Elite Mercenaries of War [NOIR]

X Domno X

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Elite Mercenaries of War [NOIR]


Currently we are in the process of rebuilding to our former glory. We have a website at Noirdomain.com with a link to our forums, a teamspeak server, and our alliance is helpful and friendly. I hope to build a member base for a PvE/Faction guild where we will run elite mishions, dungeons, and farm. Currently we do not have any requirements on faction dumps per login. We do occasional PvP and hope to do some GvG in the future.

Guild Leader~Domno The Hexxer

Officers~Xano the Defiant, Drizzt Urdeen, Da Gatekeeper, and Zondanator X

Contact any of those people if you have questions or for an invite.

Officers spots available