How to do HM Rragar & Frostmaw with H/H ?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006




For some reason i have to do HM
Rragar's Menagerie & Frostmaw's Burrows with my hero

Q1:I have check monster's build it seem Frostmaw don't have damn relife
so if i don't consult how long time even only kill 1 once and use some consumables
Is it possible to complete HM Frostmaw's Burrows with H/H and is easyer than Rragar ?

Q2:Have any experienced can give me some tips or build to handle this 2 HM dungeon?

I have been seen the thread

TYVM for any suggestion


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Q1: Frostmaw's Burrows is far easier than Rragars. Monsters you have to worry about are:

- [wiki]Avalanche[/wiki]'s - on lvl 1 & early lvl 2.
- [wiki]Ice Imp[/wiki]'s
- [wiki]Chilling Wisp[/wiki]'s
- [wiki]Stormcloud Incubus[/wiki]'s
- [wiki]Mandragor[/wiki]'s - the huge groups at lvl 4 (i had 11 on one group).
- [wiki]Frostmaw Spawn[/wiki]'s

I'd take one hero Ranger/Mesmer with BHA, epidemic & pet. Give her some stances for self defense too & probably [wiki]throw dirt[/wiki], might have to micro-manage that dirt so she uses it on Wisps. You can use her to do most of the pulling & aggroing [wiki]Frost Wurm[/wiki]'s - so you don't pull more monsters by accident. Epidemic + those Norn warriors are actually pretty good until they start to get taken down later :P.

Sab's N/Rit healer can be a very good choice for 2nd hero as there will be lots of pressure on lvl 4. For the third, well anything you like. Perhaps a support paragon?. [wiki]Spiteful Spirit[/wiki] doesn't get alot of uses since things have to be taken down fast.

Take it slowly!. If the room ahead seems empty, it isn't empty there will be something either 7-9 stormclouds, boss or both. Watch out for mass-aggro it can happen even more easier on HM or so it seemed.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2007

Blade of Souls [BoS]


Both are completely doable with H/H, but you may want to take some consumables just in case. With Frostmaw use a tank to take aggro, with Rragar perfect your anti-Charr tactics before attempting it in Charr explorable areas (order that you take them down in, action against hard ressers, spread your team out etc.) Level 5 (where the end boss is) is by far the easiest level in Frostmaw btw.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


In Rragar's HM the main obstacle consists of charr mobs that have a Prophet, Dominator, 2 Fireshielders, some warriors and necros and/or rangers. The inability to spread out henches makes the nukers very dangerous - if either of them gets lucky all your henches will wipe in seconds. The best tactic is to flag herohench in a diamond formation with henches in the rearmost vertex and do as long a pull as possible (you may want to flag H+H away first and try out how far the mob is willing to come, then break aggro and set the herohench ready). While pulling, retreat in a zig-zag motion and try to incite Fireshielders to waste their Firestorms and Meteor Showers on you on the way to the henches. Lock your BHA ranger on the prophet and verify that the arrow hits (if not, retreat and try again). While the prophet is dazed gank the dominator. After that kill the prophet, then fireshielders, then necros if any, then warriors and rangers. If at any point your defenses are starting to buckle retreat immediately to avoid a party wipe.

On the second floor be very cautious of Fleshreaver Harrowers, their Spirit Rift will rip your herohenches a new one if it hits. The Reaver boss has several of them in her mob, stay on the move and spike one at a time. All else failing feed them Pain Inverter and sacrifice herohench for instakill. You can avoid most mobs on the second level, so pick your fights wisely. Rragar and his minion are not particularly troublesome, flag squishies behind the big rock and kill Rragar first, then Hidesplitter.

In Frostmaw's try to avoid multiple aggro as much as possible. Although a seemingly trivial objective, it is made much harder by the number of popups. Best way to prepare is to do the dungeon first in NM to get feeling of the spawns. Always scout ahead with one character (with H+H usually yourself). Some hard areas that I remember are the huge incubus mob at the end of level 1 (or 2?, haven't done it for a while) and the beginning of level 3? with several patrolling mobs and hidden wurms, with a possibility of rez shrine camp. The final level is pretty trivial, go through the hidden area and once Frostmaw is triggered retreat to the entrance so that the stationary wurms can't hit you.

Both dungeons are only moderately hard to H+H since you have always the option to zerg through with enough tenacity, consumables and Pain Inverter, in contrast to something like Vloxen Excavations HM where - if you don't have what it takes - you'll be stonewalled indefinitely.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Quest Of Ages

Rragar's HM can be done with Sab's necro MM and Healer plus a water ele (with ward against harm, stability and a short frozen soil), henchies, and ursan. With FS you can go right for the prophet and not worry about the dominator. With WAH and stability you dont worry about the fireshielders ganking your backline. Before engaging the first group of charr, slowly spawn some popup fleshreavers up top for some minion goodness. Oh and don't forget to bring some treats for blobby, he's a helpful little mesmer. Once you make it past that very first group of charr, the rest shouldn't be too hard.

Frostmaw HM with henchies is another story. I think this pretty difficult to accomplish this with H/H without the constant use of consumables, which almost turns it into NM. I'd be tempted to try a strategy using more than 3 full healers since you have the norn with you for damage. Certainly excellent hex control is a must, I'd be tempted to have all heroes carry inspired hex. Dryders defenses or save yourselves might help out against the incubus and chromatics.

If anyone has done Frostmaw HM with Hench & Heroes but without consumables, I'd love to see that screen shot and build!


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Even though it's annoying to have to travel to it, I thought as far as the actual dungeon itself is concerned, rragar's was quite easy. The only parts that gave much trouble were the large groups of fleshweavers, but if you agro well it's not much trouble. The boss fight is a joke since you can just hide your hench behind the rock and hidesplitter will never hit them. While he spams attacks into the rock just kill rrgar.

Gen Saver

Gen Saver

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Banished Dragons (BaD)


Did both of them in HM with H/H yesterday & today.

I took 3 Necro hero's (SS,MM,N/Rt healer) + 2 monk henchies, illusion magic & interrupt henchie. I went Fire ele with ursan & pain inverter

i didn't use consumables (apart from wintergreen candy canes on myself)

i took the charr groups down by casting meteor shower on dominator (he got res), pain inverter on one of the ele's, finish the healers/dominator with ursan.

Frostmaw was just pushing my way true, everybody 60% dp except myself but made it eventually, pain inverter hurts the wurms pretty much if you cast it right away, just don't aggro more than one group here like said above.