Originally Posted by Theo Godscythe
Stop your pointless whining and get a LIFE. Without Ursan or "Save Yourselves!" Paragons HARDMODE+VANQUISHIGN WOULD BE A PAIN!
2/3 done with Vanquisher (only need Cantha) - never used a paragon for those and the two warriors I'm vanquishing together with claim they do more damage with a normal build and splinter weapon!
Personally the only two GWEN skills I really use are Summon Ruby Djinn and Pain Inverter - they both rock as supplement to my sear. nuker!
I have absolutely no problem with Anet nerfing skills here and there - why is it that there's always these big conspiracy theories about their motives? They are not that hard to figure out:
1. Earn money
2. Find ways of earning more money
3. Keep people interested in their products, so they can earn more money
Maybe you guys forget they are business people? They didn't start this game to change the world,- they did it to get rich! (what a bomb-shell

Can't see nothing wrong with that philosophy! But then again,- I'm just a big old nasty capitalist too