Tihark Orchard
I'm pretty neutral to Tihark Orchard. I surely don't mind it, but as I prefer playing with real people it was "eeeh not solo -_-" for me. Forced me to use a bad build, which I then ping'ed in our alliance chat and people still laugh at me for it, but HAH! I didn't die! >______>.
Am I the only one who actually likes the mime and find it an easy win? x]
Am I the only one who actually likes the mime and find it an easy win? x]
It was fun. I ran an eviscerate Mesmer with a serpent axe because I don't normally get to do stuff like that.
Not sure how the mime is supposed to be hard though.
Not sure how the mime is supposed to be hard though.
Ahh yes the mime duel, that was one of my hardest bonuses to do, it wasnt that I couldnt see the emotes as much as I had not really used them much so I had no clue what 1/2 of them were. Took me grabbing my ranger and going through them to sort out some
Holly Herro
I liked the drunk bit and how it was the first non-kill everything here, here and here mission
I loved it. First time through I was like wtf...? Thought it was fun, nice change of pace. Damn mime, love kickin' his bootie....you're goin' down silent clown! I have a weird fear of clowns so it's rather cathartic actually...
It would be great to have another non-hostile area. But for a full party.
Something like a Realm of Dwayna, with minigames, where you have t play against other creatures that usually are Hostile, but there are neutral and allied.
Something like a Realm of Dwayna, with minigames, where you have t play against other creatures that usually are Hostile, but there are neutral and allied.
Miska Bow
Killing the mime should be an option. If the impliment it i ll do this one over and over again just to kill him
I've beaten him by windowing my game with FireFox on the mission page
I've beaten him by windowing my game with FireFox on the mission page
Originally Posted by Kusandaa
I'm pretty neutral to Tihark Orchard. I surely don't mind it, but as I prefer playing with real people it was "eeeh not solo -_-" for me. Forced me to use a bad build, which I then ping'ed in our alliance chat and people still laugh at me for it, but HAH! I didn't die! >______>.
Am I the only one who actually likes the mime and find it an easy win? x] |
Tihark is meh. I don't love it, don't hate it. Augury Rock is just laughably easy.
I find the Tihark mission dumb. Wish I didn't have to do it. As for the mime...forget about it, I don't even try that one anymore.
Miss Puddles
i started nightfall on a new paragon while my bf just took his monk over from the other campaigns.
i remember watching him do tihark orchard and couldn't wait to get there. he also asked me for help identifying the emotes for the mime you're going down, silent clown!!!
i remember watching him do tihark orchard and couldn't wait to get there. he also asked me for help identifying the emotes for the mime you're going down, silent clown!!!
When I first went through the various campaigns and missions, I always tried them first myself and only went back to wiki for tips if I had trouble. Therefore going into Tihark for the first time I didn't know what to expect. When the mission NPC said I had to be alone, I thought maybe it was like FoW so "no henchmen". I dropped my hench so it was just me and heroes. Then I still couldn't get in and I was thinking, "oh, you mean really alone" and was a bit apprehensive. After getting in and playing it though I beat it first attempt and realized it was quite a bit of fun.
My first time through though I didn't explore enough and didn't find the vase lady so I ended up paying the bribe money. (Doh!)
My first time through though I didn't explore enough and didn't find the vase lady so I ended up paying the bribe money. (Doh!)