Secret Farming spot in Pre?
One of my guildies was talking about somewhere you can farm in pre, where its possible to get a stack of black dyes (250), in 1 - 2 hours. He's not lying either, he doesn't seem like the type who would lie. It's a specific kind of monster, only found in this "secret" spot. But he wouldn't tell a single person where it is. So I'm going to look into this, and i will find out. if anyone of you have heard of this, please contribute, and search in pre, everywhere, and help find it. I WILL FIND OUT. I'll search pre head to toe if i have to.
I'd ask to see the stack(s).
No offense, but without a screen shot or anything to prove it... He's lying.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
I'd ask to see the stack(s).
I Phoenix I
Have the dupers found a new way to dupe?
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Have the dupers found a new way to dupe?
1 up and 2 down
I can guarantee that no monster drops black dyes that often unless it is some kind of exploit.
More exploits I'm assuming.. wait!
*Gets out the Jump to Conclusions mat*
Everyone, go!
*Gets out the Jump to Conclusions mat*
Everyone, go!
Seraphim of Chaos
Originally Posted by Brianna
More exploits I'm assuming.. wait!
*Gets out the Jump to Conclusions mat* Everyone, go! |
Yes, it is a horrible horrible idea.
pics or it didnt happen
15 stacks? You do realize thats 3750 black dyes in pre, right? I'm not even sure if the freaking dye trader has that many. It is duping for sure, if he even has that much.
hey guyz. I r finded a gud spot for uncondi req7 max crystalines to dropz. A friend of a friend, whose third cousin who no longer plays the game, has a dead sister whose ex boyfriend's neighbor has the pics.
How did the show 15 stacks btw? You cannot add that much in trade window... He could have been recycling those, but i think you lie.
Sirugel Kai
Originally Posted by Sypherious
One of my guildies was talking about somewhere you can farm in pre, where its possible to get a stack of black dyes (250), in 1 - 2 hours. He's not lying either, he doesn't seem like the type who would lie. It's a specific kind of monster, only found in this "secret" spot. But he wouldn't tell a single person where it is. So I'm going to look into this, and i will find out. if anyone of you have heard of this, please contribute, and search in pre, everywhere, and help find it. I WILL FIND OUT. I'll search pre head to toe if i have to.
I would like 15 stacks of black dye...
Tell him to give me some... why is he holding them anyways? He got pretty much enough money for about everything in this game u.u
Tell him to give me some... why is he holding them anyways? He got pretty much enough money for about everything in this game u.u
Meat Axe
I'll tell you what, if he really does have 3750 black dyes, that is worth one hell of a lot. Using the current price of 5.5k per black dye in pre, that's 20.635 million gold. If he then sells that gold for post gold, using the current exchange ratio of 1:1.5, that's 30.9525 million gold. Quite an impressive number.
However, I think he's taking the piss.
However, I think he's taking the piss.
Sirugel Kai
If there is any area to farm black dye in pre.. its by the bandits.. and even IF thats what it is.. you WONT get 15 stacks of black dye
Screenshot and we talk I guess 
- Ganni

- Ganni
Mr Emu
What is this concept of "pre gold" and "post gold?" I have never heard of it and as far as I know there is no multiplier on gold in inventory when you go through the searing. Other than that, I s'pose we can all just have fun and dupe like mad.
Neo Nugget
It's something made up by players, like ectos as currency.
Usually 1.5 X pre to post.
Usually 1.5 X pre to post.
This sypherious guy has made several other attention seeking threads (one complaining about how protective spirit didn't stop life stealing and another one he made about how he flew into a rage whenever a girl pwned him in RA lol) so I think that it is safe to conclude that this guy is just a glory seeker and this is a load of bull.
Mr Emu
I realize that gold pieces in pre and post have different implied values, however, what does one do to take the higher implied value in pre and turn it into an equivalent amount of gold in post?
Meat Axe
Originally Posted by Mr Emu
I realize that gold pieces in pre and post have different implied values, however, what does one do to take the higher implied value in pre and turn it into an equivalent amount of gold in post?
Originally Posted by lordheinous
This sypherious guy has made several other attention seeking threads (one complaining about how protective spirit didn't stop life stealing and another one he made about how he flew into a rage whenever a girl pwned him in RA lol) so I think that it is safe to conclude that this guy is just a glory seeker and this is a load of bull.
Lord Darksoul
Originally Posted by Sypherious
yea dude, ever heard of sarcasm, those topics were purely meant to bring laughs, never meant any of it. now just concentrate on the topic title.
Yeah, we've heard of sarcasm, and what you posted was not sarcasm. It wasn't even remotely funny or sarcastic, mostly just stupid.
Mods close pl0x.
Sirugel Kai
Originally Posted by Sypherious
yea dude, ever heard of sarcasm, those topics were purely meant to bring laughs, never meant any of it. now just concentrate on the topic title.
Originally Posted by Sirugel Kai
So in other words.. You're a spammer? and this topic is fake? ;D
IF it's true, the guy's using an exploit.
I've been everywhere (and by "everywhere" I mean "ran the walls of every single spot") in Pre and have never, ever gotten a black dye. I'm sure many, many more people have done the same thing. So if such a place exists, it would have been discovered a long, long time ago and the word would already be out about it.
I say "B.S."
I've been everywhere (and by "everywhere" I mean "ran the walls of every single spot") in Pre and have never, ever gotten a black dye. I'm sure many, many more people have done the same thing. So if such a place exists, it would have been discovered a long, long time ago and the word would already be out about it.
I say "B.S."
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Mr Emu
I realize that gold pieces in pre and post have different implied values, however, what does one do to take the higher implied value in pre and turn it into an equivalent amount of gold in post?
A: You don't. You either stay in Albania a rich man among poor people, or go to the US and become a poor man among rich people.
As for black dyes in pre, they do drop there, and lots of people used to have a thriving business tricking new players out of their black dye (by paying 50 times more than the merchant, ie 50 gold, for it) then move the black dye to post-searing and rake in the profit. Back then it wasn't that unusual to see scammers/shrewd dye traders in pre which had very large amounts of black dye, all bought from newbie players.
I suppose it isn't impossible there's still some guy with a lot of black dye lingering in pre-sear, even though there no longer is a flood of newbie players to prey on, and who decided to prank the gullible OP.
Originally Posted by Sypherious
stupid/gay/retarded w/e, thats the point. moron
Black Dye drop rate is extremely low i believe you are liar...unless you can prove otherwise..

Originally Posted by Sypherious
stupid/gay/retarded w/e, thats the point. moron

- Ganni
please dont feed the trolls....another useless thread....mod please close.
OMG my friend just found a monster that drops 20 ecto every time but he doesn't want to tell me where he is. Believe me and help me find it even though I have no proof.
/end sarcasm
Unless you have a screenshot then this thread is BS, sorry.
/close please
/end sarcasm
Unless you have a screenshot then this thread is BS, sorry.
/close please
sreenshot or gtfo?
Harrier's haste
Yea seriously, use common sense, unless its a bug or anything of that sort, WHY WOULD anet create a specific monster that drops black dyes THAT often, unless they wanted to crash the black dyes' price, which I believe is quite reasonable(6k, not too much, not too little).
So yeah, unless you can upload the screenshot WITH the monster(s) in the background there is absolutely no way that people will believe your friend(and you), because it-doesn't-make-any-frigging-sense. If you believe your friend THAT much, be my guest, have fun searching for something that's not there in the begging. And by the way, I'm right, try to prove me wrong.
Good Luck.
So yeah, unless you can upload the screenshot WITH the monster(s) in the background there is absolutely no way that people will believe your friend(and you), because it-doesn't-make-any-frigging-sense. If you believe your friend THAT much, be my guest, have fun searching for something that's not there in the begging. And by the way, I'm right, try to prove me wrong.
Good Luck.

Thanks for the +1
Screenshot or it didn't happen. Sorry.
Screenshot or it didn't happen. Sorry.
??? L??wLi????????? ???
I "lol'd" this thread.
There are no secert farming spots..
There are no secert farming spots..
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a screenshot.
eiri yuki
if anything, you could always try out the catacombs outside the barrin estate, and jus keep zoning in back and forth killing the gargoyles in there, they have a pretty high chance of droping dye's, just keep doing it enough and you'll get stacks of dyes
I sense photoshop being launched.
xDusT II
So your friend has a secret spot where he finds lots of black stuff?