Novel Way to Combat Gold-Seller Spam
Credit for this idea goes to Erk in this thread.
Create a new chat filter, like the bad language filter only it cannot be disabled. Add to the filter list the urls for known gold-selling websites (along with the standard typographical X p e r m u t a t i o n s 5 6 X). The result is that any attempt at spam comes out something like: "Visit *****.com to buy cheap GW gold!!!" No profit in spamming that message.
To get around such a filter, gold-sellers would have to constantly register new domain names to redirect to their main site, which anet would then have to add to the filter list. However, that's a race a-net would eventually win because adding a url to the filter would be far cheaper than registering a new domain name and hosting a new page.
Create a new chat filter, like the bad language filter only it cannot be disabled. Add to the filter list the urls for known gold-selling websites (along with the standard typographical X p e r m u t a t i o n s 5 6 X). The result is that any attempt at spam comes out something like: "Visit *****.com to buy cheap GW gold!!!" No profit in spamming that message.
To get around such a filter, gold-sellers would have to constantly register new domain names to redirect to their main site, which anet would then have to add to the filter list. However, that's a race a-net would eventually win because adding a url to the filter would be far cheaper than registering a new domain name and hosting a new page.
Fril Estelin
Not much to say apart from /signed
Let's make this thread and idea a winner!
Let's make this thread and idea a winner!
Though I have to say this. Anet does not want those gold sellers vanish lol. They want them get banned more and more so they get more and more money lol.
Though I have to say this. Anet does not want those gold sellers vanish lol. They want them get banned more and more so they get more and more money lol.
Now think of a way to get rid of the 500 scrub guilds recruiting in la.
Maybe a guild recruit chat for all guild messages to go. But that wouldn't work would it. People still use local to sell and people would still use local to spam there crappy guild messages.
Now think of a way to get rid of the 500 scrub guilds recruiting in la.
Maybe a guild recruit chat for all guild messages to go. But that wouldn't work would it. People still use local to sell and people would still use local to spam there crappy guild messages.
ax mastery
This would require anet to do some extra work, therefore it won't happen.
Originally Posted by NamelessBeauty
/sign Though I have to say this. Anet does not want those gold sellers vanish lol. They want them get banned more and more so they get more and more money lol. |
if they truely wanted them banned they would have a gm go to gtob id1 every day and ban them all
definitley. It needs to stop. It's a game, it's fun, stop trying to make money from it and get a real job, lol.
definitley. It needs to stop. It's a game, it's fun, stop trying to make money from it and get a real job, lol.
Operative 14
/Signed - Great idea. 
Though it might be hard to develop the list at first.

Though it might be hard to develop the list at first.
at operative
with all the spammers for the gold anet has chatlogs of what happens
that's how you can get busted for swearing and stuff
they take out the sites from the chatlogs and then they probably would have a good list of sites
at operative
with all the spammers for the gold anet has chatlogs of what happens
that's how you can get busted for swearing and stuff
they take out the sites from the chatlogs and then they probably would have a good list of sites
Tired of all the crap in Temple of Bal
Tired of all the crap in Temple of Bal
Interesting idea.
Interesting idea.
But I love the bots in gtob who spam you every 3 seconds. They'll find ways to bypass it.
If they find the list too hard to do, they can simply put a spamfilter that turns all written in allchat into *********.
If people need to know a website url they can ask other people by using pms.
If they find the list too hard to do, they can simply put a spamfilter that turns all written in allchat into *********.
If people need to know a website url they can ask other people by using pms.
Cale Roughstar
yay for ideas that origionated in Runescape!
yay for ideas that origionated in Runescape!
Originally Posted by NamelessBeauty
/sign Though I have to say this. Anet does not want those gold sellers vanish lol. They want them get banned more and more so they get more and more money lol. |
Not true, Gaile actually posted about how the manpower and research to ban accounts costs them more money than the gold sellers buying new games. e.e
Operative 14
Originally Posted by N1ghtstalker
at operative with all the spammers for the gold anet has chatlogs of what happens that's how you can get busted for swearing and stuff they take out the sites from the chatlogs and then they probably would have a good list of sites |

Sorry, but it won't work. I've seen it tried on other sites and it simply doesn't work.
You have a spammer spamming "Cheap gold!!! Goto!!!!"
So, the powers that be filter
The spammers return with "Cheap gold!!! Goto"
Filter now filters
Spammer: "Cheap gold!! Visit w w w . c h e a p g o l d s i t e . c o m!!!!"
Filter now becomes smart enough to take out spaces and filter the result.
Spammer: "Cheap gold!!!! Visit w w w.c H e @ P G 0 l D $ I + e. COM!!!!"
It's a never ending cycle. No matter what you filter, the spammer can change the message enough to bypass it.
It happens now. The "F" word is filtered in GW if you have your chat filter on. So does that mean you never see that particular profanity in local chat from the resident 12 year olds? Nope! They use it everyday with creative spelling.
Sorry, but it won't work. I've seen it tried on other sites and it simply doesn't work.
You have a spammer spamming "Cheap gold!!! Goto!!!!"
So, the powers that be filter
The spammers return with "Cheap gold!!! Goto"
Filter now filters
Spammer: "Cheap gold!! Visit w w w . c h e a p g o l d s i t e . c o m!!!!"
Filter now becomes smart enough to take out spaces and filter the result.
Spammer: "Cheap gold!!!! Visit w w w.c H e @ P G 0 l D $ I + e. COM!!!!"
It's a never ending cycle. No matter what you filter, the spammer can change the message enough to bypass it.
It happens now. The "F" word is filtered in GW if you have your chat filter on. So does that mean you never see that particular profanity in local chat from the resident 12 year olds? Nope! They use it everyday with creative spelling.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by TheRaven
Spammer: "Cheap gold!!!! Visit w w w.c H e @ P G 0 l D $ I + e. COM!!!!"
It's a never ending cycle. |
Why would you want to /notsign on a feature that would at best rid the game of some spammers and at worst change nothing? I mean, if you think in terms of average, it has to be better than the current situation, isn't it?
I don't think it's technically difficult, you can even have a simple url parser that can efficiently do that without much overhead.
There's not so much RMT in GW, so let's try to get a consensus here so that there's even more!
I think it would be eaier wise use of the /report comand an bigger ignore list.
And even better if there were an 'alarm' when someone gets ignored by a lot of people.
But a new filter that includes web-pages in the Local channel would be good.
The only reason to tell pages is for a forum of a guild, or this forum, and that can be done by team and, guild, alliance, etc.
And even better if there were an 'alarm' when someone gets ignored by a lot of people.
But a new filter that includes web-pages in the Local channel would be good.
The only reason to tell pages is for a forum of a guild, or this forum, and that can be done by team and, guild, alliance, etc.
Onarik Amrak
There are ways to get around filters. A bigger ignore list may be more useful.
Holly Herro
Originally Posted by Hotaru_Reiki
definitley. It needs to stop. It's a game, it's fun, stop trying to make money from it and get a real job, lol. |
Originally Posted by Mangione
If they find the list too hard to do, they can simply put a spamfilter that turns all written in allchat into *********. If people need to know a website url they can ask other people by using pms. |
Edit: Then sell your kidney! You will save a life instead of grief others and ruin an economy.

very good idea. To bad anet doesnt wanna race
~the rat~
very good idea. To bad anet doesnt wanna race
~the rat~
mmmkay i am bad
/signed now those gold sellers pm you....i was doing eternal grove and one of em pmed me...wth lol
Originally Posted by Hotaru_Reiki
definitley. It needs to stop. It's a game, it's fun, stop trying to make money from it and get a real job, lol. |
anyway, to OP
good idea, but they would just change their URL's, but they would lose business
/signed, anyway
good idea i don't have much else except that i for once agree with kanyatta and that scares me more then a little O_o
good idea i don't have much else except that i for once agree with kanyatta and that scares me more then a little O_o
great idea, it could be really good to reduce spam and profit for the farmers, as for tell bots, lets petition for an unlimited size ignore list.
kidney less gold farmers sounds like a great advancement for humanity.
Actually when WoW started banning for goldselling spam, this 1 site made gnomes with all their accounts and had them jump from the zeppelin to spell out the site's name on the ground with dead gnomes.
great idea, it could be really good to reduce spam and profit for the farmers, as for tell bots, lets petition for an unlimited size ignore list.
kidney less gold farmers sounds like a great advancement for humanity.
Actually when WoW started banning for goldselling spam, this 1 site made gnomes with all their accounts and had them jump from the zeppelin to spell out the site's name on the ground with dead gnomes.
Originally Posted by Holly Herro
It's either sell their kidneys on the street or gold farm.
/signed |
Disable PM capability on trial accounts.
Companies whose only business is to create email anti-spam filters still can't pick everything up. Do you actually think a video game company can just throw something together to adequately filter this type of stuff?
Wake up! It will never work effectively, as the means to bypass such filters are easier to come by than the filters themselves.
A better option would be to do things like require a series of "type in what you see in the graphic" boxes in order to get a trial account, then consider adding in random "gm tests" - where you have to type an answer to a simple question or get kicked out of the game. This would eliminate bots and at least slow down gold farmers. Those challenges would only exist in the major towns & outposts.
Wake up! It will never work effectively, as the means to bypass such filters are easier to come by than the filters themselves.
A better option would be to do things like require a series of "type in what you see in the graphic" boxes in order to get a trial account, then consider adding in random "gm tests" - where you have to type an answer to a simple question or get kicked out of the game. This would eliminate bots and at least slow down gold farmers. Those challenges would only exist in the major towns & outposts.
Fril Estelin
Originally Posted by Biostem
Companies whose only business is to create email anti-spam filters still can't pick everything up. Do you actually think a video game company can just throw something together to adequately filter this type of stuff?
Wake up! It will never work effectively, as the means to bypass such filters are easier to come by than the filters themselves. |
As I said before, at best it's going to decrease the problem, at worst it won't change a thing. So it's benefitial isn't it?
A better option would be to do things like require a series of "type in what you see in the graphic" boxes in order to get a trial account, then consider adding in random "gm tests" - where you have to type an answer to a simple question or get kicked out of the game. This would eliminate bots and at least slow down gold farmers. Those challenges would only exist in the major towns & outposts. |
If there's one easy thing that Anet could do, it's this filter! I hope more people will come here and sign. We should have 20 pages of /signed as in the mini-polar-bear threads!
Originally Posted by TheRaven
Sorry, but it won't work. I've seen it tried on other sites and it simply doesn't work. You have a spammer spamming "Cheap gold!!! Goto!!!!" So, the powers that be filter The spammers return with "Cheap gold!!! Goto" Filter now filters Spammer: "Cheap gold!! Visit w w w . c h e a p g o l d s i t e . c o m!!!!" Filter now becomes smart enough to take out spaces and filter the result. Spammer: "Cheap gold!!!! Visit w w w.c H e @ P G 0 l D $ I + e. COM!!!!" It's a never ending cycle. No matter what you filter, the spammer can change the message enough to bypass it. It happens now. The "F" word is filtered in GW if you have your chat filter on. So does that mean you never see that particular profanity in local chat from the resident 12 year olds? Nope! They use it everyday with creative spelling. |
In short, coming up with a filter that, when given "" as a blocked string, stops: "," "," "w eb s i t e . co m," "w XX e XX b YY s YY i XYX t YXY e X .com," and even "vv 3 |3 5 1 + 3 . ( 0 ^^" is something a competent university student of computer science could do. (I might add that those last two examples are so near to unreadable that business would be lost if that's what spammers were forced to rely on.)
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
anyway, to OP
good idea, but they would just change their URL's, but they would lose business /signed, anyway |
Originally Posted by Ensign
Disable PM capability on trial accounts.
1. It would still leave the gold-spammers in control of local chat, and
2. It would probably impoverish the experience of legitimate users of trial keys, who I would presume are often helped along by friends in-game and might like to be able to whisper them. (Exp User: "What dist are you in?" Trial User: <you cannot send private messages because this is a trial account> Exp User: "What dist are you in? It's in the top left of the screen.")
T. Drake
Originally Posted by Chthon
That would solve the problem of gold-spam PMs, however
1. It would still leave the gold-spammers in control of local chat, and 2. It would probably impoverish the experience of legitimate users of trial keys, who I would presume are often helped along by friends in-game and might like to be able to whisper them. (Exp User: "What dist are you in?" Trial User: <you cannot send private messages because this is a trial account> Exp User: "What dist are you in? It's in the top left of the screen.") |

With a WoW Trial Account you can't whisper to random people, but you can reply if you get whispered. I'm not sure how it works with players, which you add to your friendlist though. There could be restrictions, too.
Besides, I think gold sellers won't dare to spam their advertisment into the local chat, because that draws much more attention to them (unless they are really desperate). More than whispering to players that might put them on their ignore list and can't be bothered to send a support ticket.
And I think A.Net doesn't record how often you send the same message over the Whisper-Channel. The local channel ist another story.
/signed btw
Originally Posted by T. Drake
Oh lets copy the system from WoW then
![]() With a WoW Trial Account you can't whisper to random people, but you can reply if you get whispered. I'm not sure how it works with players, which you add to your friendlist though. There could be restrictions, too. |
Besides, I think gold sellers won't dare to spam their advertisment into the local chat |
I was wondering if anyone but me is going to wake up and realize that nothing has been done about gold sellers for almost 3 years, unless you count loot scaling and farming code, which hurts the legitimate players more than the botters, imo. I haven't heard of any mass account bannings like WoW had about a year ago. 20,000 accounts were banned by WoW for automated actions and such, and nothing even close to that scale has been done for Guild Wars. Anything significant like that would definitely be big news. Although, it's hard when gold sellers use trial accounts. Maybe if they made it so you could only use one trail account per IP or something like that?
Basically, nothing has been done about this issue, and I can't imagine anything being done in the near future.
Basically, nothing has been done about this issue, and I can't imagine anything being done in the near future.
T. Drake
Have you been to great temple of balthazaar recently? You can't go 5 sec without a PM spam and a load of public chat spam. |
Originally Posted by Kanyatta
I was wondering if anyone but me is going to wake up and realize that nothing has been done about gold sellers for almost 3 years, unless you count loot scaling and farming code, which hurts the legitimate players more than the botters, imo.
I haven't heard of any mass account bannings like WoW had about a year ago. 20,000 accounts were banned by WoW for automated actions and such, and nothing even close to that scale has been done for Guild Wars. Anything significant like that would definitely be big news. Although, it's hard when gold sellers use trial accounts. Maybe if they made it so you could only use one trail account per IP or something like that? Basically, nothing has been done about this issue, and I can't imagine anything being done in the near future. |
Scrambling anything that resembles a website address will solve this problem.
Of course, your drift-net will have bycatches like and and guild forum websites you might want to tell a new player.
have URLs only appear in Guild Chat and between Friends (is that possible?)
Of course, your drift-net will have bycatches like and and guild forum websites you might want to tell a new player.
have URLs only appear in Guild Chat and between Friends (is that possible?)
Originally Posted by Chthon
1. It would still leave the gold-spammers in control of local chat
Could all users please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
Repeat offenders will be noted.
Could all users please take note of the Sardelac Sanitarium sticky which asks users to not simply post "/signed". Any attempt to by-pass the 12 character limit will lead to post deletion.
Repeat offenders will be noted.
A way I have been getting around those gold sellin mooks from whispering me when im in a town is to put up my "do not disturb".
A way I have been getting around those gold sellin mooks from whispering me when im in a town is to put up my "do not disturb".