Has anyone tried a necromancer team where one necromancer dies using sacrificing skills and another uses death skills to make minions and with monk secondary rise and then repeat to make minions before the battle begins?
Also I’ve been thinking if they’re where two to sacrifice and two to raise that this would make lots of minions. Never did try this yet but was curious if anyone else has.
pvp minion master?
Yeah, it's called Minion Factory. It was epic fail before the minion cap, and now it's even more epic fail. It's been tried in HA before. If you like giving people free fame, then run it. But if you like to not suck, then stay far, far away.
Ok I was wondering about it but atleast now I know thank you.
It used to work before the minion cap nerf. then it worked again before the jagged bones nerf. now it just sucks.
Pyro maniac
Minion Factory and later Jagged Bones
If I remember correctly there used to be a guild/character called Black Rose that developed a 8 build that worked for a little while in HA. This was before the minion cap. The team had 2 guys that would sac themselves over and over again, 2 revivers, 2 MM, and 2 Minion Healers/Heal party. There was a Video running around of them in HA.
Dr Strangelove
It really didn't work at all in HA. IWAY was still running around, and minion factory was bent over and murdered by frozen soil and edge of extinction. Don't have those? No big deal, just AoE them a couple of times and everything will die.
Feurin Longcastle
It was amazingly funny seeing people run this in TA, on the lava map that measures total kills. Nothing beats starting with a 10-0 lead.
Originally Posted by Feurin Longcastle
It was amazingly funny seeing people run this in TA, on the lava map that measures total kills. Nothing beats starting with a 10-0 lead.
That's funny.
Minion Factory was played before iWay, and went extinct when iWay was introduced to the game.
Pyro maniac
oh and the spearman did something with 20+ flesh golems in a team :>