any idea why ancient armor remnant price is so high?
why is it all of a sudden the hero armor piece "ancient armor remnant" cost so much, is there some sort of significant to it beside getting your hero elite armor?
What are you talking about? There prices are not that high, there like 4-10k, thats not that high. If you see them higher then that then you should pass.
Well, it's definitely annoying as heck to wait for that item to drop.
However, I'd just get them myself. More worth the time than the money.
However, I'd just get them myself. More worth the time than the money.
Originally Posted by Mister_Smiley
What are you talking about? There prices are not that high, there like 4-10k, thats not that high. If you see them higher then that then you should pass.
the Puppeteer
yup - it's a duo scam. One guy sells for 40k, while other guy from the same guild buys for 60k.
I sold some a few days ago for 1.5k each.
TBH even 4 or 8k is too much for them.
Just try yourself, you get easily 4 per run, and you do not need more than 5 per char anyways.
Just try yourself, you get easily 4 per run, and you do not need more than 5 per char anyways.
Gambit Shinobi
People were trying to scam last night. Someone was dumb enough to pay 40k for 1 so he could try to sell at a 20k profit, but instead blew his savings on it, lol. Then that dumb person tried to resell for 60k to get his money back and make 20k. Too bad he couldn't sell it to another idiot that was dumb enough to fall for this scam.
Regular prices for these are 2-8k. Don't be a retard and buy for more.
Regular prices for these are 2-8k. Don't be a retard and buy for more.
I've never bought one for more than 4k. Are people really that desperate for hero armor just to show off in a HoM?
Gambit Shinobi
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
I've never bought one for more than 4k. Are people really that desperate for hero armor just to show off in a HoM?
If I remember correctly once you got 4 the chance of getting another one is smaller (that is per character).
So if you do an average run ~150points you should get around 6 armor for the first time and maybe 2 for each other run.
A few month ago the price used to varied between 5-25k (yes someone once wanted to buy one from me for 25k
). The reason for these price is that most people find this challenge hard to do.
A few days ago they were only worth 4-6k, and I don't think their prices will change suddenly like that to reach 40-60k
So if you do an average run ~150points you should get around 6 armor for the first time and maybe 2 for each other run.
A few month ago the price used to varied between 5-25k (yes someone once wanted to buy one from me for 25k
A few days ago they were only worth 4-6k, and I don't think their prices will change suddenly like that to reach 40-60k
Pay for those?
You can get 6 in a single Junundu Run just by killing maddened spirits!
They are worth almost nothing!
You can get 6 in a single Junundu Run just by killing maddened spirits!
They are worth almost nothing!
I stink at Junudu runs. I don't even know how to spell the stupid word so I'm copying Mithran.

OH, it's easy.
You just run near a big bug, killing small nearby bugs. Whne you see the red dot of the spirit comming, you kill the big bug, then the Maddened spirit, fest in his corpse, heal yourself and look for the nearest fat bug, and make th same again.
I'm not usually killed until 3..4 spirits come at the same time.
You just run near a big bug, killing small nearby bugs. Whne you see the red dot of the spirit comming, you kill the big bug, then the Maddened spirit, fest in his corpse, heal yourself and look for the nearest fat bug, and make th same again.
I'm not usually killed until 3..4 spirits come at the same time.
lol its just a scam like gambit and pupeteer said
the price is like 1-4kish dont pay more then that
the price is like 1-4kish dont pay more then that