PvP Only Skill Points
Orange Milk
Anyone else got piles of these on a PvP Only or two?
Yeah I thought so.
I would love to see a use for them, they rack up for nothing, like Balt faction used to. The "Z" chest is a so/so fix to the Balt faction issue, but pure PvPers are still left short in the end I feel.
Maybe a skill point, from a PvP ONLY, for a Z key, it takes longer to get a skill point than it does 5k balt anyway.
Has anyone ever tried transfering money to a PvP only and trying to buy skills from a skill trainer in your Guild Hall? Or does that guy only sell ones you've already unlocked? I never have, but if your UAX and that works than who really gives a shit.
The Zaishen Chest was a small bone, what else could we do with Skill points besides stackem up like Tourny Tokens? Any Ideas? Not that they will ever be implemented in the 2 years till GW2 comes out or anything.
Yeah I thought so.
I would love to see a use for them, they rack up for nothing, like Balt faction used to. The "Z" chest is a so/so fix to the Balt faction issue, but pure PvPers are still left short in the end I feel.
Maybe a skill point, from a PvP ONLY, for a Z key, it takes longer to get a skill point than it does 5k balt anyway.
Has anyone ever tried transfering money to a PvP only and trying to buy skills from a skill trainer in your Guild Hall? Or does that guy only sell ones you've already unlocked? I never have, but if your UAX and that works than who really gives a shit.
The Zaishen Chest was a small bone, what else could we do with Skill points besides stackem up like Tourny Tokens? Any Ideas? Not that they will ever be implemented in the 2 years till GW2 comes out or anything.
I have a few on some of my toons. If memory serves, you can't buy skills with them even if you aren't UAX. I did find it funny when I got a mini-pet on one of my PVP characters though.
The skill points problem is not a PvP problem. I'm a pure PvE'r, my main char has all the skills in the game, I have crafted a lot of eotn consumables, and still have 347 skill points left. They keep racking up to infinitum for nothing.
I also will like to use them for something like the Z key or any other similar thing.
I also will like to use them for something like the Z key or any other similar thing.
Eh, I delete my PvP characters too often to have large piles of these at any given time... A use for them couldn't hurt, though. The so called "Z" chest is an option I guess, but I never saw much value in that. I mean, if I wanted items, I'd go PvE... I suppose that if you're UAX, it's better than letting it sit there, but to most PvP'ers, how different are chest items from stacks of tourney tokens?
Yea, I have quite a few on my ranger (I used her for spiritway and now oath shot for Iway :P) and would like to see them tradeable for Z Chest, skills (3 normal skills, 1 elite?) or maybe weapon/armor skins? OR OMFG AWESOME IDEA! DYE'S! It would be cool if for say 20 skill points you could access 2 color dyes, another 20 for 3 and another 20 for 4 and then say 50 for black dye
that would be awesome.

If I'm not mistaken, there are uses other then skills for PVE players (being one myself). Correct me if im wrong, but cant you craft consumables and Perfect salvage kits. Im too tired to look if I'm right but im pretty sure those cost a skill point too. But PVP has no use, so, they should get SOMETHING for em. Maybe 2 for a Z Key. One sounds ok.
As long as it's only for PvP players, it would be OK, PvE players have already things to spend points in.
Hm... let's se...
Maybe 1 Zaishen Key for every 3 skill points...
Maybe use them to change pets...
Myabe use them to get things in the Guild Hall.
(5 skill points for each 1k something costs, for example.)
500 SP for a 100k NPC
50 for an 10k...
But as long, and only as long as they are PvP only characters.
Hm... let's se...
Maybe 1 Zaishen Key for every 3 skill points...
Maybe use them to change pets...
Myabe use them to get things in the Guild Hall.
(5 skill points for each 1k something costs, for example.)
500 SP for a 100k NPC
50 for an 10k...
But as long, and only as long as they are PvP only characters.
1 Zaishen key per 3 skill points? It takes much longer to get a skill point than 5k balthazar faction.
1 Skill Point on a PvP Char should = 1 Z Key
It would give a way for PvPers to get something out of keeping a PvP character for a while.
1 Skill Point on a PvP Char should = 1 Z Key
It would give a way for PvPers to get something out of keeping a PvP character for a while.
Yeah, but you already get Balthazar faction at the same time.
Since it would be an extra and there are PvP characters with hundreds of skills, 1ZK/3SP is more than enough.
Since it would be an extra and there are PvP characters with hundreds of skills, 1ZK/3SP is more than enough.
It takes less than 2 minutes to get a PvE skill point if you're looking to farm them.
I don't really care about PvP skill points. I'm still kinda surprised that we get XP from PvP at all.
I don't really care about PvP skill points. I'm still kinda surprised that we get XP from PvP at all.
I agree, but my view is...
1SP = 5k-10k Bal
So you can spend it on anything you want. But if you AB, you should get 1SP every 10, mabye 15 battles? Depending on your team. With Kurzick, and their noob mobbing, you should get it fast then x.x
1SP = 5k-10k Bal
So you can spend it on anything you want. But if you AB, you should get 1SP every 10, mabye 15 battles? Depending on your team. With Kurzick, and their noob mobbing, you should get it fast then x.x
Cherng Butter
Originally Posted by kvndoom
I did find it funny when I got a mini-pet on one of my PVP characters though.

But then we come to another problem. Will the game beable to tell us weather its a PvE skill point of PvP skill point to know if its ok to use or not. I SUPPOSE they could use the same system that prevents PvP from transporting to PvE areas, but im no computer wiz
Originally Posted by tehshadowninjar
I agree, but my view is...
1SP = 5k-10k Bal So you can spend it on anything you want. But if you AB, you should get 1SP every 10, mabye 15 battles? Depending on your team. With Kurzick, and their noob mobbing, you should get it fast then x.x |
Originally Posted by Ensign
I don't really care about PvP skill points. I'm still kinda surprised that we get XP from PvP at all.
Infact...that springs the question:"why do PvP chars even HAVE skill points?"
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
Infact...that springs the question:"why do PvP chars even HAVE skill points?" |
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by tehshadowninjar
I agree, but my view is...
1SP = 5k-10k Bal So you can spend it on anything you want. But if you AB, you should get 1SP every 10, mabye 15 battles? Depending on your team. With Luxon, and their noob mobbing, you should get it fast then x.x |
2: Hopefully PvE characters can do this conversion too, because my Ritualist has a few hundred useless skill points. Don't say buy skills or consumables because spending all the points would cost from 100k-300k depending on what I spend it on, and that would be a waste of cash.
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
2: Hopefully PvE characters can do this conversion too, because my Ritualist has a few hundred useless skill points. Don't say buy skills or consumables because spending all the points would cost from 100k-300k depending on what I spend it on, and that would be a waste of cash. |
BTW i play mostly PvE for the record.
Zahr Dalsk
Originally Posted by ajc2123
It's not the fact that we as PvE players get not as good things for our skill points, its the fact that PvP players have NO USE whatsoever for them, And I agree that they could use some more perks. Don't get me wrong the Z chest was a terrific add imo, but just a tad more wouldn't hurt pvp. We as pve dont need much more, and im actually looking forward to anotehr skill balance if there is any soon lol.
BTW i play mostly PvE for the record. |
It just can't be accepted for PvE, I mean we get skill points way too easily, and they can be farmed much easier, since we face 20+ monsters, but PvP only gets the same level people, and therefore get experience more slowly. If they added the option for us PvE'ers, it would just be another reason for farming bots or whatever to come.
Pyro maniac
why not just different same things on pvp and pve charr- like 1 SP for a pvp and 10 for a pve charr for a zaishen key
ax mastery
Originally Posted by Orange Milk
Has anyone ever tried transfering money to a PvP only and trying to buy skills from a skill trainer in your Guild Hall? Or does that guy only sell ones you've already unlocked? I never have, but if your UAX and that works than who really gives a shit.
[QUOTE=Zahr Dalsk]1: Fixed.
QUOTE] Hey, Luxons don't mob NEAR as much as Kurzicks do. Every frickin' battle I go into against Kurzicks, they have on average, 6-9 people, most of the time, not including an MM running to every base capping as their entire army. I've seen Luxon do it like... 4 times total of about the 200+ times I have ABed, and they only did so at Kaanai Canyon.
QUOTE] Hey, Luxons don't mob NEAR as much as Kurzicks do. Every frickin' battle I go into against Kurzicks, they have on average, 6-9 people, most of the time, not including an MM running to every base capping as their entire army. I've seen Luxon do it like... 4 times total of about the 200+ times I have ABed, and they only did so at Kaanai Canyon.
Originally Posted by tehshadowninjar
Hey, Luxons don't mob NEAR as much as Kurzicks do. Every frickin' battle I go into against Kurzicks, they have on average, 6-9 people, most of the time, not including an MM running to every base capping as their entire army. I've seen Luxon do it like... 4 times total of about the 200+ times I have ABed, and they only did so at Kaanai Canyon.
Originally Posted by tehshadowninjar
Hey, Luxons don't mob NEAR as much as Kurzicks do. Every frickin' battle I go into against Kurzicks, they have on average, 6-9 people, most of the time, not including an MM running to every base capping as their entire army. I've seen Luxon do it like... 4 times total of about the 200+ times I have ABed, and they only did so at Kaanai Canyon.
Either remove skill points from PvP chars as they do not have a use, or give them a use...as i said before...
Originally Posted by tyla salanari
Infact...that springs the question:"why do PvP chars even HAVE skill points?"
even if it was like 1 z-key per skill point on a PvP character only, it would mean a PvE character having to craft a star of transferrence and passing it over to a PvP character. This would be the equivalent of paying the price of a lockpick to open the Z-chest which is fair in my opinion since they wouldn't be getting the benefit of lucky/unlucky or treasure hunter points. It then make the Z-chest accessable to PvE players who don't enjoy PvP (like myself).
even if it was like 1 z-key per skill point on a PvP character only, it would mean a PvE character having to craft a star of transferrence and passing it over to a PvP character. This would be the equivalent of paying the price of a lockpick to open the Z-chest which is fair in my opinion since they wouldn't be getting the benefit of lucky/unlucky or treasure hunter points. It then make the Z-chest accessable to PvE players who don't enjoy PvP (like myself).