I would like to see an Ele with this hair and face in FoW armour:
Anyone with that specific face and hair have full FoW armour. No dye preference. Thanks!
Bonus: w/Chaos Gloves. Appreciate it very much!
Female Ele FoW Armour with this specific+hair
Lord Xeshm
Lord Xeshm
Anyone have FoW with that specific hairstyle and face?
Lord Xeshm
Bump, someone has to have that hairstyle and face.
Lord Xeshm
Bump, still looking.
Lord Xeshm
Still looking.
Thats my elementalist in the pic you used.
Here's your request(This is NOT my ele, found her in kamadan by chance)
Here's your request(This is NOT my ele, found her in kamadan by chance)