Your Best Sell/Buy :thread:
- When DoA opened I bought 1 titan gem for 20e and sold it for 90e in about 2 minutes. Good times.
- Bought oni for 50e sold it for stack of ectos.
- Bought oni for 50e sold it for stack of ectos.
Wierd trades...
(Buying egg powering through pre to sell the Crystaline swords at 10k ea, but that's another story).
Selling greens early ftw.
So much made from collector items. Good times.
Broken bot buying wintersday items
Bought lockpick, open chest, sold item. Does that count? xD
Completing campaigns early f t w?
Sold 2 of these. 2nd one for 300k in gold ^_^.
(Buying egg powering through pre to sell the Crystaline swords at 10k ea, but that's another story).
Selling greens early ftw.
So much made from collector items. Good times.
Broken bot buying wintersday items
Bought lockpick, open chest, sold item. Does that count? xD
Completing campaigns early f t w?
Sold 2 of these. 2nd one for 300k in gold ^_^.
Had a Req 10 Colossal Scmitar drop in the early days of NF
Sold for 900k
Sold for 900k
Numa Pompilius
Back in the days when Superior Vigor cost >40K, I sold one to a guy for 500 gold. I've never seen anyone so happy.
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
Bought lockpick, open chest, sold item. Does that count? xD
Originally Posted by BlueNovember
So much made from collector items. Good times.
Originally Posted by Dronte
Oh my fcking god. You bought that one for 40k? Really lucky man. Anyways I'd have kept that :P
traded a pre sear crystal long sword for a ragos wand my first hour in post sear - before factions release
mm I guess one of my bests i can remember is when i bought r8 15^50 daggers in shing jea monastery for 2k and sold em for 100k.. Then 2 times bought Chaos axe r9 15^50 for 20k sold for 100k +5e. cant remember anything else
bought r8 +5energy plat blade for 80k and resold for 100k + 63ectos (around there)
bought bone dragon 50k and resold for 100k + 35ectos
bought r11 colossal scimitar for 30k and sold for 100k + 60ectos (which i heard got resold for 100k + 110ectos later)
bought r13 eternal blade for 65k and resold few mins later for 100k + 60ectos
oh and just to add, the sellers offered me the prices, I didn't scam :P
bought bone dragon 50k and resold for 100k + 35ectos
bought r11 colossal scimitar for 30k and sold for 100k + 60ectos (which i heard got resold for 100k + 110ectos later)
bought r13 eternal blade for 65k and resold few mins later for 100k + 60ectos
oh and just to add, the sellers offered me the prices, I didn't scam :P
Drop of Fear
probably req8 +5 energy gothic dual axe listed for 50k on an italian forum and sold here for 100k+36ectos.
same forum. aureate daggers 12k sold here for 100k+15ectos
+ many 50-100k gain trades
same forum. aureate daggers 12k sold here for 100k+15ectos
+ many 50-100k gain trades
Lord Sojar
Selling Celestial Sigils for 70k a pop back in the day. MUAHAHAHHA.
Ah yes, when NF first came out, this guy was selling the Aegis of Augh for 2k in Kamadan, I bought it and resold it for 100k+25ectos. /w00t
Ah yes, when NF first came out, this guy was selling the Aegis of Augh for 2k in Kamadan, I bought it and resold it for 100k+25ectos. /w00t
nice, a lot of ppl have some nice trades, anyway forgot to post one of my best sell imo, (personal dont have much great sell as i rarely buy to items to sell them off for a profit), anyway my best was sell was a req 10 14^50% ivory bow for 5k; this was before factions came out, when runes like sup abrob was like 100k; then a few days later saw someone in la spamming a req 10 15^50% ivory for 10k which i manage to get it for 8k, which i still have and use on my range to now. since, i didnt need the 14^50% anymore i thru it up on guru auction and manage to sold it for 24k. so i got a 11k in profit and a new bow
After searching for about 2 weeks I had bought a Mini Greased Lightning for 2000E in October 2007 - it took me about 2hours to sell it for 3500E
Ah... and in September I had been looking for a Mini Ghostly @ 800E for about 3 weeks, but couldn't find one. One evening - i had nearly given up - i was just relaxing at Ascalon Int.1 when someone spammed 'WTS Mini Ghostly'.
When I asked him how much he was looking for he told me that 500E would be fine.
Sold the Ghostly for 1150e+1Armbrace some days later
Ah... and in September I had been looking for a Mini Ghostly @ 800E for about 3 weeks, but couldn't find one. One evening - i had nearly given up - i was just relaxing at Ascalon Int.1 when someone spammed 'WTS Mini Ghostly'.
When I asked him how much he was looking for he told me that 500E would be fine.
Sold the Ghostly for 1150e+1Armbrace some days later
Back in the days when I was a complete noob I found a guy selling a purple crystalline for 10k. I don't remember exact stats but it was something with hex + high req.
Ofc I bough it and resold it here on guru for approx 100k+15 if I remember correctly.
Another great deal would be the req.8 15%^50 Shadow Bow I bought for 20k in LA a few weeks later after the Crystalline. It was unmodded so I modded it with perfect sundering and fortitude. Sold it two days later for 100k+20.
From that day I always modded my weapons to sell, poor me.
Ofc I bough it and resold it here on guru for approx 100k+15 if I remember correctly.
Another great deal would be the req.8 15%^50 Shadow Bow I bought for 20k in LA a few weeks later after the Crystalline. It was unmodded so I modded it with perfect sundering and fortitude. Sold it two days later for 100k+20.
From that day I always modded my weapons to sell, poor me.
I sold an Ironwing Flatbow a long time ago that was req 8 and had perfect mods.
I forgot what I sold it for but it was definitely over 9000.
I forgot what I sold it for but it was definitely over 9000.
my best i bought a mini bone dragon for 20k. sold it for 150k the next day.
Cherng Butter
Bought req. 9 death Wayward Wand for 500g
Sold it a while later for 30k
Not a huge "difference", but pretty good % increase wise :P
Sold it a while later for 30k
Not a huge "difference", but pretty good % increase wise :P
Prof Of Black
Made all my cash with trading, so I'm sure I can find some nice trades I made.
Too bad I cant really remember them
When colossal scimitars began getting more common, because people started to farm them the price range was really big: 50k to 100k + 100 ecto.
In that weekend, I traded like 8 colossals and made 250e total
Bought a q9 zodiac longbow for 3k, sold it 2 mins later for 100k..
Made tons of trades like the last one
Also traded zodiac items when people started farming them.
Bought them for around 20-100k and sold for 100k + 5 to 100k + 60..
My biggest ownage:
Bought a shiroken for 460e, sold it the next day for 460e, because the price was really unstable.
Next month shiroken was 1000e.. gg.
Too bad I cant really remember them
When colossal scimitars began getting more common, because people started to farm them the price range was really big: 50k to 100k + 100 ecto.
In that weekend, I traded like 8 colossals and made 250e total
Bought a q9 zodiac longbow for 3k, sold it 2 mins later for 100k..
Made tons of trades like the last one
Also traded zodiac items when people started farming them.
Bought them for around 20-100k and sold for 100k + 5 to 100k + 60..
My biggest ownage:
Bought a shiroken for 460e, sold it the next day for 460e, because the price was really unstable.
Next month shiroken was 1000e.. gg.
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
When colossal scimitars began getting more common, because people started to farm them the price range was really big: 50k to 100k + 100 ecto.
In that weekend, I traded like 8 colossals and made 250e total |
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
Bought a q9 zodiac longbow for 3k, sold it 2 mins later for 100k..
Made tons of trades like the last one Also traded zodiac items when people started farming them. Bought them for around 20-100k and sold for 100k + 5 to 100k + 60.. |
Originally Posted by Prof Of Black
My biggest ownage:
Bought a shiroken for 460e, sold it the next day for 460e, because the price was really unstable. Next month shiroken was 1000e.. gg. ~Prof. |
I had a trade-chain (I overpriced 3 items actually ><), I ended up in like -100k at the end -.-.
I had quite a streak yesterday night.
Hero FFFed, gave my guildie 30 k.
Bought a enameled shield for 10 k.
Modded it and sold it for 36 k.
Bought a pair of r9, inscribable Dragon Scythes for 20 k.
Traded for an r13 Stygian Reaver (yes I know, they are worth more than an r13 stygian). Now I have a sick ass caster axe.
Hero FFFed, gave my guildie 30 k.
Bought a enameled shield for 10 k.
Modded it and sold it for 36 k.
Bought a pair of r9, inscribable Dragon Scythes for 20 k.
Traded for an r13 Stygian Reaver (yes I know, they are worth more than an r13 stygian). Now I have a sick ass caster axe.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by Mickey
I had quite a streak yesterday night.
Hero FFFed, gave my guildie 30 k. Bought a enameled shield for 10 k. Modded it and sold it for 36 k. Bought a pair of r9, inscribable Dragon Scythes for 20 k. Traded for an r13 Stygian Reaver (yes I know, they are worth more than an r13 stygian). Now I have a sick ass caster axe. |
Originally Posted by Malice Black
I don't count it as a lose if you trade for something that you will use.
Still can't believe I got you with a rickroll
Sold the yakslapper for 60k, I thought that was the price people sold them around and I wasn't trying to scam him. The next day people were selling them for 10k lol.
Asraiel Deathraiser
I saw someone spamming wtb the rockmolder 100k, so i went to the warcamp and bought one for 5k. Then, i headed back to droks and sold it the first guy. Probably my largest profit ever.
Originally Posted by Mickey
I had quite a streak yesterday night.
Hero FFFed, gave my guildie 30 k. Bought a enameled shield for 10 k. Modded it and sold it for 36 k. Bought a pair of r9, inscribable Dragon Scythes for 20 k. Traded for an r13 Stygian Reaver (yes I know, they are worth more than an r13 stygian). Now I have a sick ass caster axe. |
Back before u could easily switch from america to europe servers, i switched to euro and bought 100 margonite gems for 6k each
then i went back to america and sold them all for 10k
then i went back to america and sold them all for 10k
ectos taste nasty
Originally Posted by Tommy529
Back before u could easily switch from america to europe servers, i switched to euro and bought 100 margonite gems for 6k each
then i went back to america and sold them all for 10k |
Mr. Needle
Hardly do any trading, but my best sale by far was giving a guy 5 Bathazar Tokens during the event for 5k.
Get a golden sword ( doesn´t need to be good), go to Spanish District in LA, sit, wait until you see a guy spamming: BUSKO UNA SPADA WENAA ( IM LOOKIN A GUD SUORD) and then try to sell the sword at a reasonable price (1-2k). You will never see bad golden swords evah
Cale Roughstar
He probably means 10k ea...
I dont think I have ever gotten quite as lucky as some of the guys here, but I do recall one that was always nice. I started my power trading career with Zodiac Shields. I would buy them for about 70-80k ea and resell for 100k within a matter of minutes usually, so not bad. One day (back when ele swords were still rare) I saw a guy spamming WTS req9 ele sword, so I offered him a zodiac shield and 5 ectos. Not much of a gain here, maybe 20k as ele swords were going for about 100+5 then. Later while spamming the ele sword, a guy asks me if I will take a trade. He offers me 65k and a req9 Mot amethyst aegis, perfectly modded. I resold that promptly for 100k+10. So, 70k +5 e for 165k +10e? not bad.
I dont think I have ever gotten quite as lucky as some of the guys here, but I do recall one that was always nice. I started my power trading career with Zodiac Shields. I would buy them for about 70-80k ea and resell for 100k within a matter of minutes usually, so not bad. One day (back when ele swords were still rare) I saw a guy spamming WTS req9 ele sword, so I offered him a zodiac shield and 5 ectos. Not much of a gain here, maybe 20k as ele swords were going for about 100+5 then. Later while spamming the ele sword, a guy asks me if I will take a trade. He offers me 65k and a req9 Mot amethyst aegis, perfectly modded. I resold that promptly for 100k+10. So, 70k +5 e for 165k +10e? not bad.
Bought an Unded Yeti for 50k and sold for 100k +60 a few days later.
Also bought a R9 Legendary Sword from a guru thread for 100k +20e (when they only dropped from HoH chest)
Sold it in game an hour or so later for 100k +50e
Also bought a R9 Legendary Sword from a guru thread for 100k +20e (when they only dropped from HoH chest)
Sold it in game an hour or so later for 100k +50e
bought elemental sword req 9 +30,15^50, 20/20 for 65k
2 hours later sold it for 98k.
this was around 2 months ago.
2 hours later sold it for 98k.
this was around 2 months ago.
Black Dye for 5k sold for 7k.
Profit is profit.
Profit is profit.
First req 9 inscribable crystalline in the game. It dropped for me the week of the Halls change. woot woot.
First req 9 inscribable crystalline in the game. It dropped for me the week of the Halls change. woot woot.
o m g pizowned
bought r8 -2-3 magmas shield for 20k
resold for 900k.
resold for 900k.
Arv X
Once was spamming "WTS mini ASURA *CHEAP*" in LA d1 and was about to sell for 20k when some guy pms me "ill buy for 85k", I almost crapped myself considering I got the thing for free out of mag, thought he was joking but soon that fear was allayed when i recieved the full 85k in trade.
also once bought q13 amethyst for 45k and sold for 95k like 10 minutes later, another shocker offer, not even trying to scam ppl and they just ask for it :roll:
also once bought q13 amethyst for 45k and sold for 95k like 10 minutes later, another shocker offer, not even trying to scam ppl and they just ask for it :roll:
bought yeti for 100+23e, sold for 100+100e
bought naga for 100+35e, sold for 100+120e
bought mallyx (probably first in game) for 100+20e, sold for 100+223e
bought zhed for 550e, sold for 765e.
bought yeti for 100+23e, sold for 100+100e
bought naga for 100+35e, sold for 100+120e
bought mallyx (probably first in game) for 100+20e, sold for 100+223e
bought zhed for 550e, sold for 765e.
Xeno Breaker
Bought a req8 30/-2 shadow for 40k
sold it few days later for 100+90
sold it few days later for 100+90
Mesmer in Need
I sold my r12 ele sword for 60k a couple weeks after gwen came out. Soon after that the prices went down alot.
o m g pizowned
Originally Posted by Xeno Breaker
Bought a req8 30/-2 shadow for 40k
sold it few days later for 100+90 |