Who/What is "Sephis"?
Most people know the Sephis Axe which dropped from the very beginning and the Sephis Sword.
They are dropped by Undead being, and I wonder: Who or what is a "Sephis"?
It sounds very much like an egyptian god, but I do not know one that has this name or a similar one. What was the inspiration behind the name?
They are dropped by Undead being, and I wonder: Who or what is a "Sephis"?
It sounds very much like an egyptian god, but I do not know one that has this name or a similar one. What was the inspiration behind the name?
I Will Heal You Ally
No one... It's not like it's write Sephis' Axe... It's just like Celestial Axe, Zodiac Axe... maybe it's material or something
Numa Pompilius
The French colonial army in North Africa had a type of mounted muslim warriors known as Saphis. Possible connection?
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
The French colonial army in North Africa had a type of mounted muslim warriors known as Saphis. Possible connection?
who knows that? LOL no thats pretty cool but just doesn't seem like something in your average text book
ectos taste nasty
It sounds cool.
Thats probably why :P
Thats probably why :P
Albert Algorn
Sephis could refer to Sephis I, the ruler of the Corianth Empire from the novels: The Chronicles of Empire?
Originally Posted by Albert Algorn
Sephis could refer to Sephis I, the ruler of the Corianth Empire from the novels: The Chronicles of Empire?
Maybe this is the only connection. We know that ANet sucks up all kind of pop culture and references.
If you're talking about Star Wars, weren't the Sephi a kinda erudite lookin' race? Makes sense, since the Sephis weapons are associated with Undead, who are mostly Orrian, who are themselves rather erudite. Pop culture references abound in this game...
Azael Durge
An old god perhaps? Isnt Abbadon supposed to have defeated a former god? Perhaps it was Sephis.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
The French colonial army in North Africa had a type of mounted muslim warriors known as Saphis. Possible connection?
So yeah. Maybe.
What if Sephis is some forgotten weaponsmith?
Originally Posted by Songbringer
who knows that? LOL no thats pretty cool but just doesn't seem like something in your average text book
who knew the 3 stooges were in NF...
there are plenty of hidden stuff and pop culture references in gw