is anyone else facing this? My friend and I were doing Abbadon's gate mish, and we were both paralyzed by lag for thirty seconds at random intervals. Our characters would just sit there, with skills trying to activate.
bad luck i guess
Cherng Butter
It happens :/
I pwnd U
Lag Spike... happens to everyone. Sometimes it has to do with your internet or weather issues. It's not unheard of.
Missions on the Ring of Fire Islands have been lagging more than normal for multiple people. Can't say much except try again. Lag spikes have been occurring for myself, but it could be just about anything really to make that happen.
Red Sonya
Laggin in AB has been awful the last two days. I do fine until I go to cast a spell then 30 seconds of nothing and when I finally get to do something I'm dead.
That happens a lot during high spikes of activity.
got to admit AB seems to have been randomly worse the last day or so. Thought it was only me as the weather has been crap, perhaps causing routing issues. But when two players in a foursome you've been in for some rounds, one loses connection to the server and the other takes donkey's to load in suddenly, something's up.
Nittle Grasper
70k ping not funny >.>
70k ping not funny >.>
I'm getting crazy lag here too, just sitting here testing stuff (or trying to anyway) in Isle of the Nameless.
Yesterday was perfectly fine; I played for about 4 hours in GWEN and had zero lag.
Today I just logged in about 15 minutes ago to test an idea at Isle of the Nameless, and was/am horrified by the lag. 18K ping is the largest lag spike I've seen so far, and my average ping during the 15 minutes I've been in the Isle (I'm still there now) is hovering around 1000ms.
Fist thing I did is rush here and see if anyone else is getting this.
Yesterday was perfectly fine; I played for about 4 hours in GWEN and had zero lag.
Today I just logged in about 15 minutes ago to test an idea at Isle of the Nameless, and was/am horrified by the lag. 18K ping is the largest lag spike I've seen so far, and my average ping during the 15 minutes I've been in the Isle (I'm still there now) is hovering around 1000ms.
Fist thing I did is rush here and see if anyone else is getting this.
Mark Nevermiss
I don't know if this could be affecting anyone else but here in the Middle East two damaged submarine fiber optic cables [in the Mediterranean] have basically paralyzed the whole region's internet and international phone communications.
Loli Krasivaya
Aww man Mark I hope that fixes itself 
I'm getting pretty bad lag in Texas too, I'm terrified to work on my survivor :X

I'm getting pretty bad lag in Texas too, I'm terrified to work on my survivor :X