for Guild Wars 2 i think its an very good idea...instead of thousands over thousands of free tria-keys, like done for GW1 (which would be abused by Gold Sellers only again later in GW2)
Players which want to have an observation on, how a game works and looks, don't have to be possible to play it also and to use the Chat... when you want just receive an impression on a game, then its really enough, when such an observation mode gives those people with a trial access just only a predefined creature to control, that can't speak, which can't also use the chat therethrough.
A creature, with that the payer is just able to receive a good impression about the game, how it works and how it looks.
I would find it very cool, if Anet would transform observing people into a flying funny creature, which will be only observers able to control, for the time of their observing trial access.
With this creature you could explore then the world of GW2 (cause you are a monsters, nothing would attack you, while you explore GW2) By this, the observer will receive an impression about the game how it looks.
Due to the fact, that GW2 will become a persistant world most fully, observers will also be able in explorable areas to see other players, how they fight against creatures, thusby the observer will be able to receive an impression on how the game will work.
By pressign the button for the observer mode, the observer would also have the same options, liek we have right now, beign able to watch PvP-Battles.
Thats really all, what the observer should be able to do with his trial access, but
LET THEM NOT BE ABLE TO USE ANY CHAT FUNCTIONS because then it would result as said only in a repeat of the same failure, that anet did in GW1, allowing massive amounts of Gold Sellers an total easily unending source of trial accesses to create countless Gold Selling Bots, which should spam their shit somewhere in towns to advertise their illegal internet sites.
A possible funny creature for this Job I could think of ^^:
Somethign cute, like this little white "Bunny" there, give it then some little wings, so that i can fly to move faster, when wanted. and ready would be the little cute funny avatar for Observers, which want to have a look into GW2
notsigned / impossible for GW1
totally signed for GW2 (just will get rid of Gold Seller Abuses of Trial Accesses by makiing it impossible to use as observer with tiral access the Chat).
This Observer-Bunny Avatar could be a free to download 1 time possible usage Trial Account. You can download the client and the Observer-Bunny from the official GW2 site then, with client you create your trial account, the Observer-Bunny is then a code, that gets implemented onto the trial account to "activate" your trial account.
Once the Trial Account is then activated, the payer can observe the game with the Bunny for say either 5 Days or XXX hours ...
After the time is over, the trial access can't be used anymore naturally then and can't be reactivated by reusing the used code.
When downloadign the Observer-Bunny Code, the website will store up the IP-adress information, to ensure, that people can get only once per IP Adress a Observer-Bunny code.
I personally would find it really funny, when I as possible player of GW2 would be able, to receive ingame impressions of the game, by running and looking around ingame as a special little cute funny creature, that only observers will be able to use for their trial time. players could then maybe interact with the Observer-Bunnies, by taking them with them, when the observing one accepts it, then the player will take the Observer-Bunny on his/her shoulder or on his/her head and will carry the observer around then, as long the observer wants it XD.
Also observing people could find so maybe direct some nice people and find some friends, with that they may play later direct together, when the observer decides then after his trial to buy the game...