in a 1v1 fight is priceless and get's my mood back up.
I love to blind, degen the shit out of them, while interrupting their Heal Signet. Priceless!
Yesterday i fought a Warrior who was casting Firestorm with 10pts of damage on me. I was laughing so much, he finally got me down (because i wasn't able to use the keyboard anymore!)
After killing me, i got a tell: "Looks like my Anti-Mesmer Build works wonders".
Made my day!
I love to blind, degen the shit out of them, while interrupting their Heal Signet. Priceless!
Yesterday i fought a Warrior who was casting Firestorm with 10pts of damage on me. I was laughing so much, he finally got me down (because i wasn't able to use the keyboard anymore!)
After killing me, i got a tell: "Looks like my Anti-Mesmer Build works wonders".
Made my day!
Originally Posted by Riotgear
I have a question: When was AB ever going uphill?
12 chars.
12 chars.
Originally Posted by Kaelyn the Dove
SV, and for that matter SS, are both pretty fail skills to use in ab. The only necro elite that I think works decently (that means against players with half a brain) is Corrupt Enchantments. Overall, however, I think necros in general are pretty fail for ab.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds. /waves @ N/D AotL buddy. As long as only 2 people on the opposing team can be expected to have a decent level of insight, Necros are Teh Shizzite. Not to mention lag spikes are ftw.
Your second remark is the very reason I like AB so much. It offers the opportunity to try out your own goofy builds and see stuff happen like Mirrored Stance-Frenzy. RA used to be like this as well. Sadly, people stopped experimenting there.
AB feels a bit like RA. Very randomized, even though one can compose teams like in TA and such. Like RA, the fact that a lot of unskilled players take part has caused it its reputation. Now if teams could also be pit against each other based on their Glad rank/Friend track (eg it's more likely we get to fight with 12 decent people on both sides) I'm sure what would ensue would be a highly tactical, quick-paced, and gruelling battle.
As far as ab going downhill, I'll repeat what someone else mentioned, it serves it's purpose. Also, it's where I go when I feel like loling at other people's builds. /waves @ N/D AotL buddy. As long as only 2 people on the opposing team can be expected to have a decent level of insight, Necros are Teh Shizzite. Not to mention lag spikes are ftw.
Your second remark is the very reason I like AB so much. It offers the opportunity to try out your own goofy builds and see stuff happen like Mirrored Stance-Frenzy. RA used to be like this as well. Sadly, people stopped experimenting there.
AB feels a bit like RA. Very randomized, even though one can compose teams like in TA and such. Like RA, the fact that a lot of unskilled players take part has caused it its reputation. Now if teams could also be pit against each other based on their Glad rank/Friend track (eg it's more likely we get to fight with 12 decent people on both sides) I'm sure what would ensue would be a highly tactical, quick-paced, and gruelling battle.
I had a really good laugh a while ago when playing on Kaanai Canyon (im luxon), when two third of the kurzick side broke down one of the gates and swarmed into the fortress. Someone repaired the gate while they were inside and two third of their side was hopelessly trapped inside (they werent so smart to let themselves be killed by the Luxon base defender and spawn outside). We won the game with 5-2 in shrines
made my day

AB never has been brilliant, but its almost the only form of pvp where you can run into an enemy [insert profession] and and be clueless as to what build they are running.
That's what i love about it, plus its the only pvp you can not think in and still win.
That's what i love about it, plus its the only pvp you can not think in and still win.
So who was around last night for our epic nature ritual spam?
AB=Teh Funnay
AB=Teh Funnay