Yeh yeh i know the farm code discussion has been done to death but this ideas got into my head and i've not seen it discussed from anything i've read so thought i'd throw it into the mix.
Despite all the discussion about loot scaling, flagging, % drop rates etc what seems apparent to me is that i, and many others from what i can tell, just say when i repetitive farm my drops just go hot and cold now matter what. One minute i get nothing next i get loads. Sometimes i kill a boss 50 times before i get a drop sometimes it drops first time.
Somehow a cog managed to move in my tiny brain and make a connection with the time cycle "window of opportunity" i'd read some time back
What if there was a window of opportunity for farming?
I reckon it would be applied to the items not affected by loot scaling where you get a window of opportunity for a high end drop. Where no amount of farming outside the window will result in a high end drop, obviously the % drop rate still applies within the window. Windows differing in differing areas. Would explain alot of the hot and cold periods for me anyway. An effective way of reducing the overall loot of your 24/7 gold farmers whilst allowing us to earn some money.
What you reckon, my brain gone a cog too far or a plausable idea?
Farm Code - Window of Opportunity?
While there probably is some weird time factor setting the random seed involved... loot degeneration over time in an area is also a fact imo. Farming will never be uber repeatable in some areas with the current system.
I pwnd U
You realize that your basing this off a drunkard guide? I highly doubt it works for drops as well. Drops are pretty much random though I am sure some people will dispute it. I don't see it being applied to loot scaling at all. Just because you get a drop after farming a boss 50 times or you get it after the first, it's just random. I think your brain has gone a bit to farm.
There was that one thread they had in the farming forum, farming spiders outside sunspear great hall. They basically left at exactly same time and had almost identical gold drops (same gold items, mostly same stats).
So it could be possible that if you load in a zone at a certain time the random loot table could be better. But it'd be impossible to ever prove it/ actually find a time that worked repeatedly.
So it could be possible that if you load in a zone at a certain time the random loot table could be better. But it'd be impossible to ever prove it/ actually find a time that worked repeatedly.
Yeah in that thread they repeated it several times, both returning the exact same drops, same mods on those drops, and same greens even.
I think there is some merit to this, but honestly there's no way to figure it out.
Everyone's times are different when going for Drunkard, so they would be different here too. It's just not reliable. Just stagger your farming runs with your vanquishing and dungeon runs and you'll get decent loot.
As a side note, I did my first Bergen run in almost a week and got 6 golds, two with 15/50 and the rest with perfect mods. I quit after that run because I didn't want to use up all my luck... and my sleep time.
I think there is some merit to this, but honestly there's no way to figure it out.
Everyone's times are different when going for Drunkard, so they would be different here too. It's just not reliable. Just stagger your farming runs with your vanquishing and dungeon runs and you'll get decent loot.
As a side note, I did my first Bergen run in almost a week and got 6 golds, two with 15/50 and the rest with perfect mods. I quit after that run because I didn't want to use up all my luck... and my sleep time.

i stopped farming trolls for a while and tried em again yesterday and got a black dye drop from a normal troll for the first drop. so maybe its just a matter of waiting months or luck of the draw