Help pls.
My screen will like go and like lag all over the place and change random colors when i'm playing so I have to turn on my computer again to play I have a graphics card is there a way to lower down the picture quality or something that might help?
Wow! That's a long and not very informative sentence you posted there.
Your graphics driver are probably old. Seek for an update.
Well unless you were drunk in game before posting that i would say a good rundown of your system specs would be in order before anything could be suggested to help you.
Sounds like one of a number of possible issues:
> video card on its way out
> video card not seated properly
> heat issue
> insufficient power from the power supply or other power connector
> incorrect or outdated drivers, or possible a driver conflict
> OS, virus, or other software conflict/issue
> corrupted game file
> problem w/ your monitor/refresh rate/screen resolution
We will need specific system specs including the make and modem of the video card, CPU speed, ram, hard drive, etc...
> video card on its way out
> video card not seated properly
> heat issue
> insufficient power from the power supply or other power connector
> incorrect or outdated drivers, or possible a driver conflict
> OS, virus, or other software conflict/issue
> corrupted game file
> problem w/ your monitor/refresh rate/screen resolution
We will need specific system specs including the make and modem of the video card, CPU speed, ram, hard drive, etc...