‘Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]’ Recruiting Friendly, Active Members (Luxon)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


The guild was created on 01.12.2007. We have full Guild Hall, website and over 50 members.

The Guild Philosophy
To create a relaxed, no pressure, friendly gaming experience.

Primarily the Guild was PVE based but as more experienced members have joined our interest in HA and GVG as a Guild/Alliance is also increasing. PVE remains the main focus for the majority of our members.

HA/GVG is a new experience for some of our members, but learning, as they say, is half the fun. So if you are a PVE player seeking some first time PVP then we would love to have you with us. We certainly cannot promise you a nice emote within a week but we can, hopefully, promise some fun and experience.

The PVP side of the Guild is just starting with players of varying PVP experience, (I myself am Rank 5,and we have one member who is Rank 6, but most are HA/GVG virgins). Again, no pressure, we know we will be learning and gaining valuable experience at the same time. If we loose, and invariably at the moment we do, we just move on to the next fight and blame lag ^^

AB is for fun. We do not set weekly Faction targets for our members.

We welcome players of all levels, ability and nationality, (although we are primarily European based and this will reflect the general playing times for the majority of our members).

Guild Website
The website is constantly being updated with game guides written by our members, and useful links to help new players.

As mentioned we are looking to venture into HA/GVG as a Guild and have discussions on builds, tactics, etc….

Our allegiance is Luxon and we are a part of an alliance headed by White Mantle Legends, (my former Guild). There are 9 Guilds in the alliance.

Guild Rules
There are just a few rules exclusively designed to maintain a friendly relaxed Guild for all members.
1. Register on Guild Website.
2. Be friendly, respectful and polite to fellow Guild/Alliance members.
3. Be helpful.
4. No swearing, (in game or on our Guild website).
5. No racism.
6. New members wishing to become officers must be with the Guild for a month and prove their commitment to the Guild and abide by the Guild rules.
7. Selling on Guild/Alliance channels is not permitted. We have a section on our website for trading. Items offered to Guild/Alliance members to be at a reduced rate. Only ‘free’ items are allowed to be offered on Guild/Alliance channels.
8. All officers to actively recruit new members.
9. 4 week absence policy, (unless notified on Guild forums).

It is our desire to make this Guild a success but this can only be achieved with your help. Together we can create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere and, above all, have fun!

Please contact me in game or pm me here on these forums if you have any questions or wish to join us.

Thank you for your time.

Ign: Rite Of Terra


Primipilus Wasbeer
Knight Charlesab
Cassy Midnightsun