Guild Wars Damage Calculator


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


It's been a while since I posted, I was going through my server and found a damage calculator that I made for Mostly Harmless, (it helps to put down the Vampiric vs Sundering debate) PS. Vampiric wins. I slapped a design on it and just hope someone could get some use out of it because I don't play Guild Wars anymore...

It's accurate in all the tests I've done.. here ya go:

Guild Wars Damage Calculator

Equation courtesy of SonOfRah

Vaal 84

Vaal 84

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2007



very nice work indeed.




Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]

N/ ?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Hats off to you, sir.

Olim Chill

Olim Chill

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2007




Excellent. Very nice job.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Accuracy vs Broad Idea.

The calculator also doesn't require you to buy lots of items and mods to know that vampiric works best.

@All, thanks guy.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2006


The German Order [GER]


Originally Posted by Narcism
Accuracy vs Broad Idea.

The calculator also doesn't require you to buy lots of items and mods to know that vampiric works best.

@All, thanks guy.
True, but you cant be sure that formula you use is 100% right. Any ingame testing is kinda more reliable because it takes into account all hidden facts you have no idea about.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by zwei2stein
True, but you cant be sure that formula you use is 100% right. Any ingame testing is kinda more reliable because it takes into account all hidden facts you have no idea about.
Re: Formula, absolutely right, since the formula was not supplied by ArenaNet, we don't know if it's 100% right, but you can bet your ass that a lot of testing was involved and that it's damn close.

You're more likely to get data that's askew from sampling then from this formula.

You're talking to a number-cruncher and a guy who studied game mechanics for a long time.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Narcism, you can use PvP equipment + wild blow.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
Narcism, you can use PvP equipment + wild blow.
To test for critical hits... yes? I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Can you add armor penetration? Can you vary the opponents armor? Do you know what the non-critical-hit damage is?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Yes, to verify your application's crits... The damage ranges are pretty much constant except the crits and armor penetration triggers off of sundering and strength. So there's no doubt there.

You can vary the opponents' armor with the dummies. There are 60, 80, 100 armor dummies and 15,30,55 armor dummies in Nightfall.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

[MEEP] Biscuit of Dewm


I think its broken, I make the armor 1 or 0 and it takes less damage.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by SaucE
I think its broken, I make the armor 1 or 0 and it takes less damage.
I fiddled around with it, and it still works like it's supposed to. I'm guessing the sample output is misleading.

The front page shows SAMPLE OUTPUT so you know what to expect when you get to the site.
If you typed in 0 armor, and hit submit when first arriving to the site, you'll do 0 damage because the min damage and max damage are set to 0 by default.

PS, the calculator is assuming you meet the req. or else you do Starter Weapon damage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005



now its official,vamp>sundering .


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by netniwk
now its official,vamp>sundering .
That was the easy part, getting people to change the way they think.. not so easy.


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by netniwk
now its official,vamp>sundering .
it always has been
gj to the OP for your effort!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by tyla salanari
it always has been
gj to the OP for your effort!
Considering the price of Sundering mods, there are people who refuse to believe it on no basis whatsoever.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The data was already known, most people just cannot interpret data given to them.

Your calculator does one thing that totally skews the data in favor of the vampiric mod, which is pretty poor to make a point:

You AVERAGE the data of the 20% chance of a 20% Armor Penetration critical hit.

This is your data for a Scythe at 14 Scythe Mastery and a 20%/20% sundering mod:

Normal Damage (Without Prefix)
Average Damage
13.3 Minimum Damage
60.6 Maximum Damage
85.8 Critical Hit Damage
37 Average Damage (excluding critical hits)
46.8 Average Damage (including critical hits)

With Sundering Damage Prefix (20%)
Average Damage with 20% Sundering
Damage (20% Sundering)
13.9 Minimum Damage
63.4 Maximum Damage
89.8 Critical Hit Damage <- you averaged with the 20% chance here!
38.7 Average Damage (excluding critical hits)
49 Average Damage (including critical hits)

The "true" Critical Hit on Sundering is 105. You averaged that over the chance to trigger (20% chance), so it is only (105-85.8)/5 = 3,84 more.

85.8+3.84= 89,64. -> an artificial "average" of critical hits that does not ever appear ingame.
This is your result. Which is the "average" of sundering hits, but does not represent a true sundering crit.

The point of sundering supporters is that a lucky 20% trigger can kill, whereas +3/+5 constant damage on each hit does not.

I leave it to people to make up their mind which mod they want, I just want to point out that a flawed calculator that gives misleading data is not really a good argument to support one or the other point in this debate.

Besides that, I like your calculator.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by Longasc
The data was already known, most people just cannot interpret data given to them.

Your calculator does one thing that totally skews the data in favor of the vampiric mod, which is pretty poor to make a point:

You AVERAGE the data of the 20% chance of a 20% Armor Penetration critical hit.

This is your data for a Scythe at 14 Scythe Mastery and a 20%/20% sundering mod:

Normal Damage (Without Prefix)
Average Damage
13.3 Minimum Damage
60.6 Maximum Damage
85.8 Critical Hit Damage
37 Average Damage (excluding critical hits)
46.8 Average Damage (including critical hits)

With Sundering Damage Prefix (20%)
Average Damage with 20% Sundering
Damage (20% Sundering)
13.9 Minimum Damage
63.4 Maximum Damage
89.8 Critical Hit Damage <- you averaged with the 20% chance here!
38.7 Average Damage (excluding critical hits)
49 Average Damage (including critical hits)

The "true" Critical Hit on Sundering is 105. You averaged that over the chance to trigger (20% chance), so it is only (105-85.8)/5 = 3,84 more.
Underneat the "averaged" percentage. I displayed the 100% Sundering damage, which is, as you mentionned, 105

Originally Posted by Longasc
85.8+3.84= 89,64. -> an artificial "average" of critical hits that does not ever appear ingame.
This is your result. Which is the "average" of sundering hits, but does not represent a true sundering crit.

The point of sundering supporters is that a lucky 20% trigger can kill, whereas +3/+5 constant damage on each hit does not.
20% trigger can kill, but lack of the other 80% can be missing that 5 or 10 to make the kill.

Originally Posted by Longasc
I leave it to people to make up their mind which mod they want, I just want to point out that a flawed calculator that gives misleading data is not really a good argument to support one or the other point in this debate.
As pointed out earlier, the data is being presented. The data is presented as an average numbers with the big numbers (that you like to think of) located at the bottom.

Originally Posted by Longasc
Besides that, I like your calculator.
And I like you.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Narcism
Underneat the "averaged" percentage. I displayed the 100% Sundering damage, which is, as you mentionned, 105
I am sorry. I should have got that 100% means sundering triggers all the time.

Still I have to argue. The unlikely streak of Sundering triggering every time does not get an average displayed big and bold. This number is higher than +3/+5 vampiric even at high armor. Of course it is not realistic. Still, you do not display the average 100% sundering result at all.

That Vampiric always wins in DPS in comparison is not new to the debate. Not many deny this fact. Still there are many people who use sundering axes in PvP, in the hope to get in a lucky sundering hit before the guy starts kiting, blocking or gets away somehow. Your calculator adds valid numbers to the debate, but I must say it is not ending it. I personally tend to agree that Vampiric is superior.

This said, regarding the "numbers cruncher" thing you mentioned:
I am still trying to figure out how to calculate when 10% Furious is worth it. This is really complicated. But with the buff to "For Great Justice" and 20 seconds of double adrenaline, I wonder if a Dragon Slash build would still benefit from using a furious mod sword (with a 10% chance to give double adrenaline) in the remaining 25 seconds till recharge. When would it pay off? How many and what adrenaline skills would you need to have more benefit from it than from Sundering or Vampiric.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by Longasc
I am sorry. I should have got that 100% means sundering triggers all the time.
Originally Posted by Longasc
Still I have to argue. The unlikely streak of Sundering triggering every time does not get an average displayed big and bold. This number is higher than +3/+5 vampiric even at high armor. Of course it is not realistic. Still, you do not display the average 100% sundering result at all.
Then it's not an average mate.

Originally Posted by Longasc
This said, regarding the "numbers cruncher" thing you mentioned:
I am still trying to figure out how to calculate when 10% Furious is worth it. This is really complicated. But with the buff to "For Great Justice" and 20 seconds of double adrenaline, I wonder if a Dragon Slash build would still benefit from using a furious mod sword (with a 10% chance to give double adrenaline) in the remaining 25 seconds till recharge. When would it pay off? How many and what adrenaline skills would you need to have more benefit from it than from Sundering or Vampiric.
How useful Furious is would be VERY dependant on the build.
Which skills?
How many skills?
PS. I think there might have been an update where adrenaline was capped at getting 2x.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Nice work, looks really good. Would it be possible to get a slot in there for IAS though?

Originally Posted by Narcism
PS. I think there might have been an update where adrenaline was capped at getting 2x.
It's capped at 100%.



Likes naked dance offs

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Older Gamers [TOG]

Originally Posted by Racthoh
Nice work, looks really good. Would it be possible to get a slot in there for IAS though?

It's capped at 100%.
And one for target level too?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


I'll see what I can do boys. This seems better doable.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by cellardweller
And one for target level too?
The problem with that is that nobody knows exactly how level differences affect critical hit percentages.

Pretty nice calculator, though I don't think any serious proponents of Sundering claim that it has a higher DPS. I suggest adding a critical hit modifier and removing the staff/wand damage tip - those crit differently than normal weapons.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Critical Hit Modifier? The crit rate is automatically calculated based on the attribute level.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

W/Mo-Smashing Beast; Mo-Monk Beast


what about axe and daggers? don't they have separate critical hit lvls depending on attribute?
i mean don't get me wrong, it's a great calc, but you gotta remember the axe and dagger crit hit ratios.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Teh Academy [PhD]

Very nice job, mate!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


Silly little damage/skill calculators like these have been around since RuneScape.

It's about time someone in the GW community made one!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



Originally Posted by Narcism
To test for critical hits... yes? I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Can you add armor penetration? Can you vary the opponents armor? Do you know what the non-critical-hit damage is?

yes you can vary the armor of opponent.....isle of nameless ftw

yes you can add armor penetration to pvp equipment.......

yes you can easily see the non-critical hit damage is......



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Narcism
Critical Hit Modifier? The crit rate is automatically calculated based on the attribute level.
Mainly you'd want it for Assassins and Critical Strikes.

Originally Posted by hurdlebeast
what about axe and daggers? don't they have separate critical hit lvls depending on attribute?
No, martial weapons all have the same critical hit level, excepting Critical Strikes as above. An axe at 14 weapon mastery is just as likely to crit as a sword at 14 weapon mastery.

Originally Posted by Songbringer
yes you can vary the armor of opponent.....isle of nameless ftw
Isle of the Nameless doesn't cover every possible situation.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



Originally Posted by Savio

Isle of the Nameless doesn't cover every possible situation.
it would for pvp when the max armors are all there. who cares about it in pve really?

Edit: O and if you mean situations as far as they have a shout on them giving them +xx armor or a stance giving them xx% block or there shields that give +xx to xx type of damage. The calculator doesn't give that either

Proud Elitist

Proud Elitist

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2008



So how does this calculate Attack Speed for different weapons?

I typed in Wand damage range with no mods, 20%dmg, and 15 mastery and I got and average 26.2 damage per second. Where when I tested this in game, I got an average of 10 damage per second after 55 seconds.

This damage is way off.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Songbringer
it would for pvp when the max armors are all there.
I heard that there were these things called shields. As far as block and +armor go, block is irrelevant and there's a input box for armor level.

Originally Posted by Proud Elitist
So how does this calculate Attack Speed for different weapons?
It doesn't, it calculates damage per hit. This calculator is inaccurate for caster weapons, though I don't know why you would care about wand damage.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by Songbringer
it would for pvp when the max armors are all there. who cares about it in pve really?
Isle of Nameless dont' have shields (16AL), don't have shields w/o meeting req (8 IIRC?) and don't have ranger armor 70al... ?

Originally Posted by Songbringer
Edit: O and if you mean situations as far as they have a shout on them giving them +xx armor or a stance giving them xx% block or there shields that give +xx to xx type of damage. The calculator doesn't give that either
You can vary the recipients armor level which takes care of the 1st scenario and last scenario. % block doesn't really mean anything when talking about damage per hit.

Dagger Wagger

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2007


Originally Posted by Proud Elitist
So how does this calculate Attack Speed for different weapons?

I typed in Wand damage range with no mods, 20%dmg, and 15 mastery and I got and average 26.2 damage per second. Where when I tested this in game, I got an average of 10 damage per second after 55 seconds.

This damage is way off.
Don't quote me on this, but I don't think an attribute affects (15 mastery as you put it) the DPS of a wand, which might explain that. If someone can prove me wrong, please do so.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Wand and staff damage is based on character level, like spell damage is; for general purposes, at level 20 a character deals 100% of the listed damage.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Mostly Harmless


Originally Posted by Savio
Wand and staff damage is based on character level, like spell damage is; for general purposes, at level 20 a character deals 100% of the listed damage.
I never knew that, likely because I never factored in DPS of the weapon when building a spell caster.