Super lag out of no please
magi of the light
so i was in UW with a clear group then all of a sudden i start lagging very bad. i get to the point when i try running i just keep rubber banding back and forth and my skills wont activate. my ping was also 61k.
and so far it hasn't stopped. i tried just turning off my computer thinking it was my fualt then i took an hour break thinking it was server side. i checked the bad lag thread and none of those things helped.
the weird thing is everything else is running smooth like my internet explorer and my Vent. so yea please help a fellow out.
and so far it hasn't stopped. i tried just turning off my computer thinking it was my fualt then i took an hour break thinking it was server side. i checked the bad lag thread and none of those things helped.
the weird thing is everything else is running smooth like my internet explorer and my Vent. so yea please help a fellow out.
the kurzick eater
did you try to restart your modem? (might as well give it a try=/) also, go on your internet settings and check for problems, or run a virus scan.
i suggest checking running processes for internet usage...have found a process called pci32b.exe to be a trojan that was on my machine...this hogged a 1.5kb connection completely shutting down my network.
Maybay there was an instant hidden GW update which your computer couldn't take. Sorry I don't know how computers work, I just know how to use them.

magi of the light
ive already tried restarting my modem and reinstalling GW. checked the processes as well. i think its server side... but im starting to think its my computer. any other tips?
The lag is ridiculous today. I would almost guarantee it is not your computer that is causing the problem.
Nemo the Capitalist
bad for me too got a 105k spike FFS!
useless in ra
useless in ra
magi of the light
yea 2 other of my guildies are having the same problem and we all live in the eastcoast and have Comcast
My ping set a new personal (worst) record ... 78k

magi of the light
what state do you guys live in?
i live in PA with comcast and i have bad lag
I'm more laggy than normal and several people in my alliance are complaining about lag as well.
Hmm, I seem to be having similar issues as well. Currently in West Virginia using Comcast, or as some of my friends call it: Comcrap.
Personally, I've done some defragging on gw.dat. Reinstalled Guild Wars, restarted modem/router/whatchamacallit. Anyway, From what I'm understanding from personal statements, it might possibly be a comcast issue with Guild Wars in Our(Pa, Wv, etc) general area. I would hope, and suggest, just coming back tomorrow and pray(intentively) that everything will sort itself out.
Just my thoughts.
Edit: Found out that an alliance member in MD with Comcast is having latency issues as well. This may certaintly may be an area issue--of course I would expect to see many more complaints/people searching for an answer. All in due time, all in due time.
Personally, I've done some defragging on gw.dat. Reinstalled Guild Wars, restarted modem/router/whatchamacallit. Anyway, From what I'm understanding from personal statements, it might possibly be a comcast issue with Guild Wars in Our(Pa, Wv, etc) general area. I would hope, and suggest, just coming back tomorrow and pray(intentively) that everything will sort itself out.
Just my thoughts.
Edit: Found out that an alliance member in MD with Comcast is having latency issues as well. This may certaintly may be an area issue--of course I would expect to see many more complaints/people searching for an answer. All in due time, all in due time.
Does anyone know what protocol GW uses to send messages to the servers?
magi of the light
no i dont sorry. yea i think its east coast wide. and comcast...if its not fixed by tommorow might as well call them up. as to what id say o have no idea
Whispering Siren
Having the same problem. Absolutely horrible lag that is constant, worst I've had in 2.5 years of playing this game. Huge spikes, but even without the spikes, I've been rubberbanding for about 15 minutes now.
I've reset my modem and router, restarted computer, all the normal stuff.
Comcast, in Maryland. Grrr!
I've reset my modem and router, restarted computer, all the normal stuff.
Comcast, in Maryland. Grrr!
I just want to say this:
I highly doubt that its in an entire region--specifically our three adjacent states. I would expect many more people to be experiencing problems, and searching for Guru and posting. I've also done some Google search for other problems on different games, and I havn't found any. Plus, just the fact that I(we) are 'surfing' the web as it is. I would think that it would be a bigger issue than just running a video game.
It may indeed be a coincidence that we are all experiencing latency issues, but it may also regional. Please, if you're reading this and havn't posted your problems (if experiencing any) Go ahead and do so, it would really ease the souls of the few(or many) that are having trouble.
Heh, just had the brilliant idea to actually search comcast. I'll post an edit after some research there.
Edit: Which the idea was shortlived when I realized the onlyway to view help forums was to have an account--which the parents have, Not I. If someone else could check it out, that would be awesome. And don't forget to post something if the latency issues magically disappear! Heck, posting something saying you -don't- have any problems while in our three 'known' states would be helpful.
I highly doubt that its in an entire region--specifically our three adjacent states. I would expect many more people to be experiencing problems, and searching for Guru and posting. I've also done some Google search for other problems on different games, and I havn't found any. Plus, just the fact that I(we) are 'surfing' the web as it is. I would think that it would be a bigger issue than just running a video game.
It may indeed be a coincidence that we are all experiencing latency issues, but it may also regional. Please, if you're reading this and havn't posted your problems (if experiencing any) Go ahead and do so, it would really ease the souls of the few(or many) that are having trouble.
Heh, just had the brilliant idea to actually search comcast. I'll post an edit after some research there.
Edit: Which the idea was shortlived when I realized the onlyway to view help forums was to have an account--which the parents have, Not I. If someone else could check it out, that would be awesome. And don't forget to post something if the latency issues magically disappear! Heck, posting something saying you -don't- have any problems while in our three 'known' states would be helpful.
magi of the light
yea this is really a bummer. someone call comcast lolz
did a google. 'comcast lag' looks like there are quite a few others having probs.
outdated posts, but meh. not gonna wade thru them.
forgot..PA. here, and no lol I'm not on comcast, nor will I ever be.
outdated posts, but meh. not gonna wade thru them.
forgot..PA. here, and no lol I'm not on comcast, nor will I ever be.
magi of the light
seems like this has been going on for a while....
Fwiw, a friend and I went out to vanquish something today. I'd been playing for an hour or so before he arrived. I'd seen some rubberbanding, but it wasn't frequent. We went out together and my char would freeze for 10 sec. or so during each of the first couple fights, then start rubberbanding.
He was having similiar issues on his side. So we stopped.
I'm on the east coast, US, using Comcast. He's in Mexico, using ... no idea, but not Comcast.
It's either GW servers or a fairly large chunk of the internet going haywire today.
I had no such issues yesterday, day before, etc. I'm hopeful it will clear up by tomorrow.
He was having similiar issues on his side. So we stopped.
I'm on the east coast, US, using Comcast. He's in Mexico, using ... no idea, but not Comcast.
It's either GW servers or a fairly large chunk of the internet going haywire today.
I had no such issues yesterday, day before, etc. I'm hopeful it will clear up by tomorrow.
magi of the light
yea i really hope so aswell. SPAM A-Net time

only happens in GW though, ping is fine and stays fine in CoD 4
edit: did a traceroute, seems i am going from western PA to Ohio>DC>Atlanta>Dallas>vegas(i think)>LA>Austin
nice route i think....
edit 2: there is a stop right before the GW server that is failing, and the GW address is failing, so it is a Anet/NC soft problem
edit: did a traceroute, seems i am going from western PA to Ohio>DC>Atlanta>Dallas>vegas(i think)>LA>Austin
nice route i think....
edit 2: there is a stop right before the GW server that is failing, and the GW address is failing, so it is a Anet/NC soft problem
magi of the light
man im soo bored right now....(kinda sad actuly)
Whispering Siren
Well, it has progressed from lag to not being able to login to the servers at all. Any news from anyone else?
And while you're right, it may not be a Comcast issue, I believe something similar has happened with comcast before. I may be wrong, but I believe they blocked a port GW needed or something similar.
(That, and comcast generally sucks). Looking like it may be Anet servers though.
And while you're right, it may not be a Comcast issue, I believe something similar has happened with comcast before. I may be wrong, but I believe they blocked a port GW needed or something similar.
(That, and comcast generally sucks). Looking like it may be Anet servers though.
For me, it started with they merged the EU zones and has only gotten worse since then I heard that NCSoft installed a server farm in Texas just before this all started, I wonder if that may have anything to do with it. The introduction of GWEN has done nothing good for the lag. What was once mid 60s to 90s is now rarely under 300 and that is with an accelerator NIC.
I use CableOne; Boise Idaho.
I use CableOne; Boise Idaho.
I was in a DoA run and one friend lagged out, couldn't get back in. Then it happened to another. 2 others lost communication but were able to reconnect. Two others had major lagspikes.
Between the DoA run itself and Mallyx, one lost connection a couple times (one that had managed connecting back) and even at Mallyx, he lost it again.
On my side, doubt my ping went above 250 for the whole run. Found it weird that others were lagging like mad though...
Between the DoA run itself and Mallyx, one lost connection a couple times (one that had managed connecting back) and even at Mallyx, he lost it again.
On my side, doubt my ping went above 250 for the whole run. Found it weird that others were lagging like mad though...
I don't know if any of you keep up with the news or not, but for myself I noticed the lag the same day that I read about those undersea cables being cut in the Mediterranean. Most of the Middle East, parts of Asia, etc. are all extremely throttled or without Internet access. That being the case, since their main route of communications is cut they'll begin to funnel traffic through different routes. Think of it like a highway (har har information superhighway) - when one lane is closed down its traffic gets diverted elsewhere in order to 'get around' it. So what happens when we apply this to several roads of large size? We get one nasty traffic jam when everyone tries to use the same route. Requests to servers start taking so long they time out, people get ridiculous lag, etc.
Within one week there have been four of these cables cut, which I honestly don't think can be a coincidence. But conspiracy theories aside, if we're sharing the load from these other countries who are trying to use the Internet it would make sense that this lag issue is so widespread. Since this is apparently happening with several online games and not so much some other web applications (IM, browsing), perhaps the lag is due to the way gaming networks like to route traffic in order to connect players across the globe? If we happen to go through some of the same paths as this newly re-directed surge of traffic is trying to, our connection issues seem to make a bit more sense Like has already been pointed out, this is hardly a local phenomena and it is hardly restricted to Guild Wars, so there must be some kind of 'outside' influence on the situation. That's my take on it anyway. *shrugs*..sense.
Within one week there have been four of these cables cut, which I honestly don't think can be a coincidence. But conspiracy theories aside, if we're sharing the load from these other countries who are trying to use the Internet it would make sense that this lag issue is so widespread. Since this is apparently happening with several online games and not so much some other web applications (IM, browsing), perhaps the lag is due to the way gaming networks like to route traffic in order to connect players across the globe? If we happen to go through some of the same paths as this newly re-directed surge of traffic is trying to, our connection issues seem to make a bit more sense Like has already been pointed out, this is hardly a local phenomena and it is hardly restricted to Guild Wars, so there must be some kind of 'outside' influence on the situation. That's my take on it anyway. *shrugs*..sense.
magi of the light
ok well i logged on this morning and i seem to be doing fine aside from a few red pings here and there.
hopefully i just didint jinx it no!!
hopefully i just didint jinx it no!!
Mine seems to be all better today.
Well, it seems to have been shortlived. Latency seems to have vanished. The wonders of the internet.
Nice find Narada, I didn't know that. Learning about the world while Guild Wars is broken, for the win.
You know you've sold your soul when you won't do anything when Guild Wars is unplayable. Back to titleway for me. (Yay for HFFF -_-).
Conspiracy theory: Anet forced a mandatory break on all of us, thus the latency formed.
Anyway, thanks for the support, everyone. Hopefully the results are widespread, and not solely happening on a few individuals.
And, compliments again to Narada. Very interesting thoughts. Mucho gusto.
Nice find Narada, I didn't know that. Learning about the world while Guild Wars is broken, for the win.
You know you've sold your soul when you won't do anything when Guild Wars is unplayable. Back to titleway for me. (Yay for HFFF -_-).
Conspiracy theory: Anet forced a mandatory break on all of us, thus the latency formed.
Anyway, thanks for the support, everyone. Hopefully the results are widespread, and not solely happening on a few individuals.
And, compliments again to Narada. Very interesting thoughts. Mucho gusto.
Eon Ryax
Still lagging here. Been bad ever since two updates ago. Used to be able to run on full graph, whole nine yards, and now for a week or two, I'm lucky to be able to swing low graph w/o a lag-out. And I'm in the Midwest - ND. Getting a lot of the same complaints from other players out here as well.