what did you do with your first 100k.
When my storage gold first crossed the 100k line, I thought I was the richest guy in game :P (joking)
I think I kept my 100k for a very long time and only started spending on elite armors when I had alot more.
I think I kept my 100k for a very long time and only started spending on elite armors when I had alot more.
Kyomi Tachibana
Bought Monument and Dwarven armor for my mesmer. <3
I never got any higher than 75K
the only prestige armor i got is Norn armor for my ranger.
the only prestige armor i got is Norn armor for my ranger.
Morgoth the dark
well i bought my 15k drakescale with it 
and than FoW...
now i have like 14k, damn Zaishen chest
and than FoW...
now i have like 14k, damn Zaishen chest
Vabbian, Razah the hard way, Legendary Skill Hunter.
I spent it women, booz and fast cars, (damnd I miss those day's)
I spent it on Vabbian armor for my Derv. >.< I farmed myself to death for a week to get it and I hardly even play my Derv. When I get Vabbian for my Ele I'm farming at a slower pace and over a longer period of time.
Never did hit 100k not spent at one time.
Constantly spending money towards Hall of Monument unlocks, especially prestige armor at the moment.
Constantly spending money towards Hall of Monument unlocks, especially prestige armor at the moment.
signet of capture x100
HuntMaster Avatar
skills and mini's
Jumping Is Uselss
My first 100k went to Hagen in Granite Citadel to craft my 15k plate
15k Elite Gladiator set for my precious warrior!
(Or just 15k Gladiator, as it was named back then)
aaa Prophecies days...
(Or just 15k Gladiator, as it was named back then)
aaa Prophecies days...
freaky naughty
Shing Jea hookers ofcourse. Jk
My first 100k went towards my warriors 15k kurz armor which I believe is still the best-looking warrior armor for female or male characters.
My first 100k went towards my warriors 15k kurz armor which I believe is still the best-looking warrior armor for female or male characters.
Saint Zeth
Saved it. It eventually went towards getting my FoW armor.
i bought 15k luxon
Bought 15k Grotto armor for my necro.
bought 15k kurz for my sin ^_^ no regrets
Never got it due to intensive buying of skills and new character (with all the cost assisciated with them) and... 5 peice of elite armor? no wait my elem has one too so that's 6 pieces.
Marty Silverblade
I still have it. All the prestige armor I have (3 sets on the War, 1 on the Ele) I got before I hit the 100k (i.e, I'd get to 15k, then buy a peice, save up 15k again, buy another peice, etc)
Got Primeval armor with my ranger. Still wear it, have no regrets.
I don't know about 100k, but I've spent a lot of gold on armor, runes and insignias for my three main characters and their most used heroes. Add to that signets of capture and some weapons and dyes here and there and who knows how much it adds up to. But the main three are all at the point where they can mostly save what they have now.
My first 100K went to Elite Plate for my warrior.
My second 100K went to Elite Kurzick armor, and I never even wear my elite plate anymore.
And now I am poor
My second 100K went to Elite Kurzick armor, and I never even wear my elite plate anymore.
And now I am poor

I'd guess my first 100k that I had in storage at one time, I got Dragon Armor (w/ Primeval Helm) for my Warrior, then the next went to Monument, the next went to Monument for my Rit (Dread Mask).....yeah mostly armor. I haven't had the need to buy expensive weapons, although I have a couple of perfect caster weapons (fellblade, chaos axe, golden phoenix blade), but thats from me getting lucky with drops and good trades 
I enjoy saving a lot of money and then spending it all. I actually do that IRL a lot....

I enjoy saving a lot of money and then spending it all. I actually do that IRL a lot....

my first 600k went to a friend when i supposedly quit
Turned it into 500k.
I went through it pretty fast 
Bought a bunch of greens, tomes, scrolls and some consumables, don't really know where it all went, don't even have 5K armor.

Bought a bunch of greens, tomes, scrolls and some consumables, don't really know where it all went, don't even have 5K armor.
Priest Of Sin
Kept saving it, it then bought my Warrior is FoW armor (eventually).
So I guess you could say that I bought 10 ectoplasm with my first 100k (bought all my FoW when ectos were 10k apice.... ouchies.)
So I guess you could say that I bought 10 ectoplasm with my first 100k (bought all my FoW when ectos were 10k apice.... ouchies.)
Captain Miken
left it in my storage until i reached max gold [1.4 million at the time], quit gw, gave it all away
rinse and repeat, although i'm a little short after purchasing 290 skill capture signets for the titles
(although i'm probably able to sell one of the items i found while capping for well over a million)
(decided to cap WoH off of the priest of menzes in FoW during a clear run -- let's just say I got what everybody else was after
rinse and repeat, although i'm a little short after purchasing 290 skill capture signets for the titles
(although i'm probably able to sell one of the items i found while capping for well over a million)
(decided to cap WoH off of the priest of menzes in FoW during a clear run -- let's just say I got what everybody else was after

I think it was Kurzick elite armor set for my Ele.
Zhang Zyria
sadly bought a kaolin water staff when they just came out, i hate having to be one of the firsts to have something ^_^
i bought 5 coffers with my first 100k , got mini mallyx--> turned to 250k. then i got insipred to farm doa for armbraces which i afforded for my para fow armor
My first 100k went to a Superior Absorption rune. Ah good old days.
I thought that whenever you set the amount of things you want to buy from a merchant it resets itself to 0 after youve bought it. So i sold my mini titan for 85k had 15k in storage, went to the merchant in toa, and bought myself a shedload of keys without even meaning to. i wasnt the happiest of people at that moment
i saved it till i got mill of course
Kyp Jade
Used it to buy a superior absorbtion back when they were useful. 100k was easy to get back then anyway
Lawrence Chang
bought 15k templar armor and dyed it white.
Smilin' Assassin
hum, whenever I saved 20k, I'd go on a colouring spree~!
this was before the dye upgrade, so it was hit&miss, and only primary colours with the occasional Silver (the only Blacks I used were those found, never bought .. but Black rarely suited Alacrity anyway)
I'd chance on the perfect shade of indigo or royal, forget the combo, and blow through four dyes at a time experimenting:}
nowadays it's all too easy .. tho some of the old combos cannot be reproduced
so my first 100k went on paints, in 20k increments ~
this was before the dye upgrade, so it was hit&miss, and only primary colours with the occasional Silver (the only Blacks I used were those found, never bought .. but Black rarely suited Alacrity anyway)
I'd chance on the perfect shade of indigo or royal, forget the combo, and blow through four dyes at a time experimenting:}
nowadays it's all too easy .. tho some of the old combos cannot be reproduced
so my first 100k went on paints, in 20k increments ~
bought my guild a hall (it cost 80k back then)