15k armor useless?
well well just gathered spend a fortune to buy me my first piece of druid's ranger armor for 15k at marhan's grotto.
expecting it to look very different from the one i was having since yak's bend.
and guess was is 100% the same exept armor now it 70 instead of 40
so what in gods name makes it worth chipping in the extra 13.5k i ask u?
if anybody has the answer please let me know cause i'm currently quite pissed off
expecting it to look very different from the one i was having since yak's bend.
and guess was is 100% the same exept armor now it 70 instead of 40
so what in gods name makes it worth chipping in the extra 13.5k i ask u?
if anybody has the answer please let me know cause i'm currently quite pissed off
Love And Peace
purely cosmetic
Most of the 15K armors look the same as their cheaper counterparts. They do, however, the same name as the armor you get on a PvP character, so you could always create a PvP character to preview the new set.
Not to flame you, but if you would've seen the armor compindium on this site or others... all of the armors of the same name, look the same. Sad but true. The Al levels are better, and that's about it. There MAY be some special, find only, armors out there that look diffrent.
hm.. thnx for the answer
but why would they put a armor in game that costs 10 times as much and hasn't got any better stats or looks.
but why would they put a armor in game that costs 10 times as much and hasn't got any better stats or looks.
Its a money sink for you to spend money.....so you can show the world that you are rich!
Bragging rights!
Bragging rights!
The dragon set looks different (at lest thats what I was told) than its cheaper variation.
The 15k Wanderer's set is different too...actually I'm pretty sure all the 15k armors look different. Their icons are just very similiar to the original.
hold on i'll get screenies
edit: hm.. i can't seem to capture the gui that shows the armor's value is 525
and thats the only proof its costs 15k anyway to conclude this if ur looking for a better look a 15k armor don't get the druid's vest 100% the same
edit: hm.. i can't seem to capture the gui that shows the armor's value is 525
and thats the only proof its costs 15k anyway to conclude this if ur looking for a better look a 15k armor don't get the druid's vest 100% the same
well i know that no matter how my char goes, i am rich so 15k for identical looks and better armor. sure why not ill take it. cuz armor after all does help out a character.
Master Elyas
well... duin... how bout lending me some of that richness?
I think all the 15k armor are supposed to look better than their 1.5k counteparts, its just that currently they're either bugged in that they don't, or that they haven't made the sprites for them yet.
Master Elyas
that might be it.. but, GW is already released! they should have everything complete already... and polished to some extent...
If they said game is ready but the 15k armor looks hasnt been updated yet so the release date is pushed back one month u'd be whining how they should just release it and patch it the armor later =)
Master Elyas
eh... thats true
but, i hope they will patch it soon...
im tired of the look of my Wyvern... i want a new look! WAAAA!!!
but, i hope they will patch it soon...
im tired of the look of my Wyvern... i want a new look! WAAAA!!!
Someone posted a picture of the necro set for 15k and it was completely different from all the old armor sets.
Link to the place with the pic
Link to the place with the pic
Master Elyas
oh god that looks cool...
Thy Shadow Wolf
That's pretty amazing

yeah wish i could have looked like that
poor bastard now without kewl looks
poor bastard now without kewl looks
I've only seen a couple of the sets, but the ones I've seen have had some definate differences. The Bonelace armor I crafted(in the above link) is pretty sweet, and looks considerably different from the normal armor. I also know someone who crafted the Monk Wanderer set, and it looked different from normal armor as well- it had vine-like tattoos along the arms and legs, surrounding the armwraps and sandals, and the armor appeared to be of a different texture than the normal set. Basically, you can pay extra to craft unique-looking armor to set yourself apart from everyone else in the game that hasn't spent the gold. If you don't care about your appearance, at least not enough to spend the gold, you can just get the normal stuff and be like most everyone else. However, for the people who would like a purely asthetic reward for getting a lot of cash, the Ascention armor is a possibility.
Where do you get that armor that looks different like you got on your necro?
Also is it 15k per piece or for the set?
Also is it 15k per piece or for the set?
It's per piece.

That set of armor is from the Granite Citadel outpost in the Southern Shiverpeaks. There's another set that can be crafted at that outpost as well, and two more that can be crafted at Marhan's Grotto.
Anyone have a picture of the warrior? The picture of the Dragon Armor does look slightly different then the picture of the Wyvern armor...oh, and am I just reading them wrong, or are the 15k armors actually 5 Defense better then the 1.5k counterparts? Cuz in Granite Citadel they had 85 defense but my Knights Armor has 80.
Raiddinn Beatdropper
Actually, I am kinda sad that I basically went from LA to Hot Springs to Temple of Ages, to River Fishing, to Sanctum Cay walking, and right outside Sanctum Cay I bought a 57 ac suit.
Now, like 10 missions and 25 or so cities later and I am at Forge, and the best armor I can get now is +3 better, and from what I understand it doesnt get better than 60 for a wiz.
Its pretty sad when you have to beat the last say 3/4 of a game wearing the same stuff.
I dont know, maybe it was just REALLY smart of me to go south from Temple of Ages when I was deciding where to wander...
Tsunamii Starshine
Now, like 10 missions and 25 or so cities later and I am at Forge, and the best armor I can get now is +3 better, and from what I understand it doesnt get better than 60 for a wiz.
Its pretty sad when you have to beat the last say 3/4 of a game wearing the same stuff.
I dont know, maybe it was just REALLY smart of me to go south from Temple of Ages when I was deciding where to wander...
Tsunamii Starshine
Wasn't there a thread with Gladiator 15k armour version completely the same? We should have some kind of check to see which armour sets are different, and which aren't. Anyone willing to spend some cash?
Perishiko ReLLiK
If you people actually bought it, rather then talking out of your ass... only the item icon looks the same, if you equip the armor (which means you Have to buy it, liars.) it does look different... not sure about boots/gloves yet, but the chest pieces and legging pieces actually look quite different, there again i havent tested for All characters and All pieces of armor yet... but they do change, just the icon looks the same, i say again.
it's a money sink, for those that want to look different from the un-farming people. My ranger won't ever have a duplicate. My black 15k set of armor on my casting ranger is the bomb diggy.
it's a money sink, for those that want to look different from the un-farming people. My ranger won't ever have a duplicate. My black 15k set of armor on my casting ranger is the bomb diggy.
Hmm. It's going to be kinda of a random draw as to what set looks like what until there are more pictures of it. What does 15k Necrotic look like? Fanatic? Tatto? etc. Not to mention the difference in look between genders.
well i'm sure i bought it and i'm 400% sure it looks exactly the same so don't go assuming things
Originally Posted by RizzleR
well well just gathered spend a fortune to buy me my first piece of druid's ranger armor for 15k at marhan's grotto.
expecting it to look very different from the one i was having since yak's bend. and guess wat is 100% the same exept armor now it 70 instead of 40 so what in gods name makes it worth chipping in the extra 13.5k i ask u? if anybody has the answer please let me know cause i'm currently quite pissed off |
Granted, tho, it should look different.
Song Yimou