Your best GW moments?
HuntMaster Avatar
when i got the victos set, the kanaxai's set and beat proph/factions/nf with heroes henchies.

My best time was probably when I first started, I was a monk at the time. Even then everyone was partying. It would have to be when I first got to Lion's Arch after crossing the shiverpeaks.
Runner up would be doing a mission in Factions (forgot the name...it was an annoying one that let you use two teams of players) as an assassin, and fighting off all those enemies to get Togo alive...Sadly I died, a lot...Poor assassins
But I'm not active in GW anymore...still on the forums, and trying to find a way to get back to it.
Runner up would be doing a mission in Factions (forgot the name...it was an annoying one that let you use two teams of players) as an assassin, and fighting off all those enemies to get Togo alive...Sadly I died, a lot...Poor assassins

But I'm not active in GW anymore...still on the forums, and trying to find a way to get back to it.
Teh [prefession]-zorz
getting r3 hero and past all the unrank hate ^^
Lil Ferk
When i was doing Realm of torment and a terrorweb dropped a perfect eternal shield (Q9 -5 20% +30hp)
1) Having to teach a PuG how to beat Aurora Glade with the crystal running technique - and them listening and beating it flawlessly!
2) Wintersday 2005
3) First Ecto
4) Henching THK, RoF, and Hell's
5) First Superior Vigor
6) First Black Dye
2) Wintersday 2005
3) First Ecto
4) Henching THK, RoF, and Hell's
5) First Superior Vigor
6) First Black Dye
Abbaddon's Mouth with my Paragon. Shortage of monks, the group wouldn't take heroes, so I ran a Motivation Paragon. 3 Warriors, ranger, ele, one monk, a necro, and me. Two warriors and the monk rage quit before we got out of the first area. We not only managed to finish, we somehow got the bonus.
Originally Posted by erfweiss
Abbaddon's Mouth with my Paragon. Shortage of monks, the group wouldn't take heroes, so I ran a Motivation Paragon. 3 Warriors, ranger, ele, one monk, a necro, and me. Two warriors and the monk rage quit before we got out of the first area. We not only managed to finish, we somehow got the bonus.
-Getting to level 20 the first time
-Finishing prophecies
-Killing that damn Rotscale
-Finishing prophecies
-Killing that damn Rotscale
You can't see me
Finishing up Urgoz with 6 people after 5 quit after a monk disconnected. This was back in the day of course.
Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by DeVaNeY121
Before you raped the guild?
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
Yes, before I left the guild and all light from it disappeared. No, I was referring to the lovely eBay peeps selling our runs on eBay (Hanso and Craig)... but w/e.
Thats my good times when there was enough e-drama going on that we could of got a tv show.

I soloed the last section of one of the Ring of Fire missions. I forget which one. I think it was Abaddon's Mouth or something.
But anyway, my entire team rage quit at the end because ONE monk left. And far too proud to just walk away near the end like the weaklings before me, I went on to finish the game. A few jade rangers, a monk boss, no problem.
But anyway, my entire team rage quit at the end because ONE monk left. And far too proud to just walk away near the end like the weaklings before me, I went on to finish the game. A few jade rangers, a monk boss, no problem.
Aera Lure
Lol, someone mentioning Abaddon's Mouth and being short a monk reminded me of the time I joined a PUG to help them. I was only there to cap an elite, but they begged me to join, so I did, as I like helping out while on my monk and have many memorable times in PUGs. My guild was awaiting favor so we could do a run to the Forgemaster, and I was one of the officers that usually went. We didnt have favor, so I had plenty of time... so I thought.
Turned out they decided to do the bonus also (yes, run Leah RUN!), but before we even got that completed, half the party ran off to do something and got themselves killed. I stayed with Leah since they didnt clear the path for her. It was hilarious, frankly. Then ensued much arguing and several left, including the other monk. That left myself, a necro, a ranger an ele and someone else. The ele had tanking syndrome and kept charging things, so had high DP. No one would have stayed - no one should have stayed. It was one of those legendary nightmare PUGs the likes of which I havent had too many (thankfully - my pugging experience had been mostly positive).
The poor necro wanted the mission completed so badly, we all decided to stay and help her, and we finished it. It was great fun. It always reminded me later on that it wasnt the perfect party that mattered as much as simply the team played well together and listened to each other. I wouldnt call it my best GW moment, but it was one I looked back on fondly and was happy to complete as a lone monk. Although, I delayed my guild's FoW run (I was getting joking flak on channel the entire time) as well as I never got my skill cap.
Turned out they decided to do the bonus also (yes, run Leah RUN!), but before we even got that completed, half the party ran off to do something and got themselves killed. I stayed with Leah since they didnt clear the path for her. It was hilarious, frankly. Then ensued much arguing and several left, including the other monk. That left myself, a necro, a ranger an ele and someone else. The ele had tanking syndrome and kept charging things, so had high DP. No one would have stayed - no one should have stayed. It was one of those legendary nightmare PUGs the likes of which I havent had too many (thankfully - my pugging experience had been mostly positive).
The poor necro wanted the mission completed so badly, we all decided to stay and help her, and we finished it. It was great fun. It always reminded me later on that it wasnt the perfect party that mattered as much as simply the team played well together and listened to each other. I wouldnt call it my best GW moment, but it was one I looked back on fondly and was happy to complete as a lone monk. Although, I delayed my guild's FoW run (I was getting joking flak on channel the entire time) as well as I never got my skill cap.

Originally Posted by Aera Lure
It always reminded me later on that it wasnt the perfect party that mattered as much as simply the team played well together and listened to each other.
I remember a PUG i was in on my first time finishing NF. We were doing Gate of Pain and 2 of the group left when our monk went afk. So we were 3 players down with 5 dryders to go. I was new to the Derv class as were most of us in the group apart from the Paragon. It was kinda funny that this Paragon who i'd only just met, was talking us through it. He told us to keep trying, boosted our confidence even with full death penalty. I still remember that guy a year on. It really inspired me to see someone like them. Natural born leader

Another good moment was fighting shiro with my ranger in NF. We had a very very bad choice of builds in terms of beating him. We'd get him down to 1/4 then he'd wipe the majority of the team out, leaving the tank the only choice to break aggro and let him go back so we can heal up. The entire team had gotten bored, but our derv insisted on one last try. Again we got to the 1/4 mark, 4 of the team die and people start resigning. The derv uses a few last skills before dying and leaving just me and a monk. Shiro's health bar is literally empty at this point so instead of running and seeing everyone telling me to break aggro, i used the last of my energy and managed to kill him. It's not that great of an accomplishment, but after countless tries and a very frustrated team, it felt great to have finally beaten him as the last player alive.

Thorondor Port
First Halls win was so sweet.
Winning 6th place in 2006 and then winning 1st place in 2007 for the Halloween contests.
Anytime doing missions and having fun with guildies. :-) Some of the conversations are just priceless.
Anytime doing missions and having fun with guildies. :-) Some of the conversations are just priceless.
Winning HoH at the 2nd consecutive win there (was first time in HoH), and chest drops req9 Crystalline 
and last but not least
I think my best GW moments are when playing with GF.
- Ganni
and last but not least
I think my best GW moments are when playing with GF.
- Ganni
Every moment I still thought GW was a great game.
Zahr Dalsk
Playing an Assassin in RA, and going up against a Warrior (obviously I won, because Assassin > Warrior) and killing him in a few seconds through an awesome spike.
I'd have to say, not ever exploiting the game and as a consequence not being banned....
Death By Ketchup
when i found out there was such things as henchmen.
Ranger of the abyss
When i had been playing for around 10 months and started to trap UW with a friend who has now left the game. We both developed and made the solo trapper build and i was stoked that it worked
and that Everyone started using it.
Posted it on here took it off due to possible nerfing then someone copied it ;(

Posted it on here took it off due to possible nerfing then someone copied it ;(
Finishing Tombs with a B/P group first time
First title (Tyrian Explorer
Oh, and when Ecto drop when I was there as duo/trio trapper..not a big deal for me now
First title (Tyrian Explorer

Oh, and when Ecto drop when I was there as duo/trio trapper..not a big deal for me now
~ Dan ~
- When i first started playing the game.
- Or when i finally bought a new PC about a year later. Yay for PvP'ing in high graphics.
- When i first started playing the game.
- Or when i finally bought a new PC about a year later. Yay for PvP'ing in high graphics.
Angelic Upstart
The period between Sept 05 and the release of Factions, for me that was when the game was at it's best, no question.
Personal moment:
Soloing (without heroes and henchmen) the Dunes of Despair mission with my Whammo after the 20th try. Man, that was elation.
Guild Wars moment:
The 2005 Halloween event. It was the first true event that I attended, and I was awestruck as to how much fun everyone was having.
Guild Wars era:
The Introduction of Sorrow's Furnace. The hype was incredible leading up to the release, and A-Net lived up to it.
Soloing (without heroes and henchmen) the Dunes of Despair mission with my Whammo after the 20th try. Man, that was elation.
Guild Wars moment:
The 2005 Halloween event. It was the first true event that I attended, and I was awestruck as to how much fun everyone was having.
Guild Wars era:
The Introduction of Sorrow's Furnace. The hype was incredible leading up to the release, and A-Net lived up to it.
Finishing Kathandrax HM with only 5 chars in party (2 humanS/3heroes), without any monk or healer, because the monk with her heroes crashed when entering the dungeon. We were a ranger, and a warrior, with this heroes: SS necro, 1 WAH ele, 1 ranger interrupter, the warrior didn't bring any healing skill and me only Breath of the Great Dwarf, mending touch with storm chaser as energy management. Amazing, when we reached the final boss.
It was incredibly funny.
It was incredibly funny.
1) Reaching Lion's Arch for the first time at the end of a Beta Weekend
2) Aquiring my Mini Gwen
3) Ascending for the first time
4) Maxing my Elite Skill Hunter 2 mins after maxing my Sunspear title^^
5) My first Ecto ever (in TopK^^)
...and many more
2) Aquiring my Mini Gwen

3) Ascending for the first time
4) Maxing my Elite Skill Hunter 2 mins after maxing my Sunspear title^^
5) My first Ecto ever (in TopK^^)
...and many more
When i learnt how to 55hp the griffons and making a shed load

When they added inscriptions... my first gold req9 inscribed item.
When they added new armor sets and pieces to Prophecies (i.e.:Labyrinth, Gladiator helm, etc).
When they added Insignia worldwide.
When they added new greens to Factions Credits area.
I love that kind of things.
When they added inscriptions... my first gold req9 inscribed item.
When they added new armor sets and pieces to Prophecies (i.e.:Labyrinth, Gladiator helm, etc).
When they added Insignia worldwide.
When they added new greens to Factions Credits area.
I love that kind of things.
1. 2 man UW runs
2. Thunderhead Keep back in the old days when it was difficult.
3. Completing Prophecies for the first time.
4. 4 man Sorrow's Furnance farm
2. Thunderhead Keep back in the old days when it was difficult.
3. Completing Prophecies for the first time.
4. 4 man Sorrow's Furnance farm
mazey vorstagg
My best moment was just in Pre-searing when I first started. Playing with all my school friends and rocking those devourers! The first-level part of any game is normally the best.
Getting to level 20 on my first character (ele)
Capping Barrage on my ranger (dont use it much anymore : P )
Beating prophecies for the first time.
Going back and gettint the last couple of bonuses in prophecies so I had my first max title...Protector of Tyria.
An RA match where the rest of my team died (I had already used my cap sig) but three of the enemy team were still up and i managed to get the win solo.
Capping Barrage on my ranger (dont use it much anymore : P )
Beating prophecies for the first time.
Going back and gettint the last couple of bonuses in prophecies so I had my first max title...Protector of Tyria.
An RA match where the rest of my team died (I had already used my cap sig) but three of the enemy team were still up and i managed to get the win solo.
Playing in a crappy gwp pug earth spike and beating another crappy gwp pug earth spike, partly due to earthquaking Awowa's infuse intentionally.
Edit : Also, killing 2 shadow form assassins with chilblains.
Edit : Also, killing 2 shadow form assassins with chilblains.