Erasing Survivor from Title List...
Ok, so I was one of my characters. It had accidentally gained survivor and from a glitch on my inefficient computer, I had lost the title.
I had made a lot of progress on titles on this character over 2 monthes and don't really want to reroll but the unmaxed survivor title is really annoying.
What I am suggesting is that there should be an option to remove the survivor title from your characters (ofcourse you are unable to retry the title).
I had made a lot of progress on titles on this character over 2 monthes and don't really want to reroll but the unmaxed survivor title is really annoying.
What I am suggesting is that there should be an option to remove the survivor title from your characters (ofcourse you are unable to retry the title).
Doesn't make sense
Doesn't make sense
you mean since you can't progress in that title track you want an option to hide it or remove it all together. if so, then /signed.
Originally Posted by Covah
you mean since you can't progress in that title track you want an option to hide it or remove it all together. if so, then /signed.
Zahr Dalsk
It's really annoying having a half-done but incompletable title permanently there.
It's really annoying having a half-done but incompletable title permanently there.
Siirius Black
hum this seems appropiate
Zhang Zyria
its like an unfinished project, sitting there....mocking you
Hong Kong Evil
Originally Posted by Blu
What I am suggesting is that there should be an option to remove the survivor title from your characters (ofcourse you are unable to retry the title).
my title stopped in 1.2M experience.....i want to remove it
Yeah, that'd bother me so much I'd just erase the character, so /signed.
It will take the stress away!
It will take the stress away!
Or you could keep the title to display but maybe hide the exp earned once you die? It needs something that won't ruin it for the people that are surviving over 1337500 exp.
If you can't go on with the tittle it makes no sense to keep it in the list.
Mystique Huntress
My failed R2 is laughing at me whenever I look at my title progress
My failed R2 is laughing at me whenever I look at my title progress
Squishy ftw
/signed , as there is no way you can ever complete it after failing once. Therefor no reason for it to stay in the log. IMO.
/signed if you cant complete it then it should disappear. Unless you mean after rank 1 then its a title. You may not be able to max it but it is still at title.
~the rat~
~the rat~
/signed Not that I have it, I made a career of dying in pre because I didn't know what I was doing. And doesn't ldoa disappear from your list if you don't get it?
I don't really understand why, but... don't auto take it away, because that's what it sounds like some people are saying.
/i dont really understand what is going on...
/i dont really understand what is going on...
My suggestion to aquire the title (or others) is by, eating or "consuming" another owned character of the same primary proffesion that has the desired title.
So in order to get the survivor title, one creates a new character of your desired characters profession -and when that character has completed the title the, the character that wanted the title on consumes the title holder.
So in order to get the survivor title, one creates a new character of your desired characters profession -and when that character has completed the title the, the character that wanted the title on consumes the title holder.
Lady Rhonwyn
Not automatically, but more by choice. Maybe even create a new tab with "undesirable titles" where you can move those titles you'll never max. I have that stupid gamer track on my list which I will never progress (I don't even know how I started it...)
Not automatically, but more by choice. Maybe even create a new tab with "undesirable titles" where you can move those titles you'll never max. I have that stupid gamer track on my list which I will never progress (I don't even know how I started it...)
r1/r2 in a title list is a huge badge of failure, making it go away would be nice.
r1/r2 in a title list is a huge badge of failure, making it go away would be nice.
/signed to hide the pain of failure!
Tender Wolf
hehe When I first saw your post, I thought you meant get rid of the title entirely, not just the display.
Now that I see what you meant, I do agree with you. My dervish has rank 1 but she died so she can't get any farther. Sure I like displaying it, but I do see your point.
But since I like displaying even rank 1 (since that's my only character with any of the Survival titles) I'll say that I like it the way it is. hehe Maybe if there was an option to hide if you wanted but leave it if you didn't.
Now that I see what you meant, I do agree with you. My dervish has rank 1 but she died so she can't get any farther. Sure I like displaying it, but I do see your point.
But since I like displaying even rank 1 (since that's my only character with any of the Survival titles) I'll say that I like it the way it is. hehe Maybe if there was an option to hide if you wanted but leave it if you didn't.
Ok.. I totally misunderstood the topic.. :P
That should be a
for me then
That should be a
for me then
This is how I feel looking at a half-finished Survivor Title
Lil Ferk
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
This is how I feel looking at a half-finished Survivor Title
back on topic:
/signed but only if u want to get rid of your title not automatically
disappointment maybe, is it out there like a red strobe for its incompletion, if it was would your wear it proudly like obsideon armor, i got this far "oh well", do you coware and whimper everytime your see the complete and utter failure, "it's just a game" ... ok, i've remade my survivor title track character over 20 times and keep failing, spike here, lagosis there, and occassional mental lapse (what was I thinking, or was I), but that doesn't mean my other characters which can never have the title mean any less ... and before all this title nonsense was ever an issue in pre-faction daze ... did it matter?
I'm not much of a Will Ferret fan anyway ... like Jim Carey you seen one effort you've seen it all /yawn
I'm not much of a Will Ferret fan anyway ... like Jim Carey you seen one effort you've seen it all /yawn
Dorian Orenda
Totally agree Greyson....hmmm.....somehow you seem familiar
Kendar Muert
Rather dissapointing to fail it, but having it sitting there, nagging you, is worse.
Rather dissapointing to fail it, but having it sitting there, nagging you, is worse.
I'm surprised a lot of people have the same trouble of mine HAHAHAHAH!
for this idea
for ordering titles or hiding titles so i dont have to search for my titles.
for this idea
for ordering titles or hiding titles so i dont have to search for my titles.
Ordering would be good too...
There could be a Tab for completed ones, one for account-wide ones and one for uncomplete character-wide ones.
Then a button to surt by name, by competion, by rank...
Ah, and above everything else, It would be great to move the currently selected title to the top of the list.
There could be a Tab for completed ones, one for account-wide ones and one for uncomplete character-wide ones.
Then a button to surt by name, by competion, by rank...
Ah, and above everything else, It would be great to move the currently selected title to the top of the list.