Quest Title
Geden Monk
I dont want Anet to take time away from GW2 at all. But i do think it would be cool to have a title for completing quests in all campaignes. I suppose it would go along with the master of the north title. You could get points for each of the quests given in the game. This would be a very large title but it would give meaning to some of the quests in the game that the average player doesnt take the time to do. Please add thoughts and ideas about a title like this.
Aske about many tims, and I will walwys agree with it.
This would be a better reward than the 100k XP from the titan quests.
This would be a better reward than the 100k XP from the titan quests.
Jeremy Untouchable
me likes....
Search ownzzzzzzzzzz
Just ignore the fact that the OP says only for prophecies and factions, this was pre-NF/GWEN. The suggestion is still the same.
Just ignore the fact that the OP says only for prophecies and factions, this was pre-NF/GWEN. The suggestion is still the same.