elonian vaquishing/guardian
Operun Agemo
forming a group to vanquish areas and get guardian in as many missions as i can whisper me in game to join a group
operun eredon
operun eredon
Ill go for it, need most places vanquished and missions done.
sign me up, i need pretty much all areas vanquished, and all missions
IGN Face The Slayer
IGN Face The Slayer
msg me in game. =)
ign: Lorde Vastosheath
ign: Lorde Vastosheath
Michiko Miko
contact me in game
ign:michiko miko chan
ign:michiko miko chan
Dodji Ovamo
i finish elonian vanquisher,but i still need guardian title.if you want,pm in game.
ing Dodji Ovamo.
ing Dodji Ovamo.
Big Plum
im up for anything pm me big plum
Operun Agemo
ranger= operun eredon
monk= monk of dooms
assasin= chiri babbath
warrior= birion tallnvor
monk= monk of dooms
assasin= chiri babbath
warrior= birion tallnvor
great war lord
Count Me In.
I'm Trying To Max Some Titles Atm
IGN: Great War Lord
I'm Trying To Max Some Titles Atm
IGN: Great War Lord
i need everywhere lol
IGN : The Sunrise Dervish
IGN : The Sunrise Dervish
murderville elite
well ill join
warrior -murderville legend
ranger -murderville ranger
derv- murderville elite
warrior -murderville legend
ranger -murderville ranger
derv- murderville elite
Count me in too, got only one teritory vanquished and only first mission done
Ren Hoek Xxl
Ren Hoek Xxl
I may join some of you too, i have vabby and all missions in hard mode to do
no talent
im up for elona guardian...pm in game
Zikum Monk
I'm the best monk out there.
Wisper me IG Zikum Monk.
Wisper me IG Zikum Monk.