Priory of Sin was a old GvG guild. We were always top 50 and better for most of the time.
The reason i made this post is I lost touch with all my old members from that guild. Most of us split up 2 years ago and split off to different games. What I was wondering if any of my old guild members started playing again, because I would really like to play with them again.
flame/spam me all you want, but if you do know something about any of the members from that guild, please pm me I would appreciate it.
Priory of Sin members
~ Dan ~
Nope haven't seem them sorry!!
In retrospect, I bet [PoS] wasn't the best guild abbreviation, was it? ^_^
Good luck with finding your friends!
Good luck with finding your friends!
I pwnd U
I think they probably planned it that way tbh.
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
I think they probably planned it that way tbh.
Angelic Upstart
Originally Posted by Viruzzz
you mean to tell me people actually plan guildnames/tags to include puns and jokes?
blashphemy |
Surely not
i herd u guyz wer baed
and dat this thread goes a bye bye
and dat this thread goes a bye bye
I highly doubt you'll find people that quit GW 2 years ago by making a thread. I'm sure you have their old IGN's so if they log on, you can talk to them.