Allow vanquishing of all areas
The Meth
As everyone knows, you can vanquish an area in HM be eliminating all enemies from it. But you will only get the rewards for vanquishing (5 gold and exp per kill) if you vanquish the certain areas that count towards the relevant title. That means for example if you clean out an area in Realm of Torment or Fissure of woe you gain nothing. My suggestion is to give these areas the same reward for clearing as the others, just not advancing the title tracks.
Mister Me
/not signed, I think they are selfrewarding enough already
Mr Pink57
/Not Signed.
Do you really wanna vanquish all of the Realm of Torment in HM? That place is a god awful nightmare, and do you really wanna do the Hidden City in HM? No thank you to that either those SF Djinn can almost insta wipe a group.
Do you really wanna vanquish all of the Realm of Torment in HM? That place is a god awful nightmare, and do you really wanna do the Hidden City in HM? No thank you to that either those SF Djinn can almost insta wipe a group.
Mekhet Ossa
You have to do Hidden City in HM ...
And Bahdok Caverns.
The Torment is out of the Vanquish bevause it si NOT in Elona, but in the mists, it has those nasty and annoying environment effects to make things a pain, and all monsters there are affected by the Lightbringer Title effect.
The Torment is out of the Vanquish bevause it si NOT in Elona, but in the mists, it has those nasty and annoying environment effects to make things a pain, and all monsters there are affected by the Lightbringer Title effect.