My custom rig has always been rock solid stable, for about 18 months. My curent graphics card has been working fine for about 6 months. A few days ago after playing GW for a few hours I rebooted to a lockup.
The lockup occurs about 10 seconds into starting up windows. Either the screen goes black or I get a million horzontal blue lines.
Here's the kicker: when I unplug the power cable from my GeForce 7600 GS, everything is fine. Except I get the Nvidia warning that my card isn't getting enough juice and is running in gimpy mode. When I play GW in gimpy mode, I seem to have the same graphical experience as when everything was normal. Same FPS...
I've tried:
1) virus scan & spyware scan.
2) disabling almost everything in my msconfig.
3) Giving my graphics card a bit more power
4) Checking the heat on my card - it's normal, about 62C while gaming
5) Buying a new 650W power supply. I returned it since it didn't change anything.
6) Checking to make sure the card isn't loose.
7) I've used 3 different Nvidia drivers. I updated my realtek AC '97.
8) Doing a system restore. This had interesting results. When I restored to a week ago, I could boot fine with the power cable in. But when I played GW and then rebooted, the problem occurred again.
Anyone have any advice for me? I'm pretty baffled. Thanks!