Mini pets per month created
What about instead of getting the mini-pet of that year how about we get the mini pet of our month of creation.
Because honestly Does anyone really think they'll be at all 12 canthan new year events in GW1, they could bring it over to gw2 but still 12 years is a long time for a mini pet.
Month Animal
January Pig
February Rat
March Ox
April Tiger
May Rabbit
June Dragon
July Snake
August Horse
September Sheep
October Monkey
November Rooster
December Dog
So if your character was created in july you would get a snake, etc.
Canthan Fortune Cookies
These Would be drops from monsters, they'd have a random effect, Shrine npc buff, lv.5 drunk, 5 sweet tooth points, only in explorable areas, you know.
btw sorry for the screen size
Canthan New year
I like the random bonus on a fortune cookie idea.
That is all.
That is all.
Operative 14
This sounds fun! 
The only problem I could see is that you have people with 10+ characters that want to attend and get different minipets, but they only have a few event opportunities.

The only problem I could see is that you have people with 10+ characters that want to attend and get different minipets, but they only have a few event opportunities.
While an interesting idea, it isn't "authentic." People who actually celebrate Chienese New Year in the real world would actually be kinda upset at this idea.
Loli Krasivaya
I like the fortune cookie idea

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
While an interesting idea, it isn't "authentic." People who actually celebrate Chienese New Year in the real world would actually be kinda upset at this idea.
unfamiler with the culture, so my guess's may be wrong

Yay! More minipets in the market! Great idea.
Oh wait... I forgot I lived in this dimension for a second... that was close.
Yea, bad idea
Oh wait... I forgot I lived in this dimension for a second... that was close.
Yea, bad idea
Yeah no fortune cookie is not Asian.
Hm... truth is that we 'need' a way to keep sources for older miniatures that no longer would drop, so their prices do not go high the less they are after being dedicated.
They could just give for free the last year's one...
But they could make also all of them appear in lunar fortunes.
Hm... ok, I'l agree as long as the dog uses the skeleton of the Niang and the model of the Dog you can see in Shing Jea arena.
That way, people get for free the miniature of the year, and maybe the rest if they are lucky enough.
They could just give for free the last year's one...
But they could make also all of them appear in lunar fortunes.
Hm... ok, I'l agree as long as the dog uses the skeleton of the Niang and the model of the Dog you can see in Shing Jea arena.
That way, people get for free the miniature of the year, and maybe the rest if they are lucky enough.