I don't want to be mean here, but it's apparent that, well, you suck. If your monks are leaving and you haven't managed to get a 5-win steak by now just through pure luck (especially with all the terrible opponents who were out this past weekend), chances are that you're affirmatively handicapping the teams you're on, and that's why you're losing. Such is life for new players. Let's see what we can do to make you a better player.
First, some very basics. I think this post is very helpful.
Originally Posted by sterbenx2
I think people are forgetting this player is new. He most likley won't have most of these skills unlocked. I think he would benefit more from others experiance if we understood his character better. A month is not a lot of playtime at all.
First: being in RA we can establish that your Dervish is lvl 20. Check
Second: Have you completed the +15 Attribute point quests with you character?
To check, open your skills/attribute panel and lower all of your attributes to 0. You should have 200 attribute points. If not, use the wiki to find the two attribute point quests in Nightfall, The native campaign for your character.
Third: gear? Do you have a max dmg scythe? max damage for a scythe is 9-41. The most commonly accepted requirment on weapons is 9. Tho arguments could start up over req. A req 9 is the most popular and pretty easy to obtain. If you do have a max req9 scythe, what are the modifications on it? All weapons have three possible upgrades, an inscription and 2 mods exclusive to the weapon type.
fourth: Armor. Do you have max armor? Max armor level or AL for a Dervish is 70.
If you do have max AL, what upgrades are on your armor? Each individual piece of armor has two possible upgrades. An insignia and a rune. (Your head piece should have an inherant upgrade of Scythe Mastery +1)
All of this info is critical to establishing that you are minimally equiped to handle RA. Please list the info as it will help us to help you.
(Ignore the part about req9 items though; as long as you meet the req -- which you most certainly will with a scythe -- it's irrelevant.)
This is also good advice:
Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
I'm not going to give you a build (as others have done a fine job of that) just some advice. The key to gladiator RA style is to master no-monk glads (unless you play a monk). You won't have a monk many times but good players still get glads. I'm thinking 35-40% of your glads should come from no-monk teams. The key to this in RA is overwhelming force and fast rezzing, simple as that. If your build can't drop a target in 3-6 secs don't bother bringing it to RA. Now there are many other powerful builds on the necro and mesmer side of the fence that are slower kills but deliver unbelievable pressure as you gain more experience you can explore these as well. Also study what kills you and be aware of what is happening around you. Last bit of advice is stay in RA for a while to unlock a nice amount of faction and pick a couple of classes and pick up about 50 glads on each so you have a feel for the class, also you will have unlocked many skills as you stay in RA. When you and your buddies are glad1 you will be better able to move on to TA and be successful, don't forget to get voice comms when you go to TA vent is the standard.
I have to agree with Shadowspawn that RA is NOT about waiting around till you get a monk. Going 10 wins in RA without a monk is not terribly hard so long as you have decent offense and a bit of self-preservation. In fact, having a monk can be a distinct disadvantage because they reduce your total offense by 25%, which can leave you unable to kill effectively, especially if another member of the team (for example, you) isn't exactly a damage powerhouse. TA's a different story, but you shouldn't consider a monkless team to be a bad thing in RA.
IMO, you need to do 3 things to do well in RA:
1) Kill an un-protected, un-healed target in a matter of seconds, OR prevent the other team from killing your party indefinitely.
2) Pack enough self-preservation (self-heals, defensive skills, running skills) to prevent yourself from getting killed in a matter of seconds.
3) Bring rez.
As an offensive character, you can tell that you're pulling your own weight when you routinely produce the bulk of the damage for at least 2 kills and use your rez signet before you are taken out of play. Up until you can do that, you need to refine your build.
(Off-topic on TA:
I don't play TA, so my observations of it are based solely on RA teams that went to TA after 10 wins.
1. A lot of TA teams seem to be PUGs without vent. You could probably play TA without it if you really wanted to.
2. The quality of TA teams has dropped dramatically recently. It used to be that a team coming from RA would invariably get their asses handed to them in the first match. Recently, I've found many TA teams pose much less of a threat than a good RA team. On the flip side, there's nothing quite so much fun as beating a coordinated guild team on vent with a RA team.)
Originally Posted by Stormlord Alex
If that still doesn't work... Sync-join with your friends. A ZB/WoH monk, Magebane ranger, then a couple of physicals to kill shit will do fine.
Yeah.... I really can't endorse this one. Synch joining is cheating plain and simple. Don't do it.