PvE only skills ruined PVE for "builders"
Amon Warrior
PVE-only skills means no PVP usability, so that they don't get nerfed to death due to PVP gameplay abuse.
PVE-only skills are already limited to three slots.
If anything, they're a good help for all sorts of builds...
PVE-only skills are already limited to three slots.
If anything, they're a good help for all sorts of builds...
Originally Posted by Miska Bow
So is this what we're talking about ?
Ebon Battle Standard of Courage Ward Spell. You plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Courage at your current location. For 10...20 seconds, non-Spirit allies in this area gain +24 armor and an additional +24 armor against Charr. Compare to this: Ward Against Harm Elite Ward Spell. Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 8...18...20 seconds, non-Spirit allies in this area have 12...50...60 armor against fire damage and 12...22...24 armor against other damage. Where is this Huge advantage you're talking about? If you take the time to look them up carefully, you 'll find that they, for the most part, have a pve/pvp skill counterpart. (meaning none of these skills are kick-ass-lick'em all and mail post them back to their mamas skills) ( Ursan is not a skill, its a blessing... for some) Have you bought EoTN ? If yes i dont understand your attitude. If not then i can understand your frustrations |
Lord Sojar
Nerf all skills! NOW! DO IT. Clearly Withdraw Hexes is overpowered. Yet another QQ thread against PvE skills. Seriously... it's PvE... let's not take it so seriously. Actually, let's laugh at it.
PvE became a joke as soon as PvE skills were implemented. The game isn't balanced against them - you can't really lose with a human group. He's actually right - why bother designing inventive builds when you're more effective with attributeless pve skills?
Why should grinding make you more powerful? I guess having skill was too hard, so they added an easy path for people who think playing a lot = being good.
This isn't even solely with regards to Ursan, all of the PvE skills should have never been made. You can cry all you want about how you need it to PuG or H/H areas (I know some of you are saying that), but you used to have to do a thing called making an organized group, and finding people who were good, if you wanted to do something properly.
Why should grinding make you more powerful? I guess having skill was too hard, so they added an easy path for people who think playing a lot = being good.
This isn't even solely with regards to Ursan, all of the PvE skills should have never been made. You can cry all you want about how you need it to PuG or H/H areas (I know some of you are saying that), but you used to have to do a thing called making an organized group, and finding people who were good, if you wanted to do something properly.
Originally Posted by Crimzon_DST
IF some1 grinds out the high titles and has the benefit to use the skills effectively, they deserve it,
Originally Posted by Miska Bow
Ebon Battle Standard of Courage
Ward Spell. You plant an Ebon Battle Standard of Courage at your current location. For 10...20 seconds, non-Spirit allies in this area gain +24 armor and an additional +24 armor against Charr. |
- grind
- 10 energy
Ward Against Harm Elite Ward Spell. Create a Ward Against Harm at this location. For 8...18...20 seconds, non-Spirit allies in this area have 12...50...60 armor against fire damage and 12...22...24 armor against other damage. |
- Primary elementalist
- Elite slot
- 16 in water magic
- 75 health loss
- 15 energy
Yep, exactly the same.
( Ursan is not a skill, its a blessing... for some) |
Skills however are of different types, such as spells, preparations, attack skills, blessings, etc...
OMFG the plain question here is what kind of disadvantage do you have? You claimed to be solo...so you're not going to require being able to PuG. Use heroes/henchies. You claim to be casual...so you don't need to "farm", and you don't need to play the elite areas that require builds/skills like these.
Ursan is the only skill that people tend to require in group building. If that's the case, form a group of your own for these areas. I don't see anyone requiring Air of Superiority, or Save Yourselves!, or "I Am Unstoppable!"...pain inverter maybe but it's not exactly necessary, as only one pain inverter can kill pretty much anything it works best on.
Ursan is the only skill that people tend to require in group building. If that's the case, form a group of your own for these areas. I don't see anyone requiring Air of Superiority, or Save Yourselves!, or "I Am Unstoppable!"...pain inverter maybe but it's not exactly necessary, as only one pain inverter can kill pretty much anything it works best on.
Amon Warrior
I agree that PVE-only skills should've been dependent on attributes since day one. That was a huge drawback from Anet's initial premise.
But since they're here, I can't agree on the limits that the OP suggests. What's the point on having them then? What to do with all the players who grinded that far to maximize their skills?
How the skills were implemented is the real problem.
It's a really screwy situation, isn't it?...
The game is broken and fixing it would upset a lot of players. But isn't this all part of the grand plan? GW1 became a test subject since GW2 was announced. This is just one more reason why players in the future should migrate to a (supposedly) vastly improved, less-broken gameplay in GW2.
But since they're here, I can't agree on the limits that the OP suggests. What's the point on having them then? What to do with all the players who grinded that far to maximize their skills?
How the skills were implemented is the real problem.
It's a really screwy situation, isn't it?...
The game is broken and fixing it would upset a lot of players. But isn't this all part of the grand plan? GW1 became a test subject since GW2 was announced. This is just one more reason why players in the future should migrate to a (supposedly) vastly improved, less-broken gameplay in GW2.
Well frankly, many of the problem PvE skills could simply be adjusted, (yes, that likely means a nerf), and things would, IMO, improve. Make the various blessings not grant a zealous effect w/ attacks, and you make them non-perma.
As to others, I can't really think of any that are as gamebreaking, an only the Norn blessings permit you to play and be effective by just taking that 1 skill...
As to others, I can't really think of any that are as gamebreaking, an only the Norn blessings permit you to play and be effective by just taking that 1 skill...
Amon Warrior
Originally Posted by Biostem
As to others, I can't really think of any that are as gamebreaking, an only the Norn blessings permit you to play and be effective by just taking that 1 skill...
Nowadays, there's grinding certain titles to maximize certain PVE skills. Attribute-dependent skills became redundant over those more powerful skills. What is broken here is how you now play PVE. If you stay true to "Skill over Time" and opt NOT to go for PVE-only skills, or choose not to maximize those skills with grinding, you're out of the good stuff that the game has to offer...
Originally Posted by Amon Warrior
Once all skills were dependent on how you'd distribute your attribute points, which was true to the premise "the skill you have" instead of the "time you spend" in the game.
Nowadays, there's grinding certain titles to maximize certain PVE skills. Attribute-dependent skills became redundant over those more powerful skills. What is broken here is how you now play PVE. If you stay true to "Skill over Time" and opt NOT to go for PVE-only skills, or choose not to maximize those skills with grinding, you're out of the good stuff that the game has to offer... |
GW is competitive(PvP)-cooperative(PvE).
Is someone gets a lof of titles, gold and stuff, it's not bad for you it does not affect you. I even may grant you minutes of favor to use.
PvE skills are just like elite skills. You can put a limited ammount of them in the bar, and thn 'full up', based on those you have choosed.
There are a lot of options, even if you use Ursan blessing, you may bring summons, spirits, echoes, stances...
Is someone gets a lof of titles, gold and stuff, it's not bad for you it does not affect you. I even may grant you minutes of favor to use.
PvE skills are just like elite skills. You can put a limited ammount of them in the bar, and thn 'full up', based on those you have choosed.
There are a lot of options, even if you use Ursan blessing, you may bring summons, spirits, echoes, stances...
Originally Posted by Avarre
This isn't even solely with regards to Ursan, all of the PvE skills should have never been made. You can cry all you want about how you need it to PuG or H/H areas (I know some of you are saying that), but you used to have to do a thing called making an organized group, and finding people who were good, if you wanted to do something properly.
Originally Posted by Avarre
PvE became a joke as soon as PvE skills were implemented.
Where is PVP now? Would it be right to say that if PVP is not a joke, at least, its struggling for its last gasp of breath?
Point is, PVE skills never made PVE a joke. It has given half the profession a fighting chance to be part of the group in a game where "meta-grouping" was limited to few classes. Maybe ANET should have stick to the core professions and never made the other professions so the PVE-skills should have never come out.
If PVE is a joke, PVP is a joke, what is there to play in GW?
NOTE: I dont truly believe PVP is a joke, as I don't believe people saying PVE is joke. Im just taking in their "version and perception of reality" of PVP-PVE, that, if everything in GW is a joke, why still bother with the game?
Hailey Anne
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
competitve i mean....on par ( i edited it out cos it wasnt' clear sorry)
if i don't use pve skills i'm at disadvantage compared to somoene who has them .(btw i don't even have time to max those skills) thats what i mean. |
Most of the skills suck really.
don't you take my pain inverter and assassin support
Ah... I love Mindbender. As an elementalists, feeling like a mesmer for some seconds is wonderful, XD.
Originally Posted by GrimEye
I really wonder what the "organized group" you're talking about consist of. The usual fabulous five? Half of the class was never had room for them, unless as filler.
What's the state of PVP now, with all the "organized group" and "all the people who are good"? Has the PVP people come up with any radical "decent" build without relegating inventive build as "gimmick"? People always speak of sticking to "balanced" group at one hand, and speak of being "inventive" on another. Go figure. Where is PVP now? Would it be right to say that if PVP is not a joke, at least, its struggling for its last gasp of breath? |
Point is, PVE skills never made PVE a joke. It has given half the profession a fighting chance to be part of the group in a game where "meta-grouping" was limited to few classes. Maybe ANET should have stick to the core professions and never made the other professions so the PVE-skills should have never come out. |
I pugged through several areas of DoA on said Mesmer as well (for the others I just used people I knew).
Wouldn't be sad if there were no new professions. They don't tend to add any depth to gameplay thus far.
NOTE: I dont truly believe PVP is a joke, as I don't believe people saying PVE is joke. Im just taking in their "version and perception of reality" of PVP-PVE, that, if everything in GW is a joke, why still bother with the game? |
Originally Posted by ZuRin
have u ever seen anet nerf a pve only skill b4 gwen....
Originally Posted by Navaros
PVE only skills never ruined a darn thing.
Don't like them? Don't use them. End of story. |
Besides, "just ignore problem" argument is just sooo wrong.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
If rest of community decides that the only way to do something is having something like bear on you bar you can-NOT just ignore it.
Secondly, what we have here is a debate, neither you nor me will make the final decision on what will happen to Ursan. In other words, you do not hold the absolute power to decide that Ursan should be changed, nerfed or deleted, instead, you are merely here to state your opinion or trying to convince the rest of us not to use Ursan. However, from your argument, I see otherwise, and here's a breakdown of it. (The brackets are used to isolate the propositions you have assumed in your argument.)
(I don't like the skill Ursan Blessing.)
(I believe that everyone uses Ursan Blessing.)
If the rest of the community decides that the only way to do something is using Ursan Blessing, this skill should not be ignored.
(And so it should be nerfed.)
As we notice here, what you are saying is basically you do not like this skill, and you believe that everyone are using it, which has not been proven. Therefore, based on your belief, Ursan should be nerfed. In simple terms, as I have stated earlier that you do not have any powers into making this decision, you are not here to convince anyone the logical views to what Ursan applies to the game or stating your opinion, but instead, you are forcing your morals down to other people's throats as you believe it is the only correct way to play the game the way you believe is right. That, however, is not true.
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Besides, "just ignore problem" argument is just sooo wrong.
And here's a list to how Ursan Blessing is not violating the rules that are set to the game:
Ursan Blessing does not involve any third party programs.
Ursan Blessing is not an exploit to the game that was made accessible through hacking, etc.
My question here is, you have often stated that using Ursan Blessing is wrong and immoral, but those were merely your morals, and I believe only Anet's morals matter at this point. So which rules created by Anet have been violated by Ursan Blessing?
Perhaps you can argue that Ursan Blessing has ruined the competence of the game; let me put it this way, this is the 12th Ursan thread I can count to, and if Ursan is really killing the game and immoral as you believe, why hasn't anything been done at this point?
Which implies that your morals are not exactly the same as what Anet has, and so what people in the opposition are saying here is, we understand that you do not like Ursan Blessing to the extend that you will make 12 threads and rant about it, so we tell you this: you don't have to use it.
Secondly, if you are going to claim that someone's argument is invalid or wrong, is it possible for you to actually provide reasons to your claim?
And lastly, I have a question: do we really need all these PvE skills are killing the game threads just because a few people here and there disagree with a decision Anet made?
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
and now : without Ursan you don't get in.(and 90% of gw population don't have it maxed out)
but thats not my point. it's the buildmaking which has dumbened down....and i don't like that. skills should be balanced. (and the only way to do that is compare them against each other =PVP) |
1.you dont need ursan maxed,
2.The people that dont have ursan are back with the in days of pugs, you know the time when "people used real builds" - i'll get the right quote in a while
3. Most people are uncreative because they tried to make a build and there one was surpassed by a wiki build or wiki builds are already there with approval
I couldnt remember the last time i had fun with a pug until i DoA ursan, ye can call it noob and all that but really, i'd much rather have fun, high success rate and be fast then do some lame hiding behind a wall for 2 hours nuking.
btw Build Making isn't dead, jsut slowing down, 1 year with nf skills and it slows down i guess,
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
.... from your argument, I see otherwise, and here's a breakdown of it. (The brackets are used to isolate the propositions you have assumed in your argument.)
(I don't like the skill Ursan Blessing.) (I believe that everyone uses Ursan Blessing.) If the rest of the community decides that the only way to do something is using Ursan Blessing, this skill should not be ignored. (And so it should be nerfed.) As we notice here, what you are saying is basically you do not like this skill, and you believe that everyone are using it, which has not been proven. Therefore, based on your belief, Ursan should be nerfed. In simple terms, as I have stated earlier that you do not have any powers into making this decision, you are not here to convince anyone the logical views to what Ursan applies to the game or stating your opinion, but instead, you are forcing your morals down to other people's throats as you believe it is the only correct way to play the game the way you believe is right. That, however, is not true. |
I have to grant you, you are awesome at making non-sequitor slash strawman arguments.
Now seriously, how did you come come to that bracketed statements? Wishfull thinking?
lets break it down:
(I don't like the skill Ursan Blessing.)
Wrong, I see UB as harmfull to gameplay. Something that was not supposed to be viable in GW: manifestation of "Rewarding the grind". Reason for buying this game and not generic mmo in first place. Not only does it rewards grind, it makes challeging content not challeging at all, removing point of it being in game.
(I believe that everyone uses Ursan Blessing.)
Wrong. I does not matter if 1 person uses it, 10 , 100 or 1000. It will always be wrong. Regardless of that, people DO use UB for certain things exclusivelly ("only way to do something"), hugely limiting PUG options to the point when not-using it means being cut of content/HoM statues/etc...
So i am NOT basically saying "i dont like it, everyone is is using it.". Stop putting word in my mouth, thank you very much
Another WTF is that people are supposed to make logical statements when it is inherently impossible as we are discussing enjoyment of game. Feelings. OFC, if you dont share someone wiews it is easy to force him to make logical statements that can be shattered by illogical retorts regardless of their valitidy (any man which argued with woman can tell you that): your "implied bracketed arugments" are fine example of it. "ou are forcing your morals down to other people's throats as you believe it is the only correct way" How logical is that?
You are quite hung out on "you are not anet, mkkay, you just share your views". Well, isnt that obvious? Message for anet is "9 months ago you broke game, 6 months ago you broke it even more. Fix it." See, not a mention of "The only proper way to play game".
What i am foccing down your throat is gameplay that was *ALWAYS* in GW. Probalby stuff you enjoyed and which got you hooked when you first got game otherwise you would not be here posting on guru. Was it that bad that you have to flame people who want game restored to that state?
1) When people were unhappy with inability to have huge character development/or with having to be good player to get certain content, they could leave GW for myriads of other MMOs.
2) When you look for skillbased PvE MMO with no character power progression, you are out of luck.
If PvE is reverted to skill based gameplay, players who liked mindless destruction have tons of option. If it stays like it is, there is NO option, because no other game exists with mindset of early prophecies.
Originally Posted by DivineEnvoy
And besides that, Yes, i claim that anet viollated their rules by making ursan: Basic design rules for ballancing skills, Prophecies-age rules of not rewarging grind with power, Factions & NF age rules on how hard elite mission should be for average population.
What you see is anet disagreeing with itself. With what they based game upon at the very begining.
Pandora's box
The opp is making a problem of something which is no problem at all. He is talking about his "well balanced solo pve builds" and being forced to use overpowerd pve-only skills now. How so? Your solo builds still work don't they? And since its solo no one will ask you to use bear skills or consumables; its your own decission! So continue to have fun by balancing your good solo builds and let others have fun in using pve-only stuff.

Numa Pompilius
I don't care if the OPs post is dumb, I'll /sign anything and anyone who wants to nerf or remove the PvE skills: they're insulting, dull to play, and contrary to the stated goal of "skill over time".
/signed I dont like the skills i dont use them and i never will. i totally sign this Only For Eotn/dungeons
Numa Pompilius
Possibly one of the best signs how bad the PvE skills are, is that it's the PvP people who love them, because they allow them to farm without effort.
I don't think PvE skills are necessarily unfair; personally I'm glad Eternal Aura, for instance, is available in PvE - and grinding makes no difference to its utility.
I think my account and the accounts of all my friends should have infinite platinum and material reserves, as well as ten stacks of armbraces.
We should also be able to dupe freely and teleport to any outpost regardless of having visited it before, and any boss regardless of preresiquite quests.
It doesn't affect you so you have no reason to say no to my idea.
We should also be able to dupe freely and teleport to any outpost regardless of having visited it before, and any boss regardless of preresiquite quests.
It doesn't affect you so you have no reason to say no to my idea.
I personally think certain skills should be renamed, like "You move like a Drawf!" Good solution to the problem, srsly.
On my alliance chat, I ALWAYS see ,,DoA Group Forming 6x Ursan + 2x Monk!'' or other variations, like 5x ursan + 3x monk.
I think Ursan was meant to give people a choise over the warrior-monk-elementalist trio, but it just made everything worse. Before people had to play as warrior, monk, elementalist, necro or make something that will replace them (like instead of N/R battery, I used my R/N battery, or instead of N/Mo I used Rt/N Minion Master). Now we have ONLY (!!!!) URSANWAY!!
What's even worse? People want me to use ursan as a PARAGON. It's a crime against nature, worse than running Mo/E nuker! If I can enable a god-mode for at least 2/3 of the time, why they want another stupid ursan? It's just sick and disgusts me.
Cool, but not using them will reject us from 95% of pve groups. Why not just make one game for normal players, and one for ursaners?
On my alliance chat, I ALWAYS see ,,DoA Group Forming 6x Ursan + 2x Monk!'' or other variations, like 5x ursan + 3x monk.
I think Ursan was meant to give people a choise over the warrior-monk-elementalist trio, but it just made everything worse. Before people had to play as warrior, monk, elementalist, necro or make something that will replace them (like instead of N/R battery, I used my R/N battery, or instead of N/Mo I used Rt/N Minion Master). Now we have ONLY (!!!!) URSANWAY!!
What's even worse? People want me to use ursan as a PARAGON. It's a crime against nature, worse than running Mo/E nuker! If I can enable a god-mode for at least 2/3 of the time, why they want another stupid ursan? It's just sick and disgusts me.
Originally Posted by Blonde Warrior
This thread is full of fail, if you don't like pve skills don't use them!
/NOT signed |
Originally Posted by Avarre
Organization has to do with tactics, build structure, and communication. The classes you brought were less relevant.
....... Not sure why you wrote this, none of it is relevant to the topic. |
But I have to raise the issue of PVP because "organization" is big part of this side of the game. PVP has ta bigger portion of organized group than unorganized ones. Yet with all these organization, build structure, communication - PVP is now in state where many people view as in "disarray", even some ardent PVP'ers hold this view.
But I have to disagree that "classes" are irrelevent in the issue of build strucure. Why does people prefer N/Rt rather than Rt/N in some meta team build? Why Mo/Me than Rt/Mo or Me/Mo or E/mo for healers? Why W/A than A/W for tank? Build structure and team synergy largely rely on primary profession, and common sense dictates that.
I PUG'ed a good part of my FoW armor in 2005 and I play Mesmer. If you made your own groups, you could easily grab some other roles and walk through more of the areas of the game without trouble. I usually just grabbed 4-5 others for FoW. I pugged through several areas of DoA on said Mesmer as well (for the others I just used people I knew). |
You asked if it would be sad if no other class was added. And I agree, if no classes was added, it would be sad. Yet, on many elite "profitable" mission area, like DoA, it seems it only has a place for original 6 core professions (atrually, 5 since mesmer is another discriminated class in PVE). People still build team synergy as if the other newer profession doesn't exist.
I can play the popular professions to avoid being discriminated, and I can. In fact, I have all 10. It just happens that my favorite professions happens to be "unpopular". Sad is if these professions were not created. But far more saddening is, after being created by ANET, they seem to have no place.
PVE-skills are class-less skill. Any profession can use it or not use it. It is a solution to give the discriminated class a fighting chance in game dominated by narrow-minded meta-team build, organized or unorganized, that has taken deep roots in almost 3 years.
It is not the most efficient solution, I agree. But it is an equalizer of some sort. We seem to be arguing over a tree, forgetting the forest. PVE-skills is not the problem, it is a symptom, brought about by limitation of the underlying structure of the game itself and a culture of player's mind-set and bias built over the years, which cannot be solved by stop-gap quackery of whines.
Maybe ANET feel the same way too. So ANET came up with the ultimate solution: GW2.
So, Im presuming, ANET is now between a rock (GW1) and a hard place (GW2), with few months in between. Even if the PVE-skills are resolved in GW1, will the effect carry over to GW2?
Would having an update patch on Warcraft I and Warcraft II, solve the issue of Warcraft III? Would such action would even be relevant? Would anyone care if blizzard made a a grand and sweeping update on Starcraft with Starcraft II on the horizon?
I may seem rambling. But Im just fascinated by the fervent "moral/intellectual" attachment - calling people dumb and stupid - for using a skill in a game, which will fade into oblivion few months from now.
My take.
Numa Pompilius
I'd be real interested in hearing ArenaNets take on Ursan and the other PvE skills.
Is Guildwars still about "skill over time"?
If it is, how do ArenaNet justify the PvE skills in general, and Ursan Blessing in particular? I mean, they're the exact opposite of "skill over time".
So - has ArenaNet abandoned "skill over time" as guiding principle, or are the PvE skills merely unfortunate mistakes?
Is Guildwars still about "skill over time"?
If it is, how do ArenaNet justify the PvE skills in general, and Ursan Blessing in particular? I mean, they're the exact opposite of "skill over time".
So - has ArenaNet abandoned "skill over time" as guiding principle, or are the PvE skills merely unfortunate mistakes?
Originally Posted by GrimEye
But I have to disagree that "classes" are irrelevent in the issue of build strucure. Why does people prefer N/Rt rather than Rt/N in some meta team build? Why Mo/Me than Rt/Mo or Me/Mo or E/mo for healers? Why W/A than A/W for tank? Build structure and team synergy largely rely on primary profession, and common sense dictates that.
Back in 2005, we were all new, feeling our way to the game. Everyone just accept everyone. Then more builds came up, and these builds dictates the meta-synergy team on certain area simply because it was the most efficient. |
You asked if it would be sad if no other class was added. And I agree, if no classes was added, it would be sad. Yet, on many elite "profitable" mission area, like DoA, it seems it only has a place for original 6 core professions (atrually, 5 since mesmer is another discriminated class in PVE). People still build team synergy as if the other newer profession doesn't exist. |
I can play the popular professions to avoid being discriminated, and I can. In fact, I have all 10. It just happens that my favorite professions happens to be "unpopular". Sad is if these professions were not created. But far more saddening is, after being created by ANET, they seem to have no place. |
PVE-skills are class-less skill. Any profession can use it or not use it. It is a solution to give the discriminated class a fighting chance in game dominated by narrow-minded meta-team build, organized or unorganized, that has taken deep roots in almost 3 years. |
It is not the most efficient solution, I agree. But it is an equalizer of some sort. We seem to be arguing over a tree, forgetting the forest. PVE-skills is not the problem, it is a symptom, brought about by limitation of the underlying structure of the game itself and a culture of player's mind-set and bias built over the years, which cannot be solved by stop-gap quackery of whines. |
Maybe ANET feel the same way too. So ANET came up with the ultimate solution: GW2. |
I may seem rambling. But Im just fascinated by the fervent "moral/intellectual" attachment - calling people dumb and stupid - for using a skill in a game, which will fade into oblivion few months from now. |
Destro Maniak
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
I am a causal PvE gamer.
one of the things i enjoyed most in guildwars was making my own builds.(especially "solo" builds) it was great to have 100+ skills all balanced between them (balanced through PVP which is the only way of balancing skills against each other!) from which to choose and make up builds since the introduction of these overpowerered pve skills (to accomodate whiners).....the choice of skills is now very limited and builds have become duller....cos at least 3 are gonna be PVE skills. ![]() i see myself now forced to go and max out these retarded titles ( i never been interested in titles)just to be as strong and imbalanced as anyone else. all the 100s of pvp skills in the gw game are now almost worthless as they can't compare to how strong these pve are. it's a shame. possible solution: - limit these pve skills just to eotn dungeons. that way ppl also won't complain much about grinding titles as these titles will only matter in those dungeons (which are for harrdcore gamers and nolifers anyway) . - or please limit these PvE skill to 1 per build. (like an extra elite) |
Destro Maniak
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I'd be real interested in hearing ArenaNets take on Ursan and the other PvE skills.
Is Guildwars still about "skill over time"? If it is, how do ArenaNet justify the PvE skills in general, and Ursan Blessing in particular? I mean, they're the exact opposite of "skill over time". So - has ArenaNet abandoned "skill over time" as guiding principle, or are the PvE skills merely unfortunate mistakes? . |
Originally Posted by Avarre
Again, this can be attributed to ANet not seeming to have a clear design plan with some of the classes, and not developing PvE parallel to the developments to the classes and skills etc.
..................................... PvE skills are a bandaid fix to much larger problems with PvE development as a whole. But we know that's not going to get fixed, because... .................................... ANet decided it would be better to scrap what was becoming overly complicated and rebuild from the start, hopefully learning from their mistakes on their accidental success. |
We seem to agree on deeper problem of guildwars, not just the symptoms.
But we seem to separate on the idea that the "problem" can be solve. Your post seem to imply, correct me if Im wrong, that these underlying problems can be solved in due time and would be relevant.
My contention is:
1. the PVE-skill changes would be superficial, would not solve the underlying structure and developmental mistakes of the past, nor change the culture of bias against some professions,
2. time is working against ANET,
3. and the changes, whatever they are, would always be cosmetics and would be irrelevant when GW2 comes.
By creating GW2, ANET just acknowledge their mistakes that had accumulated over the years. GW2 is an acknowledgement that GW1 is hopeless and beyond acceptable cure, on deeper level.
If ANET gives considerable resources, time, and attention for all the problem that besets GW1, it is less resources, less time, and less attention to GW2 development. From such unconcentrated, unfocus action, GW2 might be affected. After all, ANET is really not earning anything at the moment with their kind of business model.
If ANET will simply give cosmetic changes, then such changes would be meaningless, and might compound the problem even more, as past actions by ANET indicated.
Give ANET some leeway as they worked on GW2. I'll take any changes ANET can spare on GW1, even taking out the PVE-skills. But, I sure hope to hell, ANET had learned their lessons and make GW2 much better, as all of us wants it to be.
My take.
Originally Posted by Alex the Great
not like you are forced to use them are you?
Originally Posted by Avarre
I think my account and the accounts of all my friends should have infinite platinum and material reserves, as well as ten stacks of armbraces.
We should also be able to dupe freely and teleport to any outpost regardless of having visited it before, and any boss regardless of preresiquite quests. It doesn't affect you so you have no reason to say no to my idea. |
It doesn't affect you so you have no reason to say no to my idea. |
Oh... wait... never mind. I stumbled into a wall of common sense.
I noticed that people that aren't against ursan are either failing at PvE and using Ursan for everything |
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by GrimEye
Exactly what I mean, the problem is the underlying structure of the game, And this structure and development of the game created a mind-set of bias, which players carry in their mind without knowing its in their head.
If mob placement, type of mob, and mob capability were pseudo-random, however, there could not be a single optimal build for any given area, and players would need to create all-round builds capable of dealing with a wide range of situations.
Which is why people have wanted pseudo-random mobs from the day GW was released, and why leetists and farmers are dead-set against pseudo-random mobs: it'd kill the cookie-cutters.
The single exception is Ursan: as it has no weakness and synergizes with itself it would still be optimal in all areas.
And that is yet another reason Ursan is broken and needs to be fixed/removed.
Karia Mirniman
Originally Posted by Abedeus
Sure we ain't. We can all delete one character to make a monk, or go with h/h to DoA. Sorry, I mean just hero. And don't start the talk about guild, because most of my friends in guild use only ursanway, because ,,it's the only way someone unskilled is going to win''. Too bad that he won't gain any skill.
I noticed that people that aren't against ursan are either failing at PvE and using Ursan for everything, or play PvP and don't give a horse crap about PvE. |