Neglected Outposts
To name a few:
Maguuma Stade
Camp Hojanu
Basalt Grotto
These and possibly some other outposts are hardly visited. Should anything be done so that some places and outposts in any of the Guild Wars games make it so it's worth traveling to?
Maguuma Stade
Camp Hojanu
Basalt Grotto
These and possibly some other outposts are hardly visited. Should anything be done so that some places and outposts in any of the Guild Wars games make it so it's worth traveling to?
As the game gets older, you'll see more and more outposts become ghost towns. Even the ones that have a purpose generally have very, very temporary visitors come in, get their quest reward, and leave. Heck, many MISSION towns are becoming like that.
Calista Blackblood
i generally find an almost total lack of life from from probably boreas seabed onwards. ghost towns are scary
I pwnd U
I hardly see any activity in towns that are not big trading areas or major towns. Even then I don't alway see a ton of activity.
Fil Arun
If anything, GW is just suffering from a bunch of people who've gotten what they want out of the PvE and are waiting for GW2. If you're worried about the game, like, dying, I'd not worry too much about it... it's bound to happen that players are going to wait for the "next" game rather than spend a lot of time on the "old" game.
I must play at different times from everyone else because (other than Urgoz) I see people everywhere. Granted teams now do usually have at least one hero in them.
If I wanted to pug through again I definately could
If I wanted to pug through again I definately could
Olim Chill
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
To name a few:
Maguuma Stade |
Camp what?
Who cares if they're empty? It's not exactly game breaking, you know?
Who cares if they're empty? It's not exactly game breaking, you know?
Fil Arun
Well, it can make it harder to find a group of people to play with, if you desperately need one.
the only place you may ever desperately need a group is in a mission and for most missions there's enough people at peak times.
the basalt grotto is LEAVE!
I find it nice to have a town that has NO LAG, especially during big festivals. I can get my characters there and not have to worry about rubberbanding and such since I am usually the only one there; no spam, no rude people doing things....just me and my npc please let us be.

I find it nice to have a town that has NO LAG, especially during big festivals. I can get my characters there and not have to worry about rubberbanding and such since I am usually the only one there; no spam, no rude people doing things....just me and my npc please let us be.

Croco Clouds
lol i didn't know Basalt Grotto exists
Serenity Temple is a fairly early on outpost but I dont think ive ever spent more than a minute in the place.
Originally Posted by distilledwill
Serenity Temple is a fairly early on outpost but I dont think ive ever spent more than a minute in the place.
Maguuma Stade
Phoenix Tears
anet could put into them some NPC#s for more similar quests like for Black moa chick, but then for all those other uber insane rare minipets, like oni, naga, shiroken, kanaxai and so on ...
then have people really something interesting to WORK for those minipets in a humanous time span, and noth something that forces you to farm/grind/bot/gold buy for ages..., from which 2 ways are as you all know illegal ... but are the only 2 ways to reduce this ridiculous crazy grindage of ectos and platin to a normal amount of time ....
more quests at those outposts at all maybe some uniqu new npc sellers, like insignia and weapon upgrade sellers in those outposts...
then have people also a reason to visit those outposts and not to camp ever only at the 3 main towns ....
there are surely lots of possibilities to increase the interest of those outposts and to brign in more live into them.. but Anet imo doesn#t care about all this...all they care atm more about is GW2 ... let us just hope, that anet won't forget and ban GW1 out of their thoughts, once GW2 is out ...
then have people really something interesting to WORK for those minipets in a humanous time span, and noth something that forces you to farm/grind/bot/gold buy for ages..., from which 2 ways are as you all know illegal ... but are the only 2 ways to reduce this ridiculous crazy grindage of ectos and platin to a normal amount of time ....
more quests at those outposts at all maybe some uniqu new npc sellers, like insignia and weapon upgrade sellers in those outposts...
then have people also a reason to visit those outposts and not to camp ever only at the 3 main towns ....
there are surely lots of possibilities to increase the interest of those outposts and to brign in more live into them.. but Anet imo doesn#t care about all this...all they care atm more about is GW2 ... let us just hope, that anet won't forget and ban GW1 out of their thoughts, once GW2 is out ...
Kodash Bazar is a large outpost that rarely has many people going about, besides the odd person looking for trade contracts. Shame too, because it's one of my favourite outposts.
Zeek Aran
Thanks Phoenix, for another hard to understand post. Most of those suggestions are only temporary fixes, and putting a ton of NPCs into every outpost will just make people spread out even more, making selling/buying harder.
There was an area where mursaat appeared and began killing everyone in the outpost. We need more things like that, possibly.
Anyway, what's the point of having every non-mission outpost lively? Really, what quest is so hard you need other people to help?
There was an area where mursaat appeared and began killing everyone in the outpost. We need more things like that, possibly.
Anyway, what's the point of having every non-mission outpost lively? Really, what quest is so hard you need other people to help?
Basalt Grotto is cool, i hang over there sometimes.
Originally Posted by CougarTheTall
Ahh contrair, didn't they have a masquerade ball there a while back?
what about henge of denravi? thats a huge outpost thats always desolate.
Olim Chill
^HoD is actually a "town", but no doubt empty.
I think it's natural to have hot & cold spots throughout the map - certainly nothing to fret over.
I think it's natural to have hot & cold spots throughout the map - certainly nothing to fret over.
As others have said, the game is getting older. And stay out of Maguuma Stade. I love that place. Best place to just drink alone... mmm... memories. Ice Tooth Cave too.
Esoteric Mesmer
My two favorite spots are port seldge and ice tooth cave, and there is never anyone there.
And I never understood the point of port sledge, its not on the way to anything
And I never understood the point of port sledge, its not on the way to anything
Beetletun <-- Emptiness.
Amatz Basin is simply the most desolate, out of the way, nearly non-existent outpost in all of guild wars.
Look at Droks...that used to be a main trading post. It's a Capital city and there's barely ANYONE there anymore..
It's unfortunate that the game is dying down right when I get back into it. Do you think there will be a surge back once we near the GW2 release or will it be a steady decline?
As mentioned above, for being a major town, Henge of Denravi is usually pretty empty. Probably the most abandoned of the major towns.
For outposts, I'd go with Ice Tooth Cave or Port Sledge.
For missions, I'd have to say Unwaking Waters. Last few times I've been there (from Kurzick side) it's either been totally empty or had one other player in there. I'm guessing Luxon side must have been empty too since I always get paired up with another hench team. (Or Amatz Basin as mentioned above.)
For outposts, I'd go with Ice Tooth Cave or Port Sledge.
For missions, I'd have to say Unwaking Waters. Last few times I've been there (from Kurzick side) it's either been totally empty or had one other player in there. I'm guessing Luxon side must have been empty too since I always get paired up with another hench team. (Or Amatz Basin as mentioned above.)
Chrono Re delle Ere
Eh, I remember that when I played prophecies (2 years + ago) with my first char, every outpost I could met it was a sigh of relief (restore DP, new skills, eventually new armors). Now they are quite useless for many of us but they still "fill up" the map making it more crowded :P
Maguuma Stade , Henge of Denravi , my top 2.
I like both cities though, especially Henge of Denravi, it looks so nice
I like both cities though, especially Henge of Denravi, it looks so nice

Gate of the Nightfallen Lands must be the least visited outpost in the whole game.. never ever seen anybody there
Operative 14
I've been playing since just before the release of Factions, and I have to say a lot of those places were pretty much empty then as well. People don't like the Magumma Jungle or the later sections of Factions that much from what I've noticed, and if there's no reason to go there other than to look at odd scenery and complete missions then no one will go there.
Granted, it would be fun if they had mini pet quests from those places, but as Zeek said, it would only be a temporary fix at best. People just don't like to spend time in a lot of those places, and they never really have.
Granted, it would be fun if they had mini pet quests from those places, but as Zeek said, it would only be a temporary fix at best. People just don't like to spend time in a lot of those places, and they never really have.
I was going to say the Henge of Denravi too. That place is huge and has so much potential and it's so empty. I got a character to the Basalt Grotto last night and there was one other person there.
The International District was pretty empty during this past weekend. I pretty much had Dzagonur Bastion to myself.
I tend to forget that I'm in the International District until I go to Kamaden and see someone advertising a site that sells gold.
The International District was pretty empty during this past weekend. I pretty much had Dzagonur Bastion to myself.
I tend to forget that I'm in the International District until I go to Kamaden and see someone advertising a site that sells gold.
Harrier's haste
Jade Quarry is always dead.
Originally Posted by distilledwill
Serenity Temple is a fairly early on outpost but I dont think ive ever spent more than a minute in the place.
Absolute Destiny
Maguuma Stade is my favorite place for chat silence.
I've reached it with every character who is at that point in the game or later, and it's always nice to not see a bajillion trade spams a minute.
Henge of Denravi has some of the best screenshot material in Prophecies, but I think the bigger problem is not with Denravi, but with runners.
No one wants to bother with anything in Tangle Root when they can get a run to Sanctum Cay and get to the Desert, OR just go straight from Beacon's Perch to the Forge.
As far as usage, Ice Tooth Cave and Port Sledge have purposes beyond aesthetic appeal.
Ice Tooth is the outpost of choice for people solo farming in Anvil Rock (by far the easiest way to rack up cash in the game, as soon as you figure out the right build for your character...just takes time)
Port Sledge can be a nice rest if you're capping skills in Whitman's Folley.
I've reached it with every character who is at that point in the game or later, and it's always nice to not see a bajillion trade spams a minute.
Henge of Denravi has some of the best screenshot material in Prophecies, but I think the bigger problem is not with Denravi, but with runners.
No one wants to bother with anything in Tangle Root when they can get a run to Sanctum Cay and get to the Desert, OR just go straight from Beacon's Perch to the Forge.
As far as usage, Ice Tooth Cave and Port Sledge have purposes beyond aesthetic appeal.
Ice Tooth is the outpost of choice for people solo farming in Anvil Rock (by far the easiest way to rack up cash in the game, as soon as you figure out the right build for your character...just takes time)
Port Sledge can be a nice rest if you're capping skills in Whitman's Folley.
6am3 Fana71c
Well, every outpost that is not a major town and / or doesn't have any purpose is a ghost town. Look at Grotto in Tyria, for example. Oh, wait...
Originally Posted by razuel
It's unfortunate that the game is dying down right when I get back into it. Do you think there will be a surge back once we near the GW2 release or will it be a steady decline?
Port Sledge generally has 2-3 chest runners there. Go and look. It's by no means deserted.
The least visited outpost is this one:
Most people didn't even have it unlocked.
The Henchmen even have lime colored names like normal NPCs.
Being there it's like going to the past.
They should move the Elite Druid armor crafter there.
Most people didn't even have it unlocked.
The Henchmen even have lime colored names like normal NPCs.
Being there it's like going to the past.
They should move the Elite Druid armor crafter there.