tired of playing the same meta-garbage?
apply =)
A bit about us.
-We will never run meta or I will flip out.
- We will always try new crazy builds.
- If we have at least 6 people online we will GvG
- We will do ATs regardless of how much we suck
- We will use heroes if we have too.
-Our goal? Have fun. Run stupid builds that will make people cry and complain to ANet. Twisted Evil
GvG Times:
6pm-2am EST + (whenever we have ppl online)
Yes we are American, sorry Euro's
What we are looking for:
-Not uber crazy people that live and die by rank
-Competent players that have played regular GvG
-Yes we will Guest people so if you want to guest fire me a PM
What we need for Core:
-3 Solid Front Line (a caller)
-4 Midline players (Must be able to play several caster positions)
-2 Monk Backline (however might need more N/Rt's)
Definition of Competent:
-750kl+ balth faction
-All 3 camps + GWEN
-UAX (preferably)
-Knowledge of current gvg builds (quiz time?)
To Apply:
If you consider yourself Competent, and would like to play some pretty messed builds then PM me with your IGN so we can meet up and talk about your application. Please send me in your PM the position you would like to play (ie front, mid, back). Please only select 1.
You must attach a Screenie of hours on your account and faction otherwise i wont waste my time looking at it.
To Guest:
If you want to guest for our guild, you better be damn good.
In your pm list references and past guilds you've played for so I can google them and run a background check on you.
In the end We want to have fun. Don’t you?
RC Prot Ftw aka Pve Is Useless
[RoCK] Leader
[RoCK] is recruting