Anyway, I've been giving this a thought for a while now, I know people have posted similar things but I just want to share what i would like to see put into GW, if not then GW2.
I was thinking in addition to being able to buy NPC's for the hall that maybe we could also buy decorations, such as banners, statues, things like that. Holiday events could give special themed items like a grench or dwayna statue for christmas and similar for halloween. Also special guild items for achievements like winning one of the tournaments or reaching a certain position on the GvG ladder. I'm not gonna go into a whole lot of detail about it and im sure there's many more things that can be done other than statues and banners. I just saw this type of gap left in the Guild Halls and how many people are tired of going into different Guild Halls and having them all look the same, so maybe giving them a slightly more customisable addition to them people wouldn't be so fed up of going into the Guild Hall and being completely boring to look at.
Please comment and share your opinion, thnx