How to do Arborstone HM with H/H?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Hey, i've just tried for several days to do this awful mission im HM, but I don't get it at all.
It always takes me to much time or Stonejudge at the end is killing the hole group on his own.
I guess it's not so simple if you play an assassin, but i wanna do the guardian titel with this class

Anyone got good tips how to beat this mission?
Tried nearly everything that came in my mind.
MM doesn't work here, most time there's this bug with danika in the beginning, or the minions are useless when you get to stonejudge at all.
Tried to tank with my assassin, but that's really to hard in this mission, at the moment i play ursan-style, and it works quite fine, but still it's not enough to beat this mission.

Excuse my bad english, I'm Austrian at all :P


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2007

Blade of Souls [BoS]


I did this one H/H before consumables / PvE skills, and the best I managed was expert reward, about 30 seconds slow. I eventually beat it with masters with the help of a couple of friends. You're really hampered on this mission by the flat-out TERRIBLE hench selection (as bad as Boreas IMO). One other person + heroes would make all the difference I think.

I think to stand any chance of masters, you must take the centre route and hope that you get lucky with your aggro (some groups can be dodged). Personally I found a MM was a positive asset on the first part (wardens), although of course they are a wasted slot in the final battle. You might try to work out some type of hybrid build that still has some utility at the end of the mission (minion warder with ward of weakness / ward of stability maybe?) Minions + pain inverter should take care of warden eles pretty fast.

The final battle will need you to do two things i) spammable melee shutdown (weakness or blind - ideally administered by a human) ii) a fast gank or group spike on the monks. Personally I'd be inclined to try to not make an effort to kill the Stone Judge last - try to get rid of monks first, but if he dies suck it up and get on with trying to protect Danika while she opens the door. At least you'll either be faster or fail the mission outright (an expert reward is as good as a fail after all...)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Take the east route with all the kirin in it - it is waaaay simpler.



The Humanoid Typhoon

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Disagree with the above.

THE faster route is going into the Centre of Arborstone and then taking the left hand side of the centre route.

When you reach the Stone Judge area, first tigger and kill the Oni at the top of the stairs. Next tigger the Stone Judge and other mobs, the mobs will move towards the Judge, so kill the two closest two you first.

Take a Blind Bot ele hero and disable all his skill besides Blind Surge and have him keep the Stone Judge shut down. Kill the monk and then all the Stone Rains, then the other mobs, THEN kill the Stone Judge last.

Killing the Stone Judge will tigger more mobs to spawn.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2007

we had a obsidian tank,3monks,2 eles and some necros when we did this mission

we went from the way where the the ele boss was and when we got 2 the stone judge we pulled them and kill them also the monks had aegis



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2006




Originally Posted by Soulless Warhawk
we had a obsidian tank,3monks,2 eles and some necros when we did this mission

we went from the way where the the ele boss was and when we got 2 the stone judge we pulled them and kill them also the monks had aegis The ele boss is the EAST route.

Got masters in both NM and HM, well under 20 minutes!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Toronto, Canada


Originally Posted by mage767
Take the east route with all the kirin in it - it is waaaay simpler. very true... i found this way time and time again to be very easy as the necro kirins are a pushover to physical damage as opposed to the wardens



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Guild Of Handicrafted Products [MaSS]


[skill]glyph of concentration[/skill] when you use caster classes goes a loooong way.

Weakness on the stone judge.

Make sure danika doesn' t get stuck.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Apathy Inc

Prot Spirit is your friend, and kill everything else first, thats how i did it.