Mission map marking


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Twilight Fellowship [TF]


I looked through the Index and searched the forum for "mission map" and didn't see anything on this.

I was going through the Blacktide Den mission and I was having trouble remembering where I had left Captain Besuz while I looked for the Rinkhal Monitors when I thought of this.

Why can't we create out own markers on the mission map? They'd obviously have to have different icons than the ones already used in certain missions, but it should be pretty simple. Have an "Add Marker" button\tab to the map. Click it, a small window pops up. You can type a very short description, maybe color code it, click okay (or cancel), then set it. The description pops up when you mouse-over, just like the current ones. Maybe add the name of the person who set it underneath the description (like the "Customized for" on items) so everyone knows if it was the team leader or not. Limit the number of them so idiots can't cover the map. I guess make it so only the person who set them and the team leader can delete them. Have a "Delete marker" button. Click it, then click the marker to delete it. Maybe have a "Clear markers" button that can only be used by the leader and is greyed out for other party members.

The only cons to this would be people setting dumb ones, but letting the team leader delete them as well would help with that. It all really comes down to player integrity. Any person who screws with this is likely to do the same on the compass, so it's not really opening up new avenues for idiots.


Wireless Ironfist

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


This sounds like a great idea. It would definately be handy in some situations. Could even be used for more in-depth strategizing in PvE.



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Even if they where temporary, like the 'Path walked' lines, this would come in handy.

There are other changes that would help.
New markers in old missions (Like marking the 9 towers in Riverside Province)
Always allow to show the full mission map even if the area is not dungeon-like (resizing the mission map panel can be annoying, and the world map do not have markers)

With that, it would be perfect.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Twilight Fellowship [TF]


Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Always allow to show the full mission map even if the area is not dungeon-like (resizing the mission map panel can be annoying, and the world map do not have markers)
I'm not sure what you mean. Showing the whole mission area, and just scale distances like the compass when you change the window size?

If so that may be a bit unwieldy. You'd just have to resize the window to fill the screen to get the most detail. Maybe make the mission map available on the world map outside of missions as well?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007


Jenova's Apocolyptic Remains [JAR]


That'd be handy, although I'd prefer the maps to be more like helpful notes for that player only. You just know someone will be more than happy to share a map covered in markers, or place them in the shape of genitalia/swear words. :P


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guildless, pm me


There would be people that abuse this, and giving the party leader the ability to delete them wouldn't solve the problem. Is everyone under the impression that anyone who leads a party has a lot of integrity and they never are immature? Maybe the party leader is the one doing the spamming?

And, it would not be the same as people who draw lines on the map, because, if the markers are permanent, they cannot go away.

If the community didn't have any immature people, its an easy /sign, but it would get abused to easily, and I don't want to deal with it.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


/signed for a simple marker only. No notes or comments. Notes would be nice, but I'm should that's not a simple thing to do and the devs have enough on their plate.

Also limit to only 3 markers to prevent abuse.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guildless, pm me


Originally Posted by TheRaven
Also limit to only 3 markers to prevent abuse.
If that becomes part of the case, I'll /sign

Ugoff The Unholy

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007

I had a similar idea, but it involved drawing on the map much like the minimap. Except it wouldn't go away until you erased it/zoned. It would be very similar to The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass map drawing.

Handy indeed.

Note: for the immaturity issue- maybe a every party members name with a check box next to it. Toggle their notes/drawings on and off?

Rory The Warlord

Rory The Warlord

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Realms Beyond


I like the idea, 5-7 max at one time would be great. Also would want the leader to be the only one that can delete them.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

I'm trying to think of somewhere that this would be useful. In Blacktide Den, IIRC the captain doesn't stay in one place (been a while since I did it). If that is so, then this idea really wouldn't help.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Twilight Fellowship [TF]


Originally Posted by quickmonty
I'm trying to think of somewhere that this would be useful. In Blacktide Den, IIRC the captain doesn't stay in one place (been a while since I did it). If that is so, then this idea really wouldn't help.
He stays in one spot if you don't kill the group of enemies in front of him.

And about the player integrity. People can do the same thing on the compass. Draw penises, click on it constantly and in the wrong places to confuse people. And the party leader has the ability to kick people, not in instances, but he still has more power than other people in the party. Like I said, this isn't opening any new avenues for people to be stupid. The same people who would abuse this are the same who abuse the compass now.