Hello all. Now, as you know with the /report feature, you can ONLY report somebody if they are in the same town and district as you are. Now, this was probablly put in to prevent abuse and reporting random people, but it does have a few problems. Most notiably, gold sellers
Gold spamming bots in Great Temple of Bathazar for example have changed their behavior due to /report. They now go into a district, spam their one line of "buy gold for $20 at randomwebsite.com" and change districts immidately, to spam it in another language/district. This makes it almost impossible to report gold sellers, as by the time you have typed in their name they have already changed districts, and you get an error message poping up that the person you are trying to report isn't in the town. The only way to report them is to sit in the district and wait ~2-3 miniutes to report them for the 10-15 second window that they reappear in the district.
My suggestion... Allow players to /report people in game even if they aren't in the same district as you. Although it would open up abuse, since all /reports are manually checked by a.net anyway, it shouldn't be a problem.
/Reporting From Different Districts
OR you could stop Gold-Seller hunting and play the game? Unless the reason you bought it is to be a self-proclaimed mercenary for Anet.
There should be at least a leeway time to report someone after they leave.
Originally Posted by Berek
OR you could stop Gold-Seller hunting and play the game? Unless the reason you bought it is to be a self-proclaimed mercenary for Anet.
Shayne Hawke
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
There should be at least a leeway time to report someone after they leave.
This might also open up another reason for people to be banned: avoiding a report.
This is a good idea.
I've seen the same issue with griefers. They make their vile/racist statements and then skip town before the /report can register.
If Anet does this, they should do it quietly. That way, all the people exploiting this won't see the hammer coming.
I've seen the same issue with griefers. They make their vile/racist statements and then skip town before the /report can register.
If Anet does this, they should do it quietly. That way, all the people exploiting this won't see the hammer coming.
Alex Morningstar
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
There should be at least a leeway time to report someone after they leave.