What profession is the best for synergizing with heroes?
I am almost done every campaign with my Sin and I am looking to find a new main.
What profession is the best for synergizing with heroes?I really like to organize strategy's with my heroes but it is very difficult when your a sin
So I would like to take suggestions on a versatile profession that can synergize well with heroes.
What profession is the best for synergizing with heroes?I really like to organize strategy's with my heroes but it is very difficult when your a sin
So I would like to take suggestions on a versatile profession that can synergize well with heroes.
Rainbow Ftw
Any profession does, the idea is to create hero builds to synergise with your personal play style, not the other way round.. You're the player, make their builds to suit yours, not make your build to suit pre-determined builds they have.
isamu kurosawa
Pretty much the same for most professions except mesmer and monk.
Playing monk can be tricky if your not running smite with having to target both allies and foes, and mesmer playing can confuse AI occasionally if your target swapping often.
I guess ranger could be the easiest for some to control positioning due to the range though.
Playing monk can be tricky if your not running smite with having to target both allies and foes, and mesmer playing can confuse AI occasionally if your target swapping often.
I guess ranger could be the easiest for some to control positioning due to the range though.
I Will Heal You Ally
I find ele a nice leader for heroes cuz of the aoe... anyway like Rainbow said it's for all professions
Ranger is like Mesmer, too much target swapping confuses heroes, especially melee ones.
IMO Paragon or Necromancer probably. AoE doesn't really have any synergetic effect.
IMO Paragon or Necromancer probably. AoE doesn't really have any synergetic effect.
Originally Posted by Marverick
Originally Posted by Marverick
IMO Paragon or Necromancer probably. AoE doesn't really have any synergetic effect.
+1. Para synergises really well with 2 Para heroes. A curses Necro can free up a hero slot in Sabway.
I would say Para, fits well with a barrager an orders and another para.
Uber Mass
I build a team around my char works fine enough for me... i dont have any preference
If you're creating a new main for PvE and title hunting a P/W is probley your best bet. As a "Save Yourself"/"There's Nothing to Fear" adren-bot para, you're an offensive targeter (meaning easier offensive hero management). You also provide your team with THE best damage migation in the game, allowing you to free up a healing hero slot for something more offensive.
Warrior = leet
rest = good. The Meth
The major downside to heroes are they can't use, and by 'use' I mean abuse, PvE skills. The other big downsides is that they have no real awareness of enemies and cant react to them, so they are bad for interrupting, shutdown, and target switching. So give them simple builds and save the complicated stuff for yourself.
Any class that can spam overpowered pve skills like Save Yourself, There's Nothing to Fear, Cry of Pain, Ebon Wards, and lots of other stuff works well. So just load yourself up with your own pick of 3 pve skills and just about any clas works fine with them. Marty Silverblade
Well I stand by the opinion that with Sab's 3 Necromancers you can just c-space and watch TV and still get stuff done easily.
If you like to do stuff though, abuse some PvE skills (permanent "Save Yourselves" is godmode xD), and run a build you find fun, and build the heroes around that. Remember, no matter how broken the ideal profession is (if there was one), you'll enjoy yourself more if you achieve your goals by doing it how you like to do things. GD Defender
Warrior. Run Ursan and 3nec.
Originally Posted by Antithesis
I'd never take melee heroes, they run from target to target like headless chickens and create unnecessary agro.
+1. Para synergises really well with 2 Para heroes. A curses Necro can free up a hero slot in Sabway. If 3 necros is good, 4 necros is better. Why limit yourself to 3? Warrior = sucks in PvE... Paragon is better for Ursan. Squishy ftw
Originally Posted by Marverick
Warrior = sucks in PvE...
Right. Because they can run in first, taking most of the damage while dishing out an awfully nice dps, turned into nice aoe with splinter while keeping their party save by spammying SY.
Sucks alright. Warrior heroes however.. Marverick
Paragons are better at keeping SY! up since they aren't hindered by chasing stuff down and snares, and also don't have to worry about staying in shout range.
Assassins and Dervishes have better DPS. Anything can dish out a nice AoE with Splinter Weapon. Only thing a Warrior might be better at is the ability to kd-lock something indefinitely while still doing damage. Maybe I should rephrase that though; Warriors don't suck, they just aren't optimal for anything in PvE anymore. And the OP was asking for the "best" profession to synergize with heroes, not just any that works. ectos taste nasty
Originally Posted by Squishy ftw
Right. Because they can run in first, taking most of the damage while dishing out an awfully nice dps, turned into nice aoe with splinter while keeping their party save by spammying SY.
Sucks alright. Warrior heroes however.. XD <3 Squishy Lishy
Were offtopic again...
Anyways, I made a paragon. And I am freaking loving it :3 Topic can be closed unless you want it open for discussion and debate. JoeKnowMo
Paragon and Necro can synergize the best, imo.
Ritualists come in third. ectos taste nasty
Yeah,necros can be like,literally everything. Besides a war
Paras seem to work great to. Off to make a para! Randvek
I happen to think that Warriors are the most important class to have as a human when synergizing with heroes for the simple reason that the positioning of a Warrior can be very important. Heroes have the nasty habit of running back in forth between the enemies and the party when they run Warriors on their own. Lead from the front, so to speak.